A Text Writer, with a fluent API, for structured text generation incorporating:
- Automatic Indentation management (configurable).
- Extensions for HTML writing with tag management.
- Extensions for essential Markdown writing.
- Text is output to an internal or external StringBuffer.
- May be further extended to generate any kind of structured output.
using Psw.TextWriters;
void BasicSample() {
var w = new IndentTextWriter();
w.WriteLine("class ClassName")
.WriteLine("public int SomeValue { get; set; }")
.WriteLine("public int SomeMethod(int value) {").Indent()
.WriteLine("return value * 2;")
// Same as BasicSample using the Block methods
void BlockSample() {
var w = new IndentTextWriter();
w.WriteLine("class ClassName")
.BlockCurly(b => b
.WriteLine("public int SomeValue { get; set; }")
.Write("public int SomeMethod(int value) ")
.BlockCurly(b => b.WriteLine("return value * 2;"))
Output of the above:
class ClassName
public int SomeValue { get; set; }
public int SomeMethod(int value) {
return value * 2;
void HtmlSample() {
var w = new IndentTextWriter().SetIndentSize(2);
w.HtmlTag("div", "class='some-class'", c => c
.HtmlLineTag("p", "Some paragraph text")
.HtmlTag("div", c => c.WriteLine("Inner text"))
Output of above:
<div class='some-class'>
<p>Some paragraph text</p>
Inner text
void MarkdownSample() {
var w = new IndentTextWriter();
w.WriteLine("# Markdown output:")
.Write("This is ").MdBold("bold").MdLB()
.Write("This is ").MdItalic("italic").MdLB()
.Write("This is ").MdBoldItalic("bold and italic").MdLB()
.Write("This is ").MdCode("code").NewLine(2)
.Write("Link: ").MdLink("link title", "https://www.example.com").MdLB()
.Write("Image: ").MdImage("alt text", "/assets/images/san-juan-mountains.jpg").MdLB()
.Write("Image with title: ").MdImage("alt text", "/assets/images/san-juan-mountains.jpg", "San Juan Mountains").MdLB()
.Write("LinkImage: ").MdLinkImage("alt text", "mountains.jpg", "https://www.pics.com/mountains", "Mountains").MdLB();
w.NewLine().WriteLine("## Markdown Table")
.MdTableHeader("LCR", "Left", "Center", "Right")
.MdTableRow("Col 1 Row 1", "Col 2 Row 1", "Col 3 Row 1")
.MdTableRow("Col 1 Row 2", "Col 2 Row 2", "Col 3 Row 2")
c => c.Write("This is ").MdBold("bold").MdBr()
.Write("Bold Link: ").MdBold(m => m.MdLink("bold link title", "https://www.example.com")),
c => c.Write("This is ").MdItalic("italic"),
c => c.Write("Link: ").MdLink("link title", "https://www.example.com")
w.NewLine(2).WriteLine("## Badges")
.MdBadge("subject", "status", "pink");
Output of above:
# Markdown output:
This is **bold**
This is *italic*
This is ***bold and italic***
This is `code`
Link: [link title](https://www.example.com)
Image: ![alt text](/assets/images/san-juan-mountains.jpg)
Image with title: ![alt text](/assets/images/san-juan-mountains.jpg "San Juan Mountains")
LinkImage: [![alt text](mountains.jpg "Mountains")](https://www.pics.com/mountains)
## Markdown Table
| Left | Center | Right |
| :--- | :---: | ---: |
| Col 1 Row 1 | Col 2 Row 1 | Col 3 Row 1 |
| Col 1 Row 2 | Col 2 Row 2 | Col 3 Row 2 |
| This is **bold**<br/>Bold Link: **[bold link title](https://www.example.com)** | This is *italic* | Link: [link title](https://www.example.com) |
## Badges
[![MIT license](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat)](https://lbesson.mit-license.org/)
[![Generic bandge](https://img.shields.io/badge/subject-status-pink.svg?style=flat)](https://shields.io/)