PHP Library layer for API Advertisement services of Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords
- APIAdLib Project Blog (russian)
- Contributors: pshentsoff
- Donate link
- Tags: APIAdLib, AMS, Yandex.Direct, Google.AdWords
- Author: pshentsoff
- Author's homepage
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0
- License URI:
- APIAdLibTeam/APIAdLib PUBLIC git repo
- Issues tracker of APIAdLib Team projects: APIAdLibTeam/APIAdLib Public Issue Tracker
- AdWorks/APIAdLib PRIVATE git repo
- Issues tracker of AdWorks Team projects: AdWorks/APIAdLib Private Issue Tracker
- Google AdWords API documentation
- [Google AdWords API PHPDoc] ( "Google AdWords API PHPDoc")
- Google AdWords account limits
- Google AdWords: Using OAuth 2.0
- APIAdLib Project Blog (russian)
- [Yandex.Direct API Help] ( "Yandex.Direct API Help")
- [AdWords API Forum] (!forum/adwords-api "AdWords API Forum")
- Yandex Direct OAuth 2.0
- Yandex Direct some updates
- Google AdWords (GAW) v201406 included
- New zero-layer class as base for AdWords wrappers
- Campaign, AdGroup, AdGroupAd, AdGroupBidModifier class-wrappers
This version(s) is not compatible with 0.4.x versions.
- AdWordsCampaignExt fields and methods are rewrited.
- Other class wrappers
- Google AdWords (GAW) v201402 included
- AdWordsCampaignExt
- AdWordsEnums.php functions
- Google AdWords (GAW) v201309 included
- Google AdWords (GAW) v201306 included
- apiadlib.init.php - common library include file
- update GAW sample ini files
- update GAW Lib
- update GAW Util
- old GAW versions cleanup
- update GAW Common/Util, GAW Common/Lib
- AdWorks/APIAdLib/Issue #2 resolved
- check_oauth2_errors() function with print relevant message if exception occurs
- YDirectUtils
- YDirectSoapClientFactory - factory now works with undefined method calls, but without arguments. Later make it more compatible with GAW library.
- User->__call() - corrected.
- YDirectSoapClientFactory can calls undefined functions, but without arguments
passed (see sample /apiadlib/Samples/yd-libext-usercall-check1.php).
BUG: 13.05.2012 14:40:23 Some result arrays needs to reset (as GetClientsUnits())
TODO: - 13.05.2012 11:23:03 Write analog of yd-common-check sample & checks ads systems but apiadlib based.
- 05.04.2012 17:32:54 YD: accept only ns1:API - functions and parameters, others ENV append automaticaly.
- 06.04.2012 13:45:05 XML accepted params needs to uniqually extends GAW
- 12.05.2012 13:39:23 correct work with logs at YDirectUserExt: protected 'defaultLogsDir' => string 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\apiadlib\YDirectExt\Lib' (length=52) protected 'logsRelativePathBase' => string 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\apiadlib\YDirectExt\Lib' (length=52)
- 12.05.2012 15:11:39 YDirectSoapClientFactory undefined calls must process with arguments too.
- Ext library extensions added. Recommends to use more flexible and usable 'Ext' extensions of library classes. Ext extensions oriented to work with XML data exchange with ads services.
- UserExt extends User classes:
- authentication data and settings now can be passed as XML file or XML data.
- they can be passed as parametred arrays too.
- previous variant with INI file also acceptable.
- Exception extends Exception. Ext now throwing exceptions if errors occurs.
- Added common library static constants include file
- Some constant parameters moved to constants include file
- Added some usefull functions to new library file
- Changed some scopes at YDirect classes
- changed APIAdLibAutoload class - now it simply scans all 'known' for classes directories, not only 'Lib' paths: easy way to load any class in library.
- added file for using library in Drupal as external library (now not only as AMS branch, and this file only as start)
- all AMS branches removed due to restructurization
- added work samples:
- yd-lib-soap-check1.php
- yd-lib-auto-soap-check1.php
- spl_autoload class added: class APIAdLibAutoload (apiadlib.autoload.php)
- first dev branch on github.
- PHP #### version >= 5.2 required
- GAW & Common Library stay unchanged, full functional.
- Main development is in Yandex.Direct direction. Minimum functionality:
- Main classes released:
- Lib/YDirectUser
- Lib/YDirectSoapClient
- Lib/YDirectSoapClientFactory
- Util/YDirectReportUtils
- Main classes released:
- path to auth.ini sends as param to YDirectUser class constructor
- support of sandbox for Yandex.Direct #### version v4 (#### version live not tested)
- support of SOAP+OAUTH Yandex.Direct #### version v4 (#### version live not tested)