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Docker images for the Vumi messaging engine (


The Docker image provides an entrypoint for Vumi that allows the configuration of Vumi workers via environment variables.


Configuration can be done using environment variables or command-line options. Use of environment variables and command-line options can be mixed, but using an environment variable at the same time as it's equivalent command-line option can result in unexpected behaviour.

Basic options:

  • TWISTD_COMMAND/first command-line argument: the command to pass to twistd (default: vumi_worker)
  • WORKER_CLASS/--worker-class: the Vumi worker class to use
  • CONFIG_FILE/--config: the path to the YAML configuration file to use
  • SENTRY_DSN/--sentry: the Sentry DSN to use for reporting errors

AMQP options:

AMQP/RabbitMQ options can be set via environment variables. At a minimum, the AMQP_HOST variable must be set or else none of the other AMQP variables will take effect.

  • AMQP_HOST/--hostname: the address for the RabbitMQ server
  • AMQP_PORT/--port: the port for the RabbitMQ server (default: 5672)
  • AMQP_VHOST/--vhost: the name of the RabbitMQ vhost to use (default: /)
  • AMQP_USERNAME/--username: the username to authenticate with RabbitMQ (default: guest)
  • AMQP_PASSWORD/--password: the password to authenticate with RabbitMQ (default: guest)

VUMI_OPT_ options

Additional options can be passed to Vumi via variables that start with VUMI_OPT_. These variables will be converted to --set-option CLI options. For example, the environment variable VUMI_OPT_BUCKET=1 will result in the CLI option --set-option=bucket:1.

/app directory

The /app directory is created and set as the current working directory. This is the directory where the files (e.g. YAML config) for your application should be put.


Running a built-in worker class without a config file:

docker run --rm -it \
  -e AMQP_HOST=rabbitmq.service.consul \
  praekeltfoundation/vumi \
    --worker-class vumi.blinkenlights.MetricTimeBucket

Dockerfile for an image with an external worker class and a config file:

FROM praekeltfoundation/vumi
RUN pip install vumi-http-api
COPY ./my-config.yaml /app/my-config.yaml
ENV WORKER_CLASS="vumi_http_api.VumiApiWorker" \
    CONFIG_FILE="my-config.yaml" \

Dockerfile for an image with custom arguments:

FROM praekeltfoundation/vumi
RUN pip install go-metrics-api
COPY ./my-config.yaml /app/my-config.yaml
CMD ["--app", "go_metrics.server.MetricsApi", \
     "--port", "8000", \
     "--app-opts", "my-config.yaml"]