Fixed a critical privilege escalation vulnerability which allowed regular users to make themselves administrators (see #4427).
Support insert tags as external redirect target (see #4373).
Updated the CSS3PIE plugin to version 1.0.0 (see #4378).
Re-applied the "autofocus the first field" patch (see #4297).
The pagination menu fix was missing in the listing, search and RSS reader modules (see #4292).
Added the "required" attribute to the captcha input field (see #4247).
Correctly tell Google Analytics to anonymize the visitor's IP (see #4290). Heads
up: Adjust your moo_analytics
templates accordingly!
Correctly align stylect menus in Safari and Opera (see #4284).
Always check all modules when looking for runonce.php
files (see #4200).
Correctly insert the date picker in the DOM tree (see #4158).
Open popup windows so they are not blocked (see #4243).
Replaced is_a()
with instanceof
in the simplepie plugin (see #4212).
Use round()
instead of ceil()
when resizing images (see #3806).
Correctly handle empty FAQ categories in the front end modules (see #4084).
The comments module does no longer throw an error if there are no comments and the number of comments per page is greater 0 (see #4064).
Correctly sort content element and module types in the help wizard (see #4156).
Add the admin e-mail address of a website root page to the page object so it can be used in the form generator (see #4115).
Add a "protected" icon to subpages of a protected page (see #4123).
Allow "disabled" and "readonly" attributes in the back end (see #4131).
Add a log entry if a new version is created by toggling the visibility of an element via Ajax (see #4163).
Re-added the version 2.9.2 update code in the install tool template (see #4165).
Correctly check the permission to edit tasks (see #4140).
Check the uploader class before instantiation (see #4086).
Convert the "rel" attribute inserted by TinyMCE to a "data-lightbox" attribute if it is an HTML5 page (see #4073).
Uploaded files should now be resized correctly (see #3806).
Fixed the "setCookie" hook (see #4116).
Fixed the mediabox .mp4 file not found issue (see #4066).
The stylect menus in the module wizard are now duplicated correctly (see #4079).
in the cron script (see #4099).
Correctly align the versions drop-down menu (see #4083).
Fixed an issue with the CSS3PIE url being incorrectly rewritten (see #4074).
Fixed a security vulnerability in the file manager which allowed back end users
to download files from the tl_files
directory even if they were not mounted in
their profile (thanks to Marko Cupic).
Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in the undo module (thanks to Oliver Klee). The issue is not considered critical, because it requires the script tag to be in the list of allowed HTML tags, which is not the case by default.
The IDNA convert class did not run under PHP 5.2 (see #4044).
Store the date added when creating an admin user upon installation (see #4054).
Purge the Zend Optimizer+ cache after writing the local configuration file.
The IDNA convert class did not run under PHP 5.2 (see #4044).
Inject error messages of checkbox and radio groups inside the fieldset, so they can be associated with it (accessibility) and do not break the CSS formatting. This change does not require any template adjustments (see #3392).
Correctly handle tabs and line breaks when importing CSV data (see #4025).
Event feeds did not show the date anymore (see #4026).
Preserve absolute URLs in style sheets in the Combiner (see #4002).
Support all kinds of keydown events in the stylect plugin, so options can be selected by pressing the first key of their label (see #3812).
Added a separate version check for LTS releases.
Prevent the auto_item feature from generating duplicate content (see #4012).
Do not add the language
parameter when forwarding to a page (see #4011).
The date picker in the back end did not work correctly due to MooTools failing to parse dates correctly (see #3954).
The TinyMCE links popup failed under certain conditions (see #3995).
Correctly add the language to insert tag links (see #3983).
When creating an admin user in the install tool, the username was not validated correctly (see #4006).
Updated MooTools to version 1.4.5 which fixes a critical bug.
Relative URLs are now validated correctly ('rgxp'=>'url'
) (see #3792).
Adjust the submit button height in Opera (see #3940).
The front end preview drop-down menu did not use the stylect plugin.
Use the Facebook sharer instead a third-party app (see #3990).
Preserve IE conditionals like [if (lt IE 9) & (!IEMobile)]
when replacing
ampersands in the front end (see #3985).
Set the maximum length of inputUnit
fields to 200 (see #3987).
If an image with a title was added to a text element, the lightbox did not show the title anymore (see #3986).
The hyperlink element did not output the link title anymore (see #3973).
Send a 404 header and do not index or cache a page if there is a pagination menu
and the page
parameter is outside the range of existing pages. Now that list
and reader modules can be shown on the same page, it is likely that those pages
will be cached. This fix prevents the search index and temporary directory from
being flooded with non-existing resources (such as ?page=100000
Fixed the module wizard so you can use the stylect menu of a duplicated element without having to reload the page (see #3970).
