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community contributions & "unshared"

Joe Steccato edited this page Oct 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

in addition to the acts included in the ppooll package, you can also include acts from two other folders:

  • community contributions
  • unshared (local)

install community contributions

  1. download the repository from ppooll contributions
  2. extract and place in ~/Documents/Max 8/Packages

add an "unshared" folder

the "unshared" or "local" folder can be used to include acts outside of the main package and community contributions.

to include these acts:

  1. create a new folder (ie ~/Documents/Max 8/Library/ppooll_local)
  2. move all your acts (.maxpat files) to this new folder
  3. open ppooll and open the act-menu
  4. click "unshared" -- in the folder selection dialog window, select the folder created in step 1