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Welcome to the Proximi.io React Native Mapbox Library, this library provides indoor positioning support for both IOS and Android Mapbox implementations.
Current public version is: 5.2.16
Installation is managed by npm, the library provides autolinking methods to simplify the platform integration.
Run the following inside the project folder to install the library:
npm install https://github.com/proximiio/react-native-proximiio-mapbox
After the installation is finished, enter the ios directory and run pod install
cd ios
pod install
For android make sure to set minSdk to 24 in build.gradle
The library needs to be authenticated at first, in your application you should call the authorize method, once per app start, ideally in componentDidMount method or inside useEffect(() => {}, []) if you prefer functional components. After authorization is successfuly finished, you can subscribe to various events or fetch data from Proximi.io Mapbox SDK.
This repository contains also an example application showcasing the implementation in simple form.
import * as React from 'react';
import MapboxGL from "@react-native-mapbox-gl/maps";
import Proximiio, {
ProximiioContextProvider, ProximiioEvents, ProximiioLocation
} from 'react-native-proximiio';
import ProximiioMapbox, { UserLocationSource, AmenitySource, GeoJSONSource, RoutingSource } from 'react-native-proximiio-mapbox';
import { Text, Button, View } from 'react-native';
interface Props {
interface State {
coordinates: number[],
mapLoaded: boolean,
mapLevel: number,
proximiioReady: boolean
export default class App extends React.Component<Props, State> {
_map : MapboxGL.MapView | null = null
_camera: MapboxGL.Camera | null = null
state = {
coordinates: [ 25.22717761, 55.32300908 ],
mapLoaded: false,
mapLevel: 0,
proximiioReady: false
componentDidMount() {
async initProximiio() {
await Proximiio.authorize(TOKEN)
await ProximiioMapbox.authorize(TOKEN)
Proximiio.subscribe(ProximiioEvents.PositionUpdated, (location: ProximiioLocation) => {
centerCoordinate: [location.lng, location.lat],
animationDuration: 2000,
this.setState({ proximiioReady: true })
render() {
if (!this.state.proximiioReady ) {
return <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
return (<React.Fragment>
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
ref={(map: MapboxGL.MapView) => (this._map = map)}
style={{flex: 1}}
ref={(camera: MapboxGL.Camera) => {
this._camera = camera;
centerCoordinate: settings.map.coordinates,
heading: settings.map.heading,
pitch: settings.map.pitch,
zoomLevel: settings.map.zoom,
<MapboxGL.Images images={images} />
{this.state.mapLoaded && (
<AmenitySource />
<GeoJSONSource level={this.props.level} onPress={this.onPress} />
<RoutingSource level={this.props.level} />
<UserLocationSource visible={true} showHeadingIndicator={true} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
buttons: {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 100,
right: 20,
top: 100,
width: 150,
height: 140,
backgroundColor: 'white'
this compoment provides Proximi.io amenities support (icons), its required to include this source to automatically manage images for POIs and other GeoJSON points
provides Proximi.io GeoJSON data and styling
GeoJSONSourceProps {
level: number // filters features for level that is shown on map
filter?: (Feature: Feature) => boolean // filter features using custom filter function
onPress?: (features: Feature[]) => void; // tap action trigger for geojson data, see note
ignoreLayers?: string[] // optional array of layer ids to set invisible
note: onPress action features attribute contains all features at the coordinates where the tap action occured, those should be further filtered based on your usecase, eg. const points = features.filter((f) => f.isPoi);
provides Proximi.io Routing data & styling
RoutingSourceProps {
level: number // filters features for level that is shown on map
showSymbols?: boolean // enables start & target symbols visibility on top of routing line
startImage?: string // custom image - see note below
targetImage?: string // custom image - see note below
directionImage?: string // custom image repeated on top of routing line- see note below
symbolLayerStyle?: SymbolLayerStyle (https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/docs/SymbolLayer.md)
lineSymbolLayerStyle?: SymbolLayerStyle (https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/docs/SymbolLayer.md)
aboveLayerID?: string // places routing layers above specified layer
dotted?: boolean // use dotted symbol routing line
dottedLineStyle?: SymbolLayerStyle // custom styling for dotted line symbol
completedStyle?: LineLayerStyle // custom styling for completed part of route
remainingStyle?: LineLayerStyle // custom styling for remaining part of route
note: Image should be represented by amenity id or the reference name of the image loaded via MapboxGL.Images (https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/docs/Images.md)
example with require images from project folder:
const images = {
routeStart: require('./assets/icons8-marker-a-50.png'),
routeTarget: require('./assets/icons8-marker-b-50.png'),
routeDirection: require('./assets/direction.png')
// routeStart, routeTarget, routeDirection are the reference image names in this case
...inside <MapboxGL.Camera> object...