Added the Slovenian translation of the TinyMCE "typolinks" plugin (thanks a lot to Davor) (see #3952)
Fixed the "getContentElement", "getFrontendModule" and "getForm" hooks, so they pass the generated content to the callback function (see #3962).
Correctly handle pages with the alias name "index" (see #3961).
Patched the MooTools core script to fix the accordion effect (see #3956).
The slimbox style sheets are now compatible with the combiner.
Also show todays events and running events in the RSS feed (see #3917).
Added "eot|woff|svg|ttf|htm" to the default .htaccess file (see #3930).
Fixed extracting the page alias when no URL suffix is used (see #3913).
Correctly calculate the width of the stylect select element in webkit.
Updated MooTools to version 1.4.4 (see #3906).
Trigger the Slimbox with the data-lightbox attribute (see #3908).
Removed the HTML5 article
and section
tags as it turned out that semantics
cannot be generated automatically (see #3833).
Updated MooTools to version 1.4.3 (see #3837).
Do not output (back end) system messages in the front end (see #3838).
Return the renameTo()
status in the Folder
class similar to how it is done
in the File
class (see #3872).
Trigger the Stylect plugin after loading a subpalette (see #3850).
Correctly redirect to front end pages (see #3843).
Handle external image URLs when generating style sheets (see #3832).
Handle empty format definitions when generating style sheets (see #3830).
More accurate format definition validation (see #3824).
Correctly close the rel="prev"
and rel="next"
link tags (see #3821).
The stylect plugin does not break mutiple select menus anymore (see #3819).
Request static resources and Google web fonts via https://
when the main page
is using an SSL connection (see #3802).
Images with spaces in the name are now displayed correctly (see #3817).
Do not load the empty URL from cache if the language is added and the empty domain will be redirected.
Fixed an issue in the Database_Statement::debugQuery()
Correctly redirect when using an include content element (see #3766).
The stylect plugin did not work in IE < 9 (see #3628).
Added the event list formats "all upcoming of the current month/year" and "all past of the current month/year" (thanks to Dominik Zogg) (see #3801).
Added the "getRootPageFromUrl" hook.
Encrypt the default value of an encrypted field when creating new records or duplicating existing records (see #3740).
Added the "getCookie" hook (see #3233).
Added the copyTo()
method to the File
and Folder
class (see #3800).
Do not generate news or calendar feeds if there is no target page (see #3786).
You can now use a textual date format in the front end without breaking the "registration" and "personal data" modules, which will fall back to the numeric back end date.
Fixed the case-insensitive search in the back end (see #3789).
Support data: URIs in the style sheet generator (see #3661).
Added a "header_callback" to the parent view to format the header fields of the parent table (see #3417).
Added an option to anonymize IP addresses which are stored in the database and
IP addresses which are sent to Google Analytics (see #3406 and #2052). This does
not include the tl_session
table though, because IP addresses are bound to the
session for security reasons.
Force line-breaks in the filter menu so the filters do not exceed the column width (see #3777).
Added an "isAssociative" flag to the "eval" section of the DCA to mark numeric arrays as associative (see #3185).
The Email class now handles files with special characters (see #3713).
Correctly URL-encode image URLs (see #3751).
Added a fallback which loads the local MooTool core script if the Google CDN is not available, e.g. if you are not connected to the Internet (see #3619)
Re-added a color picker to the style sheets module (see #3228).
Do not import commented definitions when importing style sheets (see #3478).
Correctly idna-encode domain names (see #3649).
Added a chmod()
method to the File
and Folder
class (see #3641).
Added the Russian and Ukrainian translations for the TinyMCE "typolinks" plugin (thanks to DyaGa) (see #3648)
Support the CSS "ex" unit (see #3652).
Correctly set the CSS ID and class of articles when just their teaser is shown (see #3656). Note that the teaser element has its own CSS ID/class field.
Correctly set the classes "first" and "last" in the RSS reader (see #3687).
Mark past and upcoming events with a special CSS class (see #3692).
Restore basic entities before auto-generating an alias (see #3767).
Remove a page from the search index if it does not exist anymore (see #3761).
Select menus using the "chosen" plugin were not displayed when they were in a collapsed palette (see #3627).
When using Contao via SSL, automatically switch to an SSL connection when running the Live Update (see #3538).
Added the "sqlCompileCommands", "sqlGetFromFile" and "sqlGetFromDB" hooks to the
class (see #3281).
Added the CSS class "trail" to the back end navigation (see #3301).
The static URL is now prepended automatically and does not need to be added in your custom script (see #3469). The change is backwards compatible, so you do not need to change your existing modules.
