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# Title Solution
146 LRU Cache Python, Go
283 move zeroes Python
11 container with most water Python
70 climbing stairs Python, Go
1 2sum Python, Go
15 3sum Python, Go
141 linked_list_cycle Python
206 reverse_linked_list Python
24 swap_nodes_in_pairs Python
142 linked_list_cycle_ii Python
26 remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array Python
189 rotate_array Python
21 merge_two_sorted_lists Python
88 merge_two_sorted_array Python
20 valid_parentheses Python
155 min_stack Python
84 largest_rectangle_in_histogram Python
239 sliding_window_maximum Python
42 trapping_rain_water Python
641 desing_circular_dequeue Python
50 pow_x_n Python, Go
78 subsets Python, Go
169 majority_elements Python, Go
51 n_queens Python,Go
102 binary_tree_level_order_traversal Python,Go
433 minimum_genetic_mutation Python, Go
242 valid_anagram Python, Go
49 group_anagrams Python, Go
94 binary_tree_inorder_traversal Python, Go
144 binary_tree_preorder_traversal Python, Go
589 n_ary_tree_preorder_traversal Python, Go
590 n_ary_tree_postorder_traversal Python, Go
429 n_ary_tree_level_order_traversal Python, Go
20 generate_parentheses Python, Go
226 invert_binary_tree Python, Go
98 validate_binary_search_tree Python, Go
104 maxinum_depth_of_binary_tree Python, Go
111 mininum_depth_of_binary_tree Python, Go
297 serialize-and-deserialize-binary-tree Python, Go
236 lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree Python, Go
105 construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal Python, Go
77 combinations Python, Go
46 permutations Python, Go
47 permutations-ii Python, Go
17 letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number Python, Go
515 find-largest-value-in-each-tree-row/submissions Python, Go
127 word-ladder Python, Go
126 word-ladder-ii Go
200 number-of-islands Python, Go
529 minesweeper Python, Go
322 coin-change Python, Go
860 lemonade-change Python, Go
122 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-ii Python, Go
455 assign-cookies Python, Go
874 walking-robot-simulation Python, Go
55 jump-game Python, Go
45 jump-game-ii Python, Go
69 sqrtx Python, Go
367 valid-perfect-square Python, Go
33 search-in-rotated-sorted-array Python, Go
81 search-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii Python, Go
74 search-a-2d-matrix Python, Go
153 find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array/submissions Python, Go
62 unique-paths Python, Go
63 unique-paths-ii Python, Go
1143 longest-common-sequence Python, Go
120 triangle Python, Go
53 max-subarray Python, Go
152 maximum-product-subarray Python, Go
300 longest-increasing-subsequence Python, Go
198 house-robber Python, Go
213 house-robber-ii Python, Go
121 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock Python, Go
123 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii Python, Go
309 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-with-cooldown Python, Go
188 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iv Python, Go
714 best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-with-transaction-fee Python, Go
208 implement-trie-prefix-tree Python, Go
79 word-search Python, Go
212 word-search-ii Python, Go
547 friend-circles Python, Go
130 surrounded-regions Python, Go
36 valid-sudoku Python, Go
37 sudoku-solver Python, Go
1091 shortest-path-in-binary-matrix Python, Go
773 sliding-puzzle Python, Go
191 number-of-1-bits Python, Go
231 power-of-two Python, Go
190 reverse-bits Python, Go
1122 relative-sort-array Python, Go
56 merge-intervals Python, Go
493 reverse-pairs Python, Go
64 minimum-path-sum Python, Go
746 min-cost-climbing-stairs Python, Go
91 decode-ways Python, Go
32 longest-valid-parentheses Python, Go
709 to-lower-case Python, Go
58 length-of-last-word Python, Go
71 jewels-and-stones Python, Go
387 first-unique-character-in-a-string Python, Go
8 string-to-integer-atoi Python, Go
14 longest-common-prefix Python, Go
705 design-hashset 开放寻址(Go),链表(Go)
59 spiral-matrix-ii 迭代(Go)
115 distinct-subsequences 递归(Go)
73 set-matrix-zeroes 迭代(Go)
377 combination-sum-iv 动态规划(Go)
633 sum-of-square-numbers 双指针(Go)
137 single-number-ii 位运算(Go)
690 employee-importance 深度优先(Go)
278 first-bad-version 二分搜索(Go)
486 predict-with-winner 递归(Go),动态规划(Go)
877 stone-game 动态规划(Go)
1600 throne-inheritance 前序遍历(Go)
401 binary-watch 回溯(Go),位运算(Go)
149 max-points-on-a-line 哈希表(Go)
909 snakes-and-ladders 层序遍历(Go)
645 set-mismatch 数学(Go),迭代(Go),哈希(Go)
981 time-based-key-value-store 哈希+二分查找(Go)
1736 latest-time-by-replacing-hidden-digits 枚举(Go)
987 vertical-order-traversal-of-a-binary-tree DFS+自定义排序(Go,Py)
457 circular-array-loop 双指针(Go)
1583 count-unhappy-friends 模拟1(Go),模拟2(Go)
677 map-sum-pairs bisect(Go,Py)
594 longest-harmonious-subsequence hashmap(Go)
519 random-flip-matrix hashmap(Go),hashmap2(Go)
390 elimination-game math(Go)
1345 jump-game-iv BFS(Go)
1020 number-of-enclaves BFS(Go)
23 merge-k-sorted-lists heap(Go),loser_tree(Go)
210 course-schedule-ii bfs(Go),dfs(Go)