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i have problem when run httpx ports #333

Answered by ehsandeep
shadihh9 asked this question in General
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@shadihh9 it's unclear to say what's going on as you running multiple tools and the information doesn't contain any information related to the error.

apart from that httpx does have a port scanning feature for convincing use but is not a primary tool to run port scanning at mass scale, instead you should put naabu in between which will also improve the scan time of your workflow.

 echo "emaple" | metabigor net --org -o emaple_result.txt ; mapcidr -l emaple_result.txt -o emaple_output.txt ; naabu -iL emaple_output.txt -p 1090,1098,1099,4444,11099,47001,47002,10999,7000-7004,8000-8003,9000-9003,9503,7070,7071,45000,45001,8686,9012,50500,4848,11111,4444,4445,4786,5555,5556,8880,8088,6379,237…

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This discussion was converted from issue #332 on July 30, 2021 11:28.