Write a movie suggester that gives user the option to watch: Genre, and suggests the top 10 movies with best rotten tomatoe score
- Action
- Animation
- Art & Foreign
- Classics
- Comedy
- Drama
- Horror
After the movie list is shown, users can select a movie and watch its trailer.
"id": 771319547,
"title": "Justice League",
"url": "/m/justice_league_2017",
"tomatoIcon": "rotten",
"tomatoScore": 40,
"popcornIcon": "upright",
"popcornScore": 79,
"theaterReleaseDate": "Nov 17",
"mpaaRating": "PG13",
"synopsis": "<em>Justice League</em> leaps over a number of DC movies, but its single bound isn't enough to shed the murky aesthetic, thin characters, and chaotic action that continue to dog the franchise.",
"synopsisType": "consensus",
"runtime": "1 hr. 50 min.",
"mainTrailer": {
"sourceId": "http://link.theplatform.com/s/NGweTC/media/gk4AVHkbX64U",
"id": "11296779"
"posters": {
"thumborId": "v1.bTsxMjU3NjUzNjtqOzE3NTYwOzEyMDA7NDA1MDs2MDAw",
"primary": "https://resizing.flixster.com/rre-rZ2MdateMFDCfoqYsPGaw_o=/130x0/v1.bTsxMjU3NjUzNjtqOzE3NTYwOzEyMDA7NDA1MDs2MDAw"
"actors": [
"Ben Affleck",
"Henry Cavill",
"Amy Adams"