This is a RESTful API built using Spring Boot with a clean MVC architecture that displays all the Pokemon available along with their details.
- MVC architecture.
- Uses MongoDB Atlas for Database.
Parameter | Description |
size (int) |
(optional) by default the size is unlimited. Example: GET /get-all-pokemon?size=1 |
sort (int) |
(optional) by default there is not sort. Example: GET /get-all-pokemon?size=1?sort=name |
"content": [
"_id": "6612bba0ced75d1ea06af6d2",
"name": "Pikachu",
"image": "",
"color": "0xFFFAD04D",
"description": "When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.",
"type": "Electric",
"category": "Mouse",
"height": "1 '04",
"weight": "13.2"
Parameter | Description |
name (string) |
Get Pokemon by it's name. Example: GET /get-pokemon/Bulbasaur |
"_id": "66115f5b647a215f0d1bc9c3",
"name": "Bulbasaur",
"image": "",
"color": "0xFF48BA78",
"description": "For some time after its birth, it uses the nutrients that are packed into the seed on its back in order to grow.",
"type": "Grass",
"category": "Seed",
"height": "2' 04\"",
"weight": "15.2"
Parameter | Description |
key (string) |
This operation rquires an Auth key. Example: POST /add-pokemon?key=AUTH_KEY |
body |
Post Pokemon by providing a body. Example: POST /add-pokemon |
Request Body:
"name": "Charizard",
"image": "local image uri",
"color": "0xFFF46565",
"description": "If Charizard becomes truly angered, the flame at the tip of its tail burns in a light blue shade.",
"type": "Fire",
"category": "Flame",
"height": "5' 07\"",
"weight": "199.5"
Pokemon added successfully!
Parameter | Description |
_id (string) |
Update a Pokemon by providing it's _id. Example: PATCH /update-pokemon/6612bba0ced75d1ea06af6d2 |
key (string) |
This operation rquires an Auth key. Example: PATCH /update-pokemon/6612bba0ced75d1ea06af6d2?key=AUTH_KEY |
body |
Provide a body. |
Request Body:
"name": "Charizard updated",
"description": "If Charizard becomes truly angered, the flame at the tip of its tail burns in a light blue shade.",
"type": "Fire",
"category": "Flame",
"height": "5' 07\"",
"weight": "199.5"
Pokemon updated successfully!
Parameter | Description |
_id (string) |
Delete a Pokemon by providing it's _id. Example: DELETE /remove-pokemon/6612bba0ced75d1ea06af6d2 |
key (string) |
This operation rquires an Auth key. Example: DELETE /remove-pokemon/6612bba0ced75d1ea06af6d2?key=AUTH_KEY |
Pokemon removed successfully!
Create a file in resources directory:
KEY = AUTH_KEY USER_NAME = your username PASSWORD = your password CLUSTER = your cluster DEV_DB = test DB name PROD_DB = Production DB name
Change the connection string to your in
Run command:
gradlew bootRun
Navigate to:
Fork this repository.
Change the connection string to your in
Provide the Environment variables in the setup process on Render:
KEY = AUTH_KEY USER_NAME = your username PASSWORD = your password CLUSTER = your cluster DEV_DB = test DB name PROD_DB = Production DB name
Deploy your app.