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Udacity C++ Nanodegree program - Concurrency lab

❗ Spoiler alert! This repo shows the solution to the tasks you are supposed to solve in the lab.

Here is the final project starter code.


Dependencies for Running Locally

  • cmake >= 2.8 All OSes: click here for installation instructions
  • make >= 4.1 (Linux, Mac), 3.81 (Windows) Linux: make is installed by default on most Linux distros Mac: install Xcode command line tools to get make Windows: Click here for installation instructions OpenCV >= 4.1
  • The OpenCV 4.1.0 source code can be found here gcc/g++ >= 5.4 Linux: gcc / g++ is installed by default on most Linux distros Mac: same deal as make - install Xcode command line tools Windows: recommend using MinGW


Task L2.1

In method Vehicle::drive(), start up a task using std::async which takes a reference to the method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue, the object _currDestination and a shared pointer to this using the get_shared_this() function. Then, wait for the data to be available before proceeding to slow down.

Solution L2.1:

std::future<void> ftr = std::async(&Intersection::addVehicleToQueue, _currDestination, this->shared_from_this());

Task L2.2

In method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue(), add the new vehicle to the waiting line by creating a promise, a corresponding future and then adding both to _waitingVehicles. Then wait until the vehicle has been granted entry.


void Intersection::addVehicleToQueue(std::shared_ptr<Vehicle> vehicle)
    //std::cout removed everywhere
    std::promise<void> promise;
    std::future<void> future = promise.get_future();
    _waitingVehicles.pushBack(vehicle, std::move(promise));

Task L2.3

In method WaitingVehicles::permitEntryToFirstInQueue(), get the entries from the front of _promises and _vehicles. Then, fulfill promise and send signal back that permission to enter has been granted. Finally, remove the front elements from both queues.


// In Vehicle::drive()

Task L3.1

In class WaitingVehicles, safeguard all accesses to the private members _vehicles and _promises with an appropriate locking mechanism, that will not cause a deadlock situation where access to the resources is accidentally blocked.


Implement a unique_lock<std::mutex> in all pubvlic members where resources are accessed:

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);

Task L3.2

Add a static mutex to the base class TrafficObject (called _mtxCout) and properly instantiate it in the source file. This mutex will be used in the next task to protect standard-out.


td::mutex TrafficObject::_mtxCout;

Task L3.3

In method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue and in Vehicle::drive() ensure that the text output locks the console as a shared resource. Use the mutex _mtxCout you have added to the base class TrafficObject in the previous task. Make sure that in between the two calls to std::cout at the beginning and at the end of addVehicleToQueue the lock is not held.


void Intersection::addVehicleToQueue(std::shared_ptr<Vehicle> vehicle)
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(_mtxCout);
    std::cout << "Intersection #" << _id << "::addVehicleToQueue: thread id = " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
    std::promise<void> promise;
    std::future<void> future = promise.get_future();
    _waitingVehicles.pushBack(vehicle, std::move(promise));
    std::cout << "Intersection #" << _id << ": Vehicle #" << vehicle->getID() << " is granted entry." << std::endl;