Added an option to include dynamically added style sheets in the combined CSS file (see #3161). This is done by passing a second "argument" to the URL:
$GLOBAL['TL_CSS'][] = 'style.css|screen|static';
Important: If you add a style sheet to the combined file, do not add a static
to the path!
Provide an ID for single lightbox images in HTML5 (see #3742).
The front controller now works with the index.php
fragment again (see #3689).
Do not override the global settings upon every call of getPageDetails()
In a FAQ list module you can now optionally add an FAQ reader module to automatically switch to the full article if an item has been selected. This allows us to use the FAQ list and FAQ reader on the same page.
Do not remove the combined style sheets when updating the CSS files (see #3605). It might break the layout of cached pages.
Consider the sitemap setting when finding searchable pages (see #3728).
Improved the chosen implementation so it is optional in the front end and can be added using the "moo_chosen" template. Also, the styled select scripts have been moved to a plugin ("stylect") and can be loaded in the front end now.
Correctly handle the "add language to URL" feature in sitemaps and feeds.
You can now optionally skip the items/
and events/
fragment in the URL and
make Contao discover the item automatically. If the number of fragments is even,
the Controller will add the second fragment as $_GET['auto_item']
, which you
can then use in your reader modules to set the item.
The back end file uploader can now be replaced with a custom one (see #3236). Also, the uploader now tries to use the HTML5 "multiple" attribute in the file input field if the browser supports it.
Added edit buttons to the module wizard to directly jump to a front end module from a page layout (see #2847). Also, a link to the style sheets of a theme has been added to the style sheets section of the page layout. This was done using the new "xlabel" callback which works like the "wizard" callback but is added to the label instead of to the input field.
Force a back end user to change his password upon the next login (see #2928).
Make the user agent and OS list in the Environment
class editable (see #3410).
Updated all plugins to their latest versions.
Optionally limit the total number of images in a gallery (see #2652).
The file picker now accepts a second argument to filter by file type. Separate multiple file names with comma, e.g. gif,jpg,png (see #2618).
Updated TinyMCE to version 3.4.7 (see #3601).
Added advanced image crop modes to define more precisely which part of an image shall be preserved when cropping it (see #2422).
Support entering the image title in addition to the alternate text (see #3494).
Restore deleted records even if the database schema has changed (see #3550).
Removed the general IE6 warning and added it only to the install tool and the back end login screen (see #3646).
If an image link target is another image and the fullscreen view is enabled, do not open the target image in a new window but in the lightbox (see #1703).
Added the methods protect()
and unprotect()
to the Folder class (see #2978).
Added the "storeFormData" hook which is triggered before the form data is written into the database (see #3182).
Added the insert tags "email_open" and "email_url" to ouput the opening link tag or the encoded e-mail address only (see #3514).
Do not show the number of comments if a news article forwards to another page or external URL (see #3505).
Added the breadcrumb folder navigation to the template editor (see #3684).
Added support for Google web fonts to the page layout. The fonts are added to the page by including a style sheet from the Google APIs.
Added a "showColumns" option to the list view which makes the core engine output the records as table rows (see the member list).
Removed the "parse style sheet" option from the newsletter reader, since the functionality has been removed from the newsletter module already.
Move the chosen initialization from the DataContainer class to the select widget, so it also works in the front end.
Replaced all if (count() < 1)
with if (empty())
and all if (count() > 0)
with if (!empty())
Automatically add rel="prev"
and rel="next"
links to the page header if
there is a pagination module (see #3515).
Pass the page data to the breadcrumb template as data
(see #3607).
Added the "getCacheKey" hook (see #3288).
Added the "getFrontendModule" hook (#3244), the "getCountries" hook (#2819) and the "getForm" hook.
In an event list module you can now optionally add an event reader module to automatically switch to the full article if an event has been selected. This allows us to use the event list and event reader on the same page.
The Contao framework style sheet (system/contao.css
) is now included in the
combined CSS file and can be disabled in the page layout settings (see #3609).
Added FAQ permissions in the back end (see #2682) as well as a new module which generates all questions and answers on a single page.
In a news archive module you can now optionally add a news reader module to automatically switch to the full article if an item has been selected. This allows us to use the news archive and news reader on the same page.
The page language is now determined by the root page language (see #3580). This has a lot of advantages and a small catch: you will not be able to create websites without a root page anymore - which was not recommended anyway.
Added a nice cross-browser select menu style (progressive enhancement).
Added a "chosen" widget to the templates editor (see #3587).
Updated CodeMirror to version 2.16 (see #3475).
Throw a 404 error if a request is mapped to Contao but the URL suffix does not
match (see #2864). This is e.g. the case if Contao is set as ErrorDocument
the Apache configuration.