<MapboxGL.Images images={images}/>
provides user location point and accuracy circle
UserLocationSourceProps {
level: number // filters features for level that is shown on map
onAccuracyChanged?: (accuracy: number) => void; // optional callback called on accuracy change
onHeadingChanged?: (heading: number) => void; // optional callback called on heading change
headingStyle?: SymbolLayerStyle // optional custom styling for heading symbol
markerOuterRingStyle?: CircleLayerStyle // optional custom styling for marker outer ring
markerMiddleRingStyle?: CircleLayerStyle // optional custom styling for marker middle ring
markerInnerRingStyle?: CircleLayerStyle // optional custom styling for marker inner ring
showHeadingIndicator?: boolean // heading indicator toggle
visible?: boolean // user location layers visibility toggle
authorizes Proximi.io Mapbox SDK, also enables styleURL property
provides authorized url for Proximi.io Mapbox Style
returns loaded state of the Proximi.io Mapbox library
returns all available amenity objects
returns all available feature objects
Our RoutingSource minimizes the effort to implement the routing in your application. Depending on your usecase, you can call one of the route.find methods and after the user is finished with the navigation, call the routeCancel method.
Basic building block of routing is the configuration object that you pass to route methods:
type ProximiioRouteConfiguration = {
startFeatureId?: String; // optional feature id as route starting point
startLatLonLevel?: Number[]; // optional starting point specified by latitude, longitude and level values
destinationFeatureId?: String; // optional feature id as route destination point
destinationLatLonLevel?: Number[]; // optional destination point specified by latitude, longitude and level values
destinationTitle?: String | undefined; // optional title for route destination
waypointFeatureIdList?: String[][]; // array of waypoints specified by feature ids
wayfindingOptions?: ProximiioWayfindingOptions; // optional wayfinding options object
type ProximiioWayfindingOptions = {
avoidBarriers?: boolean;
avoidElevators?: boolean;
avoidEscalators?: boolean;
avoidNarrowPaths?: boolean;
avoidRamps?: boolean;
avoidRevolvingDoors?: boolean;
avoidStaircases?: boolean;
avoidTicketGates?: boolean;
pathFixDistance?: number;
If "startFeatureId" or "startLatLonLevel" are not specified, last known user position will be used as starting point. Either "destinationFeatureId" or "destinationLatLonLevel" must be specified. "wayfindingOptions" default to false for all boolean values and 1.0 for pathFixDistance.
Use this method to calculate route info, useful for feature lists showing distance or travel time.
Find route to navigate on, but do not start navigation or preview on map.
Find route to navigate on, but do not start navigation, only preview it on map.
Find route to navigate on, and immediately start navigation.
Preview route on map. Returns true if route preview was enabled.
Start prepared route (if one of the routeFind* methods was called before and route was successfully found).
Stops current navigation, or route preview (removes the path from map).
configure unit that should be used for guidance (please make sure you have defined this unit in guidance translations in editor)
set distance before a change in direction when the instruction should be considered 'immediate'
set distance before a change in direction when the instruction should be considered comming 'soon' and possibly warn the user about upcoming event
set a threshold which regulates how far from a destination user must be to be considered he arrived,
enable rerouting if the user strays from path
configure threshold when the user is considered strayed from path
toggle snapping the user's location on map to the current route
sets route snapping threshold value (in meters)
toggles TTS
Enable heading correction warnings. This will enable two spoken warnings - tell user starting orientation of route, and when the user is walking the wrong way.
Set thresholds to determine when is the heading correction triggered. thresholdMeters distance from route to trigger correction. Default 3 meters. thresholdDegrees degrees between current heading and heading towards correct route. Default 90 degrees.
Enable reassurance instructions (meaning TTS will speak even if there is not a direction change to keep user confidence about current direction) using ttsReassuranceInstructionEnabled(boolean enabled) and configure distance between reassurance updates with ttsReassuranceInstructionDistance(double distanceInMeters)
Sets distance by which reassurance instruction is triggered
Repeat last instruction
Toggle spoken information about hazards
Toggle spoken information about segments
Toggle spoken information about decision points
Toggle spoken information about landmarks
called after the Proximi.io Mapbox finishes the authorization & data initialization
called if the Proximi.io Mapbox authorization or data initialization fails
called after the route is started, provides ProximiioRoute object
(route: ProximiioRoute) => console.log(`route features: ${route.features}`)
called after the route was canceled
() => console.log(`route canceled`)
called when the route is updated, use this method to provide navigation instructions to the user, available as route.text property
(routeUpdate: ProximiioMapboxRouteUpdateEvent) => console.log(`route updated`)
called when user is passing landmark, provides Landmark GeoJSON Features
(landmarks: ProximiioFeature[]) => console.log(`passing landmarks: ${landmarks}`)
called when user is passing a hazard, provides hazard GeoJSON Feature
(hazard: ProximiioFeature) => console.log(`passing hazard: ${hazard}`)
called when user is passing a segment, provides segment GeoJSON Feature
(segment: ProximiioFeature) => console.log(`passing segment: ${segment}`)
called when user is passing a decision point, provides decision point GeoJSON Feature
(decisionPoint: ProximiioFeature) => console.log(`passing hazard: ${decisionPoint}`)