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A fully vanilla compatible rewrite of the MGEMod plugin. No sourcemod plugins required.

The goal of this project is to create a drop-in replacement for the SM version for better long term support/stability, ease of use, and generally expanding on the gamemode in ways that were prohibitively complicated before. PRs and Issues are more than welcome.

The biggest obstacle that obviously cannot be worked around is the lack of a proper database connector. If stat tracking is set to database mode, this gamemode copes by using an external python script to move data from disk to database. You should be EXTREMELY careful about using this alongside untrusted maps/scripts, see below to avoid malicious maps/scripts from tampering with player stats.


  • Drop the mapspawn.nut file and mge folder in your tf/scripts/vscripts directory. That's it
    • If you know github/git, I recommend cloning the repository to this directory so you're always up to date.
  • Alternatively, if you are not using any database integration, you can rename mapspawn.nut to something else and add script_execute new_filename_here to your server.cfg

Don't pack this into your map

  • I generally don't recommend you do this, this will receive live regular updates like a sourcemod plugin, and will conflict with server configs
  • If you must pack this into your map, you should modify it so it loads in a way that it doesn't override any existing mge scripts on the server

Configuration/Modifying game rules

  • Most arena rules can be configured at the top of the mge/cfg/config.nut file

Features & Progress

Feature Status
Legacy map support
Koth ⚠️
Midair? ⚠️
Plain text ELO/stat tracking
Quake-style announcer lines (toggleable)
Localization ⚠️
NavMesh Generation ⚠️
Database tracking (MySQL)
Database tracking (SQLite) ⚠️
Custom rulesets ⚠️
Arbitrary team sizes

⚠️KOTH works but the logic is super janky right now, partial cap time can go negative and you can just trade the point back and forth (doesn't contest/pause)

⚠️I have never played midair and am only going off of what the plugin describes (same as endif but no height threshold?), it might not be faithful to the original thing

⚠️Theres a few AI translations in here. PRs fixing the AI translations listed in mge/cfg/localization.nut would be appreciated

⚠️See below for navmesh warning, tl;dr it's very slow and will still generate bad navs on the more abstract arenas (oihguv, chillypunch, etc)

⚠️The SQLite stuff should work fine but is untested.

⚠️Ruleset voting is still very experimental, please report any issues you find.

Converting your map configs

  • Open a copy of your map config file (mgemod_spawns.cfg) in VSCode/NP++/any text editor that supports regex search/replace

  • If you're confused, Google/ask your favorite AI chat bot how to enable regex search/replace in your text editor

    • Find pattern: (\s*)"([^"]+)"\s*\n\s*\{
    • Replace pattern: $1"$2": {
    • Replace All
  • Then:

    • Find pattern: (\s*)"([^"]+)"\s+"([^"]+)"
    • Replace pattern: $1"$2": "$3"
    • Replace All
  • CUSTOM MAPS NEED TO BE INDEXED MANUALLY! See the mge/cfg/mgemod_spawns.nut file for an example of how to index your map

    • Failing to index your maps will result in !add being unordered, rendering everyone's !add binds useless

Known bugs/limitations

  • KOTH is jank
  • Custom ruleset spawns may not rotate correctly
  • No Ultiduo yet, I forgot xd
  • There's no way to make a menu of arena options like SourceMod can, stuck to chat commands or a fully custom screen overlay or something even more exotic.
  • !add only supports arena indexes right now (1-18 for classic mge_training), !add viaduct for example will not work, only !add 1 will.
  • Queue cycling might be buggy and put people on the wrong teams, pls report
  • Leaderboard currently only works with a database and is disabled by default.
  • Many chat commands either aren't implemented or were changed to something else (goodbye !hitblip).

I am not an MGE main and there are probably plenty of minor parity issues to hammer out (endif knockback height being the main one), pls report and major discrepancies between this and standard MGEMod behavior below.

