This is a basic script, that use 2 of your accounts and makes trades to boost 'Trades Done' on your Steam Profile.
For you to get started you need the following
NPM Package Installer
Two Steam Accounts
The Two Identity Secret
The Two Shared Secret
First off get your Identity Secrets and Shared Secrets. You can watch this video: [SDA/WinAuth works the same]
1) Download and extract the folder to your desktop
2) Open a prompt and type:
npm install steam-user steam-totp steamcommunity steam-tradeoffer-manager chalk chalk-animation gradient-string
3) Open account1.js and edit with your infos [Lines: 25,26,27,49,60,109]
4) Open account2.js and edit with your infos [Lines: 25,26,27,52,63,112]
Just start "StartAccount1.bat" and "StartAccount2.bat" at the same time
-Account 1 send items to Account 2, After X minutes Account 2 send the whole inventory back to Account 1
-Accounts use steam items [backgrounds, emoticons, cards] can easily change it
⚠️ Never share your steam logs/shared secret/identity secret with anyone ⚠️
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