Releases: py-pdf/pypdf
Releases · py-pdf/pypdf
Version 3.2.1, 2023-01-08
What's Changed
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- Accept hierarchical fields (#1529) by @pubpub-zz
Documentation (DOC)
- Use google style docstrings (#1534)
- Fix linked markdown documents (#1537) by @abyesilyurt
Developer Experience (DEV)
- Update docs config (#1535)
Version 3.2.0, 2022-12-31
What's Changed
Performance Improvement (PI)
- Help the specializing adpative interpreter (#1522)
New Features (ENH)
- Add support for page labels (#1519)
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- upgrade clone_document_root (#1520) by @pubpub-zz
- DOC: Fix migration guide link by @abyesilyurt in #1516
- MAINT: Minor Improvements by @robbiebusinessacc in #1523
New Contributors
- @abyesilyurt made their first contribution in #1516
- @robbiebusinessacc made their first contribution in #1523
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0
Version 3.1.0, 2022-12-23
What's Changed
Move PyPDF2 to pypdf (#1513). This now it's all lowercase, no number in the
name. For installation and for import. PyPDF2 will no longer receive updates.
The community should move back to its roots (pydf).
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.1.0
Version 3.0.0, 2022-12-22
What's Changed
New Features (ENH)
- Add Cloning (#1371) by @pubpub-zz
- Allow int for indirect_reference in PdfWriter.get_object (#1490)
Documentation (DOC)
- How to read PDFs from S3 (#1509)
- Make MyST parse all links as simple hyperlinks (#1506) by @mbromet
- Changed 'latest' for 'stable' generated docs (#1495) by @olsonperrensen
- Adjust deprecation procedure (#1487)
Maintenance (MAINT)
New Contributors
- @olsonperrensen made their first contribution in #1495
- @thehale made their first contribution in #1498
- @mbromet made their first contribution in #1506
Full Changelog: 2.12.1...3.0.0
Version 2.12.1, 2022-12-10
What's Changed
Documentation (DOC)
Maintenance (MAINT)
Consistency changes:
- indirect_ref/ido ➔ indirect_reference, dest➔ page_destination (#1467) by @kygoben
- owner_pwd/user_pwd ➔ owner_password/user_password (#1483)
- position ➜ page_number in Merger.merge (#1482) by @Infus3d
- indirect_ref ➜ indirect_reference (#1484)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.12.0...2.12.1
Version 2.12.0, 2022-12-10
What's Changed
Version 2.12.0, 2022-12-10
New Features (ENH)
- Add support to extract gray scale images (#1460) by @joeywang4
- Make PdfReader.get_object accept integer arguments (#1459) by @pubpub-zz
- Add 'threads' property to PdfWriter (#1458) by @pubpub-zz
- Add 'open_destination' property to PdfWriter (#1431) by @pubpub-zz
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- Scale PDF annotations (#1479) by @joshhendo
Robustness (ROB)
- Padding issue with AES encryption (#1469)
- Accept empty object as null objects (#1477) by @pubpub-zz
Documentation (DOC)
- Add module documentation the PaperSize class (#1447) by @MagnumBarrage
Maintenance (MAINT)
- Use 'page_number' instead of 'pagenum' (#1365)
- Add List of pages to PageRangeSpec (#1456) by @pubpub-zz
Testing (TST)
- Cleanup temporary files (#1454) by @pubpub-zz
- Mark test_tounicode_is_identity as external (#1449) by @heirecka
- Use Ubuntu 20.04 for running CI test suite (#1452) by @MasterOdin
New Contributors
- @heirecka made their first contribution in #1449
- @MagnumBarrage made their first contribution in #1447
- @joeywang4 made their first contribution in #1460
- @joshhendo made their first contribution in #1479
Full Changelog: 2.11.2...2.12.0
Version 2.11.2, 2022-11-20
What's Changed
New Features (ENH)
- Add remove_from_tree (#1432) by @pubpub-zz
- Add AnnotationBuilder.rectangle (#1388)
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- JavaScript executed twice (#1439) by @pubpub-zz
- ToUnicode stores /Identity-H instead of stream (#1433) by @pubpub-zz
- Declare Pillow as optional dependency (#1392)
Developer Experience (DEV)
- Link 'Full Changelog' automatically
- Modify read_string_from_stream to a benchmark (#1415)
- Improve error reporting of read_object (#1412) by @pubpub-zz
- Test Python 3.11 (#1404)
- Extend Flake8 ignore list (#1410)
- Use correct pytest markers (#1407)
- Move project configuration to pyproject.toml (#1382) by @singingwolfboy
Documentation (DOC)
- Fix typos in by @amyreyespdx in #1419
- Typos in PDF format documentation by @pavlidvg in #1438
New Contributors
- @singingwolfboy made their first contribution in #1391
- @amyreyespdx made their first contribution in #1419
- @pavlidvg made their first contribution in #1438
Full Changelog: 2.11.1...2.11.2
Version 2.11.1, 2022-10-09
What's Changed
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- td matrix (#1373) by @srogmann
- Cope with cmap from #1322 (#1372) by @pubpub-zz
Robustness (ROB)
- Cope with str returned from get_data in cmap (#1380) by @pubpub-zz
Documentation (DOC)
- Remove watermark PageObject declaration as it is already present inside for-loop (#1384) by @cs2sandeep
New Contributors
- @cs2sandeep made their first contribution in #1384
Full Changelog: 2.11.0...2.11.1
Version 2.11.0, 2022-09-25
What's Changed
New Features (ENH):
- Addition of optional visitor-functions in extract_text() (#1252) by @srogmann
- Add PageObject.images attribute (#1330) by @MartinThoma
- Add metadata.creation_date and modification_date (#1364) by @MartinThoma
Bug Fixes (BUG):
- Lookup index in _xobj_to_image can be ByteStringObject (#1366)
- 'IndexError: index out of range' when using extract_text (#1361)
- Errors in transfer_rotation_to_content() (#1356) by @pubpub-zz
Robustness (ROB):
- Ensure update_page_form_field_values does not fail if no fields (#1346) by @pubpub-zz
Testing (TST):
- read_string_from_stream performance (#1355) by ### @mergezalot
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.10.9...2.11.0
What's Changed
New Features (ENH)
- Add rotation property and transfer_rotate_to_content (#1348) by @pubpub-zz
Performance Improvements (PI)
- Avoid string concatenation with large embedded base64-encoded images (#1350) by @mergezalot
Bug Fixes (BUG)
- Format floats using their intrinsic decimal precision (#1267) by @programmarchy
Robustness (ROB)
- Fix merge_page for pages without resources (#1349) by @pubpub-zz
New Contributors
- @mergezalot made their first contribution in #1350
- @programmarchy made their first contribution in #1267
Full Changelog: 2.10.8...2.10.9