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90 lines (62 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (62 loc) · 3.71 KB


Wrapper script/code to interact with mintable. I use this as part of my personal HPI modules


  • mintable (npm install -g mintable)
  • whiptail (typically installable as newt or libnewt)
  • figlet
  • bash 4.0+
  • python 3.7+

I use plaid to get the account information, and export those to local CSV files.

./mint setup prompts me to setup any accounts, and sets up a git-tracked data directory for my account balances/transactions.

For the csv-export-setup step of ./mint setup, where <THIS_DIR> is the absolute path to this repo on my file system; I enter: /home/username/data/mint/transactions.csv and /home/username/data/mint/data/balances.csv. Then, should set MINT_DATA="${HOME}/data/mint" to point the python code at that as your data source.

After ./mint fetch, if the data directory has untracked changes, it adds a commit to the local git repo, so that I never lose any of the data, when plaid stops returning old transactions.

I run ./mint fetch is run in the background once every few hours

budget contains python to read/process the transactions. It uses the git history to create snapshots of the account balances, so all changes to any of my accounts are timestamped and I can look at and graph my assets over time.

This isn't a drop-in replacement for some general budgeting system, it has the features that I want. I split private/public parts into optional importable modules, but, If anyone wants to use this, would probably require you to edit the python to fit your needs.


  • parses all of the data from mintable
  • can parse the additional, manually edited transactions/balances files; includes TUIs to edit manually tracked balances
  • loads all the balance snapshots/transactions into memory (using git history to find possibly overwritten ones) and drops you into IPython
  • cleans up transaction data; has patterns to fix transaction names/sort into meta-categories


  • has a account/transaction summary, summarizes spending categories over a couple time periods
  • uses the git history to create a graph of account balances over time, removing outliers that might have occurred because of account transfers.

To install as an editable package (so changes to the code/filters/transforms immediately update):

git clone && cd ./mint/budget
pip install -e .
python3 -m budget
Usage: budget [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Interact with my budget!

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  accounts     Show a summary/graph of the current/past accounts balances
  edit-manual  Edit the manual balances file
  summary      Prints a summary of current accounts/recent transactions

Requires you to set the MINT_DATA environment variable to the git-tracked data directory (./mint defaults to using ./data)

Shorthands I add to my shell config:

# (~/Repos/mint is where I keep the cloned dir)
export MINT_DATA="${HOME}/data/mint"
alias budget-history='python3 -m budget accounts --graph'
# to edit the account/transaction map information
alias 'budget-config=fd -IH --full-path $REPOS/mint | fzf | xargs -r -I {} editor {}'

budget summary emits markdown tables/formatting, so it can be used nicely with a terminal markdown viewer like glow:

# ( defined in my aliases/functions file )
budget-summary() {
  if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    python3 -m budget summary | glow -
    python3 -m budget summary "$@"