pxc commands have the following structure which is based on the gcloud/pxctl style:
A component is an optional service provided by Portworx. Like central,
backup, DR, etc. A component can have [GROUP] [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
This method is used by most CLIs and it may benefit supporting plugins in future releases.
For a component example see pxc-component-example
# central as the component
pxc central login
# operator as the component
pxc operator version
Some components may have sub-components or groups as a way of grouping commands for a certain task. Groups can have groups, commands/verbs, or options.
# cluster is the group
pxc central cluster list
Commands or verbs take options as flags and they are the actions on an object.
# login is the command
pxc central login
# status is the command
pxc operator status -o=yaml
# set-cluster is the command
pxc config set-cluster --endpoint=...
Some current applications may already be using the Kubernetes style:
These applications may still need to use this model to avoid confusing current users.