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File metadata and controls

1107 lines (995 loc) · 31.8 KB

Port Agent

Control the payload of your self-service actions

Some of the 3rd party applications that you may want to integrate with may not accept the raw payload incoming from Port's self-service actions. The Port agent allows you to control the payload that is sent to every 3rd party application.

You can alter the requests sent to your third-party application by providing a payload mapping config file when deploying the Port-agent container.

Control the payload mapping

The payload mapping file is a JSON file that specifies how to transform the request sent to the Port agent to the request that is sent to the third-party application.

The payload mapping file is mounted to the Port agent as a volume. The path to the payload mapping file is set in the CONTROL_THE_PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. By default, the Port agent will look for the payload mapping file at ~/control_the_payload_config.json.

The payload mapping file is a json file that contains a list of mappings. Each mapping contains the request fields that will be overridden and sent to the 3rd party application.

You can see examples showing how to deploy the Port agent with different mapping configurations for various common use cases below.

Each of the mapping fields can be constructed by JQ expressions. The JQ expression will be evaluated against the original payload that is sent to the port agent from Port and the result will be sent to the 3rd party application.

Here is the mapping file schema:

[ # Can have multiple mappings. Will use the first one it will find with enabled = True (Allows you to apply mapping over multiple actions at once)
      "enabled": bool || JQ,
      "url": JQ, # Optional. default is the incoming url from port
      "method": JQ, # Optional. default is 'POST'. Should return one of the following string values 'POST' / 'PUT' / 'DELETE' / 'GET' 
      "headers": dict[str, JQ], # Optional. default is {}
      "body": ".body", # Optional. default is the whole payload incoming from Port.
      "query": dict[str, JQ] # Optional. default is {},
      "report" { # Optional. Used to report the run status back to Port right after the request is sent to the 3rd party application
        "status": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted runs status
        "link": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted link or a list of links
        "summary": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted summary
        "externalRunId": JQ # Optional. Should return the wanted external run id

The body can be partially constructed by json as follows:

  "body": {
    "key": 2,
    "key2": {
      "key3": ".im.a.jq.expression",
      "key4": "\"im a string\""

The incoming message to base your mapping on

Example for incoming event
  "action": "action_identifier",
  "resourceType": "run",
  "status": "TRIGGERED",
  "trigger": {
    "by": {
      "orgId": "org_XXX",
      "userId": "auth0|XXXXX",
      "user": {
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "user",
        "lastName": "userLastName",
        "phoneNumber": "0909090909090909",
        "picture": "",
        "providers": [
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "id": "auth0|XXXXX",
        "createdAt": "2022-12-08T16:34:20.735Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-11-13T15:11:38.243Z"
    "origin": "UI",
    "at": "2023-11-13T15:20:16.641Z"
  "context": {
    "entity": "e_iQfaF14FJln6GVBn",
    "blueprint": "kubecostCloudAllocation",
    "runId": "r_HardNzG6kzc9vWOQ"
  "payload": {
    "entity": {
      "identifier": "e_iQfaF14FJln6GVBn",
      "title": "myEntity",
      "icon": "Port",
      "blueprint": "myBlueprint",
      "team": [],
      "properties": {
      "relations": {},
      "createdAt": "2023-11-13T15:24:46.880Z",
      "createdBy": "auth0|XXXXX",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-13T15:24:46.880Z",
      "updatedBy": "auth0|XXXXX"
    "action": {
      "invocationMethod": {
        "type": "WEBHOOK",
        "agent": true,
        "synchronized": false,
        "method": "POST",
        "url": ""
      "trigger": "DAY-2"
    "properties": {
    "censoredProperties": []

The report mapping

After the request is sent to the 3rd party application, the Port agent can report the run status back to Port. The report mapping is used to construct the report that will be sent to Port.

The report mapping can use the following fields:

.body - The incoming message as mentioned Above .request - The request that was calculated using the control the payload mapping and sent to the 3rd party application .response - The response that was received from the 3rd party application


Terraform Cloud

Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a Terraform Cloud run.

  "identifier": "terraform_cloud_workspace",
  "title": "Terraform Cloud Workspace",
  "icon": "Terraform",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "workspace_id": {
        "title": "Workspace Id",
        "type": "string"
      "organization_name": {
        "title": "Organization Name",
        "type": "string"
      "workspace_name": {
        "title": "Workspace Name",
        "type": "string"
    "required": [
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}
    "identifier": "trigger_tf_run",
    "title": "Trigger TF Cloud run",
    "icon": "Terraform",
    "userInputs": {
      "properties": {},
      "required": [],
      "order": []
    "invocationMethod": {
      "type": "WEBHOOK",
      "agent": true,
      "synchronized": false,
      "method": "POST",
      "url": ""
    "trigger": "DAY-2",
    "requiredApproval": false
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
    "enabled": ".action == \"trigger_tf_run\"",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "\"Bearer \" + env.TF_TOKEN",
      "Content-Type": "\"application/vnd.api+json\""
    "body": {
      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "is-destroy": false,
          "message": "\"Triggered via Port\"",
          "variables": " | to_entries | map({key: .key, value: .value})"
        "type": "\"runs\"",
        "relationships": {
          "workspace": {
            "data": {
              "type": "\"workspaces\"",
              "id": ""
    "report": {
      "status": "if .response.statusCode == 201 then \"SUCCESS\" else \"FAILURE\" end",
      "link": "\"\" + + \"/workspaces/\" + + \"/runs/\" +",
      "externalRunId": ""

Port agent installation for Terraform cloud example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.secret.PORT_CLIENT_ID=YOUR_PORT_CLIENT_ID \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json


Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a CircleCI pipeline.

