Error corrections / new IDF 5 events
Activate SPP (Serial protocol) only on request
Fix set_volume being pure on A2DPNoVolumeControl; Added missing overrides
Prefer get_peer_name() over get_connected_source_name() for A2DPSink
Correct bug in set_local_name() for A2DPSource
Correct compile error in bt_music_sender_disconnect.ino example
Provide get_name() to both A2DPSink and A2DPSource
Added Serial.begin() to bt_music_sender_disconnect.ino example
New BluetoothA2DPSource example: status callback
BluetoothA2DPSource add lost process_user_state_callbacks
BluetoothA2DPSource: Unhandled events change from from Error to Warning
Provide compile option A2DP_I2S_SUPPORT to deactivate I2S
Prefer get_peer_name() over get_connected_source_name()
Adding option to specify device name with set_local_name()
Support for new IDF 5 events
Prevent compile error for ESP_BT_GAP_ACL_CONN_CMPL_STAT_EVT before idf 4.4.4
Changed the default setting, so that there is not automatic reconnect!
You can’t perform that action at this time.