Replaced the rel="lightbox"
attribute with data-lightbox=""
in all HTML5
templates, because rel="lightbox"
is not a valid attribute actually.
Also embed background images in newsletters and e-mails (see #2659).
The local configuration files are now generated by the install tool and not included in the core configuration anymore. Upon a fresh installation, the user is now automatically redirected to the install tool (see #3586).
Removed the page properties from the "env" insert tag and added a "page" insert tag instead.
Custom TinyMCE configuration files do not have to start with "tiny" anymore (see #3582).
Pass the content elements as array to the mod_article
template, so custom
output formats can access the elements separately (see #3502).
Added the "getArticle" hook (see #2332).
Added a cache for getPageDetails()
and outsourced the cache functionality into
a separate library (see #3577).
Global style sheet variables can now also be defined in the theme settings (see #3366). Style sheet variables override theme variables.
Added support for the "placeholder" and "required" attributes in HTML5 forms. Textareas in HTML5 now support the "maxlength" attribute. Will also add the "autofocus" attribute in one of the next commits.
Added support for the "tabindex", "placeholder" and "size" attribute to the form generator (see #1505, #3241 and #2394).
Added a new regexp type to the Widget validator to validate a comma separated list of e-mail addresses (see #2899).
Added a rudimentary abstraction layer for messages stored in the session.
Added a hook to add system messages to the back end welcome screen (see #3162).
Moved the task center to a separate module (might be moved to the ER later).
According to Google's recommendations for multilingual websites, you can now optionally add the language string as first URL parameter in addition to working with different domains (see If you activate the feature in the back end settings, Contao will generate URLs like
http://domain.tld/en/about.html http://domain.tld/de/about.html
In this context, the default .htaccess
file has been improved and should now
execute faster and produce less overhead.
Updated CodeMirror to version 2.15 (see #3475) and added a fullscreen mode which you can toggle with F11 (see #3376).
Updated SimplePie to version 1.2.1 (see #3482).
Updated the IDNA plugin to version 0.8.0 (see #3481).
Added MooTools 1.4.1 (see #3456).
Replaced is_null()
with === null
(see #3533).
Mark disabled format definitions in the style sheet editor (see #3368).
Finally removed the old one-column back end form layout (see #3534).
Added the classes col_first
and col_last
to the labels of the calendar
and mini-calendar (see #1718).
Assign the image width to the caption element so long captions do not break the layout (see #3517).
Removed unnecessary whitespace from inline tags.
Changed the input field type in the mod_search_*.html5
templates from "text"
to "search" (see #3380). If you want Webkit browsers to render the field like
a normal text field, use input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance:none; }
Adjusted the back end JavaScript to the changes of the previous commit. The
class now handles both plain text and JSON responses for
reasons of backwards compatibility with version 2.10.
Changed the request token system from "one token per request" to "one token per session" (see #3214). This change will allow to remove most of the JavaScript routines to update the request token upon Ajax request (they have not yet been removed though).
Redirect to the login screen upon Ajax requests when the session has expired
(see #3516). This fix required some changes to the Request.Contao
class insofar as you have to pass evalScripts:true
wherever you want the
redirect mechanism to apply. Also, the Request.Mixed
class has been replaced
with the Request.Contao
class and is not required anymore (it will remain for
reasons of backwards compatibility though).
Do not link to ?page=1
in the pagination menu but omit the parameter entirely,
so there is no duplicate content being generated (see #3518).
In the global buttons callback, pass the "class" value instead of the "icon" value as fourth argument, since there is no icon setting (see #3504).
Do not copy the date and time of duplicated news and events (see #3463).
Modify the getInstance()
method of the Singleton
classes so it uses
new self()
instead of e.g. new Config()
(see #2969).
Only show the menu to rebuild the search index in the maintenance module if the search has not been disabled in the back end settings (see #3425).
Updated CSS3PIE to version 1.0beta5 (see #3454).
Make all e-mail fields in the database the same size (see #3458).
Make the Database classes independent from the DB_DRIVER
constant (see #3452)
and use factory methods in the driver classes instead.
Prevent setting the upload path to one of the Contao core folders (see #3418) so the installation cannot be modified with the file manager.
Added a safe operation mode in which only core modules are loaded. It can be used to debug an installation or to prevent possible incompatibilities after an update. It is configurable in the back end.
Disable all caches if the debug mode is enabled (see #3285). This includes
HTML and CSS minification, the front end page cache and the system cache for
, getImage()
and __autoload()
Make display_errors
and error_reporting
configurable independently, so error
messages are logged even when they are not displayed (see #3338).