Captcha Extension for TYPO3 powermail to prevent spam
- powermail >= 8.0
- TYPO3 11 or 12
Just install this extension via composer composer require traw/powermailcaptcha
- Register your domain to
- Works with reCAPTCHA, Version 2
- Add sitekey and secretkey to TypoScript Constants (see example below)
- In TypoScript Constants, set the captcha method to
(This is the default)
- Register your domain to
- Add sitekey and secretkey to TypoScript Constants (see example below)
- In TypoScript Constants, set the captcha method to
- Register your domain to
- Add sitekey and secretkey to TypoScript Constants (see example below)
- In TypoScript Constants, set the captcha method to
- Register your domain to
- Add sitekey and secretkey to TypoScript Constants (see example below)
- In TypoScript Constants, set the captcha method to
- Ensure that spamshield is enabled (see below)
- Add a field of Type Powermailcaptcha to your powermail form
- Have fun
Example for TypoScript Constants:
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.captchaMethod = recaptcha
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.captchaMethod = friendlycaptcha
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.captchaMethod = hcaptcha
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.captchaMethod = cloudflare
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.sitekey = 6LdsBBUTAAAAAKMhI67inzeAvzBh5JdRRxlCwbTz
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.secretkey = 6LdsBBUTAAAAAKMhaaaainzeAvzBh5JdRRxlCwbyy
From versions >= 1.3.0
In case you wish to disable the captcha temporarily, just add the following line to your typoscript constants:
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.enable = 0
You can also find this option in the Constant Editor.
From Versions >=1.1.0
The current language is added to the captcha via language parameter which is taken from your Site Configuration.
To disable this behavior, add the following to your Typoscript Constants:
plugin.tx_powermailcaptcha.useSiteLanguage = 0
Depending on your website language, not all languages are supported for every Captcha-Method. Read
for further information on supported language codes.
spamshield must be enabled in powermail (TypoScript setup):
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield._enable = 1
Keep up to date if powermail recognize spam (TypoScript setup):
# Get an email if spam was recognized =
# Write to a logfile when spam was recognized
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.logfileLocation = typo3temp/logs/powermailSpam.log
Remove the default captcha field by adding the following to your Page TSConfig:
TCEFORM.tx_powermail_domain_model_field.type.removeItems = captcha
The typoscript has previously been automatically loaded in a Preset TypoScript setup file.
However, this is no longer the case. In multisite environments where some websites dont use powermail the typoscript is not needed.
Also in some case it's hard to override settings which are made in a Preset TypoScript (for example: ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript).
Therefore, from version 1.5.0 and up the typoscript has to be manually added in your website's static template.
If you override powermail's partial Partial/Form/Page.html
in your own extension, make sure to add the variable languageIso
to the f:render of the Fields.
<f:render partial="Form/Field/{vh:String.Upper(string:field.type)}" arguments="{field:field, languageIso:languageIso}"/>
If you override powermail's FormController in your own extension, please see EXT:powermailcaptcha/Classes/Controller/FormController.php
on how this extension adds the language variable.
This extension is based on EXT:powermailrecaptcha by einpraegsam.
Version | Date | Description |
1.6.0 | 2024-04-24 | Feature: add Cloudflare Turnstile captcha method |
1.5.0 | 2024-04-24 | Feature: add typoscript as a static template |
1.3.0 | 2023-06-05 | Feature: add option to disable frontend output |
1.2.0 | 2023-06-02 | Code Maintenance: simplifiy controller code |
1.1.0 | 2023-05-11 | Add option to force website language onto the Captcha |
1.0.0 | 2022-10-18 | Initial release |