A sample project with a simple webpack configuration that covers the following needs:
- Convert typescript files to javascript.
- Extract referenced sass rules into css files.
- Create a separate bundle for vendor libraries (bulma, toastr, etc).
- Inject the file references to an html file.
- Have a different configuration for development and production.
If this configuration covers your needs also, you just have to download the following files and include them in your project:
- webpack.common.js
- webpack.dev.js
- webpack.prod.js
- package.json
The package.json file contains the required libraries to run webpack (webpack, babel-core, ts-loader, etc.), some optional libraries (bulma, toastr, etc) that are used by the sample project and commands to build the modules and run the application.
You may run the following commands to run the sample project:
- npm install: To install the node modules.
- npm run build: To build the modules.
- npm run build-prod: To build the modules for production. The generated files are minified.
- npm start: To start the application.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details