Chosen open source project: VS Code
Principle | Examples |
Single Responsibility Principle | callHierarchyTree.ts, L76-L81 |
Compares two elements of type Call . |
Open/Closed Principle | dispose.ts, L15-L40 |
Disposable abstract class can be extended and subclasses can add their specific functionality, without modifying the base class. |
Liskov Substitution Principle | verifier.ts, L12-L56 |
Subclasses (e.g. BooleanVerifier , NumberVerifier , SetVerifier ) of base abstract class Verifier can be easily substituted without breaking the application. |
Interface Seggregation Principle | logger.ts, L257-L262 |
Logger interface has a single log method that serves a single purpose, to log messages. Each class (ConsoleLogger , FileLogger , MultiLogger ) uses log for different use cases. |
Dependency Inverion Principle | pathService.ts, L12-L21 |
PathService class depends on abstractions, extends AbstractPathService , and all params from constructor are abstractions. |
Chosen open source project: VS Code
Principle | Examples |
Single Responsibility Principle | actionbar.ts, L67-L600 |
The class ActionBar has many responsibilities, like registering and handling focus and blur + keyup and keydown events, instantiating and handling the ActionRunner |
Separate the action handling, create a separate class for it. | |
Separate also the DOM manipulation logic, extract into a separate class. | |
Open/Closed Principle | folding.ts, L73-L80 |
In case if new span kind will be introduced, need to modify getFoldingRangeKind method of class TypeScriptFoldingProvider |
Proposal: store key-value pairs in a map and extract it. | |
Liskov Substitution Principle | dirtyDiffDecorator.ts, L62-L71 |
Object of ActionRunner can't be replaced with object of DiffActionRunner because the additional precondition in runAction of subclass - if (action instanceof MenuItemAction) . |
The run method of MenuItemAction behaves differently, better to remove the check between L65-L67 (DiffActionRunner) and refactor run method. |
Interface Seggregation Principle | tree.ts, L219-L221 |
Fix: break down the TreeDragAndDropController<T> interface into smaller interfaces. |
Dependency Inverion Principle | typeHierarchyPeek.ts, starting from L69 |
High-level module (TypeHierarchyTreePeekWidget class) depends on multiple low-level modules (e.g. Dimension , TypeHierarchyTree ) |
Instead of depending on Dimension (contains specific implementation), it should depend on IDimension interface. |
Remove concrete implementation of TypeHierarchyTree , looks like it was just created to "mock" a type. |
YAGNI: in some functions there are unused params
DRY: abstract class Disposable is implemented in the same way at multiple places (media-preview/src/util, simple-browser/src, typescript-language-features/src/utils)
KISS: actionbar.ts, L67-L600: ActionBar class should be simpler