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1. Identify SOLID Principles

Chosen open source project: VS Code

Principle Examples
Single Responsibility Principle callHierarchyTree.ts, L76-L81
Compares two elements of type Call.
Open/Closed Principle dispose.ts, L15-L40
Disposable abstract class can be extended and subclasses can add their specific functionality, without modifying the base class.
Liskov Substitution Principle verifier.ts, L12-L56
Subclasses (e.g. BooleanVerifier, NumberVerifier, SetVerifier) of base abstract class Verifier can be easily substituted without breaking the application.
Interface Seggregation Principle logger.ts, L257-L262
Logger interface has a single log method that serves a single purpose, to log messages. Each class (ConsoleLogger, FileLogger, MultiLogger) uses log for different use cases.
Dependency Inverion Principle pathService.ts, L12-L21
PathService class depends on abstractions, extends AbstractPathService, and all params from constructor are abstractions.

2. Violations of SOLID and Other Principles

Chosen open source project: VS Code

Principle Examples
Single Responsibility Principle actionbar.ts, L67-L600
The class ActionBar has many responsibilities, like registering and handling focus and blur + keyup and keydown events, instantiating and handling the ActionRunner
Separate the action handling, create a separate class for it.
Separate also the DOM manipulation logic, extract into a separate class.
Open/Closed Principle folding.ts, L73-L80
In case if new span kind will be introduced, need to modify getFoldingRangeKind method of class TypeScriptFoldingProvider
Proposal: store key-value pairs in a map and extract it.
Liskov Substitution Principle dirtyDiffDecorator.ts, L62-L71
Object of ActionRunner can't be replaced with object of DiffActionRunner because the additional precondition in runAction of subclass - if (action instanceof MenuItemAction).
The run method of MenuItemAction behaves differently, better to remove the check between L65-L67 (DiffActionRunner) and refactor run method.
Interface Seggregation Principle tree.ts, L219-L221
Fix: break down the TreeDragAndDropController<T> interface into smaller interfaces.
Dependency Inverion Principle typeHierarchyPeek.ts, starting from L69
High-level module (TypeHierarchyTreePeekWidget class) depends on multiple low-level modules (e.g. Dimension, TypeHierarchyTree)
Instead of depending on Dimension (contains specific implementation), it should depend on IDimension interface.
Remove concrete implementation of TypeHierarchyTree, looks like it was just created to "mock" a type.

YAGNI: in some functions there are unused params

DRY: abstract class Disposable is implemented in the same way at multiple places (media-preview/src/util, simple-browser/src, typescript-language-features/src/utils)

KISS: actionbar.ts, L67-L600: ActionBar class should be simpler