This is the result of discussion between Sam and Daniel on 20/10/2017 about the future of the newsletter.
The structure of every newsletter will be:
- opening remark
- news
(2/3 of below)
recent event recap + photos
spotlight on a process/event/call for help
interview w/ organiser or member (more personable tone)
spotlight on a sponsor
footer with media links (facebook, twitter, email, etc.), unsubscribe link, and feedback link
general notes/ideas:
- opening remark -> should set tone as friendly and warm, could mention member running counts at milestones, variety is key here
- in order to keep people interested and not repeat sections, we'll just spotlight on a particular process/event/call for help, for example the buddy scheme, lunch & code, the welfare scheme
- we'll also put a 300-600 word interview with a particular member or organiser about what they're up to/a project they're working on/etc.
- there shouldn't be static sections that are repeated in every newsletter, these should be featured on the website, or in the spotlight on process/event section
- future spotlighted content can be planned by creating drafts a few months in advance of a newsletter going out
- social media should but included as icons in the footer of the newsletter
- have a feedback form
- the newsletters will be generated with a built script from html template files which will also output a plaintext only version