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Docker Logs Streamer

This project is a web application for real-time streaming, searching, and filtering of logs from a live Docker container. The application streams live logs from a container, stores them in MongoDB Atlas, and provides a user-friendly interface to search and filter logs by timestamp.


  • Real-time Log Streaming: Continuously streams logs from a Docker container and displays them on the frontend.
  • Search Logs: Allows users to search logs using a specific keyword or phrase.
  • Filter by Timestamp: Enables users to filter logs based on a date and time range.
  • MongoDB Atlas Integration: Stores streamed logs in MongoDB for persistent storage and querying.

Technologies Used


  • React.js
    • Components:
      • LiveLogs: Displays live logs and results.
      • SearchLogs: Provides a search bar to query logs.
      • FilterLogs: Allows filtering of logs by timestamp.
  • WebSocket for real-time log streaming.
  • REST API for search and filter functionalities.


  • Node.js with Express.js
  • WebSocket for live log streaming.
  • MongoDB Atlas for log storage.
  • Mongoose for MongoDB interaction.

Folder Structure


|-- components
|   |-- LogViewer.js       # Main component combining live logs, search, and filter
|   |-- LiveLogs.js        # Displays log entries
|   |-- SearchLogs.js      # Handles search functionality
|   |-- FilterLogs.js      # Handles filter functionality
|-- services
|   |-- api.js             # API calls for search and filter
|-- App.js                 # Main application entry


│-- config
│   │-- db.js                # MongoDB connection setup
│-- models
│   │-- Log.js               # Mongoose schema and model for logs
│-- routes
│   │-- search.js            # Search logs API route
│   │-- filter.js            # Filter logs API route
│-- services
│   │-- dockerLogs.js        # Docker log streaming logic
│-- utils
│   │-- env.js               # Utility to load environment variables
│-- .env                     # Environment variables file (MongoDB URI, etc.)
│-- .gitignore               # Git ignore file to exclude sensitive files
│-- index.js                 # Main application entry point
│-- package.json             # Node.js project metadata and dependencies
│-- package-lock.json        # Dependency lockfile

Setup Instructions


  • Docker installed and running.
  • Node.js and npm installed.
  • MongoDB Atlas account with a connection string.
  • A Docker container to stream logs from (example: an nginx container).

Backend Setup

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_folder>/backend
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure MongoDB:

    • Replace your_mongodb_atlas_connection_string in index.js with your MongoDB Atlas connection string.
  4. Start the backend:

    node index.js

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend folder:

    cd <repository_folder>/frontend
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the React development server:

    npm start
  4. Open your browser and navigate to:


Running the Application

  1. Ensure your Docker container is running. Replace log-container in the backend with your container name.
    docker run --name log-container -d <image_name>
  2. Start the backend and frontend servers as described above.
  3. Use the application to view live logs, search logs, and filter logs by timestamp.


Feel free to contribute by submitting issues or pull requests. Follow the GitHub Flow for contributions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy Logging!