Originally repo here: https://github.com/jgallen23/routie
Routie is a javascript hash routing library. It is designed for scenarios when push state is not an option (IE8 support, static/Github pages, Phonegap, simple sites, etc). It is very tiny (800 bytes gzipped), and should be able to handle all your routing needs.
There are three ways to call routie:
Here is the most basic way:
routie('users', function() {
//this gets called when hash == #users
If you want to define multiple routes you can pass in an object like this:
'users': function() {
'about': function() {
If you want to trigger a route manually, you can call routie like this:
routie('users/bob'); //window.location.hash will be #users/bob
Routie also supports regex style routes, so you can do advanced routing like this:
routie('users/:name', function(name) {
//name == 'bob';
routie('users/:name?', function(name) {
//name == undefined
//name == bob
routie('users/*', function() {
routie('*', function() {
Named routes make it easy to build urls for use in your templates. Instead of re-creating the url, you can just name your url when you define it and then perform a lookup. The name of the route is optional. The syntax is "[name] [route]".
routie('user users/:name', function() {});
then in your template code, you can do:
routie.lookup('user', { name: 'bob'}) // == users/bob
Any modern browser and IE8+