Adding new BBall/Koth/etc spawns:

  • BBall, Koth, and other "specialty" modes still supports reading hoop/koth point/ball spawn points/etc using the old method for backwards compatibility
  • The old system requires exactly 8 spawns on BBall and 6 on KOTH, with the other indexes being used for arena logic.
  • This isn't strictly necessary anymore, these arenas can now support any arbitrary number of spawn points (just make sure the number of spawns is divisible by 2)
  • If you'd like to modify spawn points for these arenas, see cfg/config.nut and search for BBALL_MAX_SPAWNS to see how it works.

New optional arena keyvalues:

If not specified, the default values can be found in cfg/config.nut

  • countdown_sound - the sound played when the countdown starts
  • countdown_sound_volume - the volume of the countdown sound
  • round_start_sound - the sound played when the round starts
  • round_start_sound_volume - the volume of the round start sound
  • leaderboard_cam - the camera position and angle for the leaderboard if leaderboard is enabled, same format as spawn positions.
    • if this is not set and leaderboard is enabled, this will grab a random camera and spawn a new one facing the opposite direction.


  • Index 9-13 in the plugin spawn config can be optionally replaced with the following keyvalues:

    • bball_home - the spawn point of the neutral home
    • bball_home_red - the spawn point of the red home
    • bball_home_blue - the spawn point of the blue home
    • bball_hoop_red - the spawn point of the red hoop
    • bball_hoop_blue - the spawn point of the blue hoop
  • bball_hoop_size - the radius of the hoop in hammer units

  • bball_pickup_model - the model of the ball pickup

  • bball_pickup_sound - the sound of the ball pickup

  • bball_particle_pickup_red - the particle effect of the ball pickup for the red team

  • bball_particle_pickup_blue - the particle effect of the ball pickup for the blue team

  • bball_particle_pickup_generic - the particle effect of the ball pickup for both teams

  • bball_particle_trail_red - the particle effect applied to players on pickup for the red team

  • bball_particle_trail_blue - the particle effect applied to players on pickup for the blue team


  • koth_cap - the spawn point of the capture point
    • If this is not specified, the last index in the map spawn config will be used as the capture point
  • start_time_red - starting time for red team, defaults to KOTH_START_TIME_RED in cfg/config.nut
  • start_time_blu - starting time for blue team, defaults to KOTH_START_TIME_BLUE in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_capture_point_radius - the radius of the capture point in hammer units, defaults to KOTH_CAPTURE_POINT_RADIUS in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_capture_point_max_height - the maximum height of the capture point in hammer units, defaults to KOTH_CAPTURE_POINT_MAX_HEIGHT in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_decay_rate - the rate at which the capture point decays when not being capped in seconds, defaults to KOTH_DECAY_RATE in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_decay_interval - the interval at which the capture point decays in seconds, defaults to KOTH_DECAY_INTERVAL in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_additive_decay - if set to "1", reverting enemy cap progress will stack with passive decay, defaults to KOTH_ADDITIVE_DECAY in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_countdown_rate - the rate at which the capture point counts down in seconds, defaults to KOTH_COUNTDOWN_RATE in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_countdown_interval - the interval at which the capture point counts down in seconds, defaults to KOTH_COUNTDOWN_INTERVAL in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_partial_cap_rate - the rate at which the capture point is capped in seconds, defaults to KOTH_PARTIAL_CAP_RATE in cfg/config.nut
  • koth_partial_cap_interval - the interval at which the capture point is capped in seconds, defaults to KOTH_PARTIAL_CAP_INTERVAL in cfg/config.nut


  • endif_height_threshold - the height threshold for airshots in hammer units, defaults to ENDIF_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD in cfg/config.nut


  • midair_height_threshold - the height threshold for midair, defaults to AIRSHOT_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD in cfg/config.nut

New Arena Type: Allmeat

  • Allmeat is a mode that only registers damage if your shot deals allmeat_damage_threshold%+ of the weapon's max damage, intended for scattergun/shotgun training.

  • allmeat_damage_threshold - the minimum damage % compared to max theoretical damage, defaults to ALLMEAT_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD in cfg/config.nut

    • settings this to 1.0 will require 100% perfect shots, setting this to 0.0 will disable it, default is 0.85.
  • the ALLMEAT_MAX_DAMAGE table in cfg/config.nut contains the hardcoded max damage values for each weapon. This table also doubles as a whitelist for which weapons are affected by allmeat.

