title | sidebar_position |
Basic retargeting / remarketing ads with Protected Audience |
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import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
Remarketing is a type of online advertising that allows you to show ads to people who have already visited your website. You can create custom audiences based on different criteria, such as pages visited or products added to the cart. Remarketing can help you increase brand awareness, drive traffic back to your website, and boost sales.
- Protected Audience Overview - Google Developers
↗️ - Protected Audience Developer Guide - Google Developers
↗️ - Fenced Frames Overview - Google Developers
- Publisher (News site)
- Supply Side Platform (SSP)
- Advertiser (Shop site)
- Demand Side Platform (DSP)
In this demo, we assume an advertiser would like to drive traffic back to their website. Remarketing can help an advertiser to get people who have already visited their website to come back for more or to complete a purchase. This can be done by showing them ads about the product they have previously looked at, on other websites.
This use case assumes the advertiser (shop site) can bid on the publisher (news site) inventory through an agreement between their respective ad-tech platforms.
The demo does not integrate existing auction mechanisms, such as header bidding. It is only scoped to the on-device auction with Protected Audience API. As a simple demonstration of the Protected Audience API, the auction only involves a single seller servicing a single ad slot for an opportunity to deliver a display ad.
When the user visits a shopping site, the browser joins an interest group using the Protected Audience API. Later the same user visits a news site. On this site, the browser runs an on-device auction, with ad-tech-provided scripts selecting the winning ad which will be rendered in the ad slot on the page.
Below is a general introduction of Remarketing using Privacy Sandbox Protected Audience API.
participant Browser
participant Publisher
participant SSP as Ad Seller
participant DSP as Ad Buyer
participant Advertiser
Note over Browser,DSP: Pre PA auction: Join ad interest group
Browser ->> Advertiser: Visit a product detail page on shop advertiser site
Advertiser -->> Browser: Return shop page tagged by ad buyers
Browser ->> DSP: Load scripts from ad buyer
DSP -->> Browser: Return scripts and interest group configuration
Browser ->> Browser: navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(...)
Note over Browser,DSP: PA Auction: Browser orchestrates on-device auction
Browser ->> Publisher: Visit news publisher site
Publisher -->> Browser: Return news page tagged by ad seller
Browser ->> SSP: Load scripts from ad seller
SSP -->> Browser: Return scripts and auction configuration
Browser ->> Browser: navigator.runAdAuction(...)
Note right of Browser: Browser identifies eligible interest groups for all participanting ad buyers
Browser ->> DSP: Fetch bidding logic script and real-time bidding signals
DSP -->> Browser: Return bidding logic script and real-time bidding signals
Browser ->> Browser: generateBid(...)
Note right of Browser: Browser invokes ad seller scoring logic for all eligible interest group bids
Browser ->> SSP: Fetch scoring logic script and scoring signals
SSP -->> Browser: Return scoring logic script and scoring signals
Browser ->> Browser: scoreAd(...)
Note right of Browser: Ad with highest score wins auction
Note over Browser,DSP: Post PA auction: Winning ad is delivered in a fenced-frame
Browser ->> DSP: Request ad creative
DSP -->> Browser: Return ad creative
Note right of Browser: Winning ad is rendered
- Latest stable version of Chrome (Open
to check your current version) - Enable Privacy Sandbox APIs (Open
to enable Site-suggested ads) - Clear your browsing history before you run one of the demo scenario below (Open
to delete your browsing history)
- Navigate to shop site
↗️ (advertiser) - Click on any "shoe" product item on the shop site.
- The shop (advertiser) would assume the user is interested in this type of product, so they would leverage Protected Audience API and ask the browser to join an ad interest group for this product or this specific product category.
- Navigate to the news site
↗️ (publisher) - Observe the ad served on the news site
- If you previously browsed the "shoe" product on the shop site, you will be shown an ad for the same product.
- When the page was loaded, Protected Audience API allowed the SSP to run an ad auction on the publisher site.
- The winning advertiser of this ad auction gets their ad creative to be displayed on the publisher site. In this case you have cleared the browser history and only browsed 1 advertiser site page so you are only seeing 1 ad creative from the same advertiser.
How is the user added to an interest group based on their browsing behavior? (see step #2 of user journey)
The shop product page includes one or more third-party tags from the DSP services:
This third-party DSP iframe includes a script
/** Sends first-party context to server to retrieve interest group metadata. */
getInterestGroupFromServer = async () => {
const currentUrl = new URL(location.href);
const interestGroupUrl = new URL(location.origin);
interestGroupUrl.pathname = '/dsp/interest-group.json';
// Copy query params from current context.
for (const [key, value] of currentUrl.searchParams) {
interestGroupUrl.searchParams.append(key, value);
const res = await fetch(interestGroupUrl, {browsingTopics: true});
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
if (navigator.joinAdInterestGroup === undefined) {
console.log('[PSDemo] Protected Audience API is not supported.');
const interestGroup = await getInterestGroupFromServer();
console.log('[PSDemo] Joining interest group: ', {interestGroup});
const kSecsPerDay = 3600 * 24 * 30;
await navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(interestGroup, kSecsPerDay),
The news page lists the available ad slot on the page in the
window.PSDemo.PAGE_ADS_CONFIG = Object.freeze({
adUnits: [{
code: 'displayFencedFrameAdUnit',
auctionId: `PUB-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,
divId: 'display-ad--fenced-frame',
adType: 'DISPLAY',
size: [300, 250],
isFencedFrame: true,
To deliver an ad for this ad slot, the news page also includes a third-party tag:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async (e) => {
// Read ad unit configurations provided by the publisher.
const [adUnit] = window.PSDemo.PAGE_ADS_CONFIG.adUnits;
// Retrieve auction configuration from its own server.
const auctionConfig = await getAuctionConfig(adUnit);
// Execute the Protected Audience auction.
const adAuctionResult = await navigator.runAdAuction(auctionConfig);
// Finally handle the auction result.
if (!adAuctionResult) {
document.getElementById(adUnit.divId).innerText = 'No eligible ads';
} else {
const adFrame = document.createElement('fencedframe');
adFrame.config = adAuctionResult;
[adFrame.width, adFrame.height] = adUnit.size;
log('delivering ads in ', {
The Protected Audience auction is orchestrated by the browser, executing bidding and decision logic provided by the ad buyer and ad seller
respectively to arrive at the winning ad. The result of this ad auction is displayed within a Fenced Frame. This ad auction result represents the
<fencedframe width="300" height="250">
#document (https://privacy-sandbox-demos-dsp.dev/ads/display-ads?advertiser=privacy-sandbox-demos-shop.dev&itemId=1f460)
<html lang="en">