Tutorial basic tentang Git dan Github
- git inint
- git remote add origin https://github.com/myRepo/myRepository.git
- git config --global user.email "ur.mail@dontknow.com"
- git config --global user.name "ur.userName"
- git add -A (all, of the file in the containing folder are add to the remote origin)
- git commit -m (messages)
- git push origin master
- fork your target repo
- add remote to the forking repo
- clone or pull to ur local machine
- start editing and add the changes
- push to master or branch
- then click new pull request from github website, adding a few comment and create pull request
1.Pertama login di situs Github dengan username dan password anda, kemudian klik Create New Repository.
2.Ketikan git clone https://github.com/alimuamar11/ptccl-0-basic-git-github.git
3.Lakukan edit pada readmi.md kemudian ketikan perintah git commit -m "Edit readme.md"
4.git push add origin master