  • Add "allmeat" : "1" to the arena config to enable, or turn any MGE arena into an allmeat arena by typing !ruleset allmeat.

  • allmeat is fun to type. allmeat allmeat allmeat

Chat Commands

All chat commands can be prefixed with any of these characters: /\.!?

Feature What it do
add Add yourself to a given arena index
remove Remove yourself from the arena you are currently in
stats view your stats breakdown
ruleset vote to change the current arenas ruleset, for example enabling endif or ammomod
announcer toggle the announcer on/off
help/mgehelp view the help menu
stats view your stats breakdown
language change your language, this will read your cl_language setting by default
handicap set a handicap for yourself, !handicap 100 will set your HP to 100

ELO/Stat Tracking


Support This github issue.

  • While most existing MGE maps are safe to use, DO NOT ENABLE ANY STAT TRACKING ON UNTRUSTED MAPS!
    • Any MGE maps created after the VScript update can pack a mapspawn.nut file that will override ours
    • Not only will this break the gamemode, but malicious maps can target either the database or filesystem and manipulate player stats
    • How to check if a map is safe:
      • Open the bsp using GCFScape, open the .zip file, and check the tf/scripts/vscripts directory in this zip file
      • If you see a mapspawn.nut file, the gamemode will either not load correctly or this map is unsafe
      • If you see any other packed script files, Ctrl+F and search for StringToFile or FileToString in every script file, if you see any of these, the map is potentially unsafe
      • You can go a step further and check the entity lumps/decompiled vmf for runscriptcode if you're extra paranoid

Plain Text

  • perfect option for MGE servers running on a single physical server
  • player stats are tracked in the tf/scriptdata/mge_playerdata directory indexed by steamid.
  • No leaderboard support currently.


  • Database tracking uses VScript-Python Interface to send data from vscript to python through the filesystem.
    • Open tf/scripts/vscripts/mge/cfg/config.nut and set ELO_TRACKING_MODE from 1 to 2
    • Open tf/scripts/vscripts/mge/vpi/vpi.nut and update line 13, change return ""; to a random unique string. Treat this like a password.
    • Install MySQL (recommended) or SQLite and create a database
    • Install Python 3.10 or newer if you don't already have it
    • Install the aiomysql module, SQLite uses aiosqlite
    • Add your database credentials to tf/scripts/vscripts/mge/vpi/ (use env vars) and run this script constantly in the background, this is your database connection
      • You should create a systemd service for this on linux, or whatever the windows equivalent is
    • Check server console for any VPI related errors when you join/leave the server.
    • This will automatically create the mge_playerdata table in your database

GitHub Auto Updates

  • If configured in cfg/config.nut, the python script that handles database connections will also periodically git clone this repo to a specified directory and shorten the map restart timer.

NavMesh generation

Included is a tool to generate a navmesh for every arena on a given map. Load any map you want to generate a navmesh for in singleplayer, enable cheats, and paste this into console

ent_fire bignet CallScriptFunction "MGE_CreateNav"

Or for only one arena:

ent_fire bignet RunScriptCode "MGE_CreateNav(`Badlands Middle`)"


  • This is very slow and will freeze your game for every arena
  • More "abstract" arenas (such as the ones on oihguv or chillypunch) will generate nav squares where you may not want them, and will take forever to generate. Both oihguv and triumph take 30+ mins for every arena. You have been warned.


  • Localization files are automatically detected by cl_language for per-player language settings, if a string is not localized it will default back to the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE constant.
  • Some translations are machine translated, please submit pull requests to fix any bad ones.


Localization credits can be found at the top of mge/cfg/localization.nut

  • Braindawg - Most of it.
  • Mince - (VPI), misc cleanup, bot stuff.
  • MGEMod - The most recent version of the original MGEMod plugin.
  • CPrice, Lange - Original MGEMod/Ammomod developers.