Use errlog to enhance your error logging with :
- Code source highlight
- Failing func recognition
- Readable stack trace
go get
import ""
func someFunc() {
if errlog.Debug(err) { // will debug & pass if err != nil, will ignore if err == nil
We will use this sample program :
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Start of the program")
fmt.Println("End of the program")
func wrapingFunc() {
func someBigFunction() {
if err := someNastyFunction(); errlog.Debug(err) {
func someSmallFunction() {
fmt.Println("I do things !")
func someNastyFunction() error {
return errors.New("I'm failing for no reason")
You can configure your own logger with these options :
type Config struct {
PrintFunc func(format string, data ...interface{}) //Printer func (eg: fmt.Printf)
LinesBefore int //How many lines to print *before* the error line when printing source code
LinesAfter int //How many lines to print *after* the error line when printing source code
PrintStack bool //Shall we print stack trace ? yes/no
PrintSource bool //Shall we print source code along ? yes/no
PrintError bool //Shall we print the error of Debug(err) ? yes/no
ExitOnDebugSuccess bool //Shall we os.Exit(1) after Debug has finished logging everything ? (doesn't happen when err is nil)
In this example, logrus is used, but any other logger can be used. PrintFunc is of type
func (format string, data ...interface{})
, so you can easily implement your own logger func. Beware that you should add '\n' at the end of format string when printing.
Now using a custom configuration.
debug := errlog.NewLogger(&errlog.Config{
PrintFunc: logrus.Printf,
LinesBefore: 2,
LinesAfter: 1,
PrintError: true,
PrintSource: true,
PrintStack: false,
ExitOnDebugSuccess: true,
Errlog finds the exact line where the error is defined.
Documentation can be found here :
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