WIP Opensource desktop application for Kenobi.
Download the Apple Watch app to get started.
What is this repo?
It's repo for the opensource version of Kenobi desktop app which works on Windows, Linux along side MacOS.
To help others who are struggling with writing code that commnunicates with between desktop <=> iOS Devices
It is not limited to iOS devices (can be expanded to PWA, Android apps and even desktop apps)
Websockets! Desktop Application acts as a websocket server which is then connected to via client.
The client then sends commands to the server and the server acts upon it.
Media Playback
- Increase / Decrease volume
- Pause / Play media
- Forward / Rewind media
- Toggle Mute
- Exit full screen
Keyboard control
- Up arrow
- Down arrow
- Right arrow
- Left arrow
- Space
- Return (Enter) key
Trackpad Support
- Move the cursor on the desktop by simply interacting with watch Screen.
Ping Desktop
- Play a ping noise
- Say "Hello There! General Kenobi!"
- Rickroll: Plays This beauty
Power options
- Log out
- Sleep
- Restart
- Power off
Launch apps
- MacOS
- FaceTime, Messages, Mail, Music, Notes, Safari, System Pref, Apple TV, Youtube
- Windows / Linux
- MacOS
The opensource desktop app is CLI based for now keeping it's resource usage as minimum as possible.