  "identifier": "circle_ci_project",
  "title": "CircleCI Project",
  "icon": "CircleCI",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "project_slug": {
        "title": "Slug",
        "type": "string"
    "required": [
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}
    "identifier": "trigger_circle_ci_pipeline",
    "title": "Trigger CircleCI pipeline",
    "icon": "CircleCI",
    "userInputs": {
      "properties": {},
      "required": [],
      "order": []
    "invocationMethod": {
      "type": "WEBHOOK",
      "agent": true,
      "synchronized": false,
      "method": "POST",
      "url": ""
    "trigger": "DAY-2",
    "requiredApproval": false
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
    "enabled": ".action == \"trigger_circle_ci_pipeline\"",
    "url": "(env.CIRCLE_CI_URL // \"\") as $baseUrl | | @uri as $path | $baseUrl + \"/api/v2/project/\" + $path + \"/pipeline\"",
    "headers": {
      "Circle-Token": "env.CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN"
    "body": {
      "branch": " // \"main\"",
      "parameters": ".payload.action.invocationMethod as $invocationMethod | | to_entries | map({(.key): (.value | tostring)}) | add | if $invocationMethod.omitUserInputs then {} else . end"

Port agent installation for CircleCI example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.secret.PORT_CLIENT_ID=YOUR_PORT_CLIENT_ID \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json

Windmill - Async execution

This example helps internal developer teams to trigger Windmill job using Port's self service actions. In particular, you will create a blueprint for windmillJob that will be connected to a backend action. You will then add some configuration files (invocations.json) to control the payload and trigger your Windmill job directly from Port using the async execution method.

Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a Windmill job.

  "identifier": "windmillJob",
  "description": "This blueprint represents a windmill job in our software catalog",
  "title": "Windmill",
  "icon": "DefaultProperty",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "workspace": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Workspace"
      "path": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "File Path"
      "trigerredBy": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Triggered By",
        "format": "user"
      "createdAt": {
        "type": "string",
        "format": "date-time",
        "title": "Created At"
    "required": []
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}
      "title":"Trigger Windmill Pipeline",
               "description":"The Workspace identifier",
               "title":"File Path",
               "description":"The path of the job script in the workspace, including the /u and /f prefix",
               "title":"Job Data",
               "description":"The data to be passed to the job in order to execute successfully",
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
    "enabled": ".action == \"trigger_windmill_pipeline\"",
    "url": "\"\" as $baseUrl | as $workspace | as $path | $baseUrl + \"/api/w/\" + $workspace + \"/jobs/run/f/\" + $path",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "\"Bearer \" + env.WINDMILL_TOKEN",
      "Content-Type": "\"application/json\""
    "body": "",
    "report": {
      "status": "if .response.statusCode == 201 and (.response.text != null) then \"SUCCESS\" else \"FAILURE\" end",
      "link": "\"\" + + \"/jobs/run/f/\" +",
      "externalRunId": ".response.text"

Port agent installation for Windmill example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json

Run action

Run this action with some input

    "workspace": "demo",
    "file_path": "f/examples/ban_user_example",
    "job_data": {
        "value": "batman",
        "reason": "Gotham city in need of superhero",
        "database": "$res:f/examples/demo_windmillshowcases",
        "username": "Jack",
        "slack_channel": "bans"

Windmill - Sync execution

This example helps internal developer teams to trigger Windmill job using Port's self service actions. In particular, you will create a blueprint for windmillJob that will be connected to a backend action. You will then add some configuration files (invocations.json) to control the payload and trigger your Windmill job directly from Port using the sync execution method.

Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a Windmill job.

  "identifier": "windmillJob",
  "description": "This blueprint represents a windmill job in our software catalog",
  "title": "Windmill",
  "icon": "DefaultProperty",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "workspace": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Workspace"
      "path": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "File Path"
      "trigerredBy": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Triggered By",
        "format": "user"
      "createdAt": {
        "type": "string",
        "format": "date-time",
        "title": "Created At"
    "required": []
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}
      "title":"Trigger Windmill Pipeline",
               "description":"The Workspace identifier",
               "title":"File Path",
               "description":"The path of the job script in the workspace, including the /u and /f prefix",
               "title":"Job Data",
               "description":"The data to be passed to the job in order to execute successfully",
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
    "enabled": ".action == \"trigger_windmill_pipeline\"",
    "url": "\"\" as $baseUrl | as $workspace | as $path | $baseUrl + \"/api/w/\" + $workspace + \"/jobs/run_wait_result/f/\" + $path",
    "headers": {
      "Authorization": "\"Bearer \" + env.WINDMILL_TOKEN",
      "Content-Type": "\"application/json\""
    "body": "",
    "report": {
      "status": "if .response.statusCode == 201 and (.response.json.error | not) then \"SUCCESS\" else \"FAILURE\" end",
      "link": "\"\" + + \"/jobs/run_wait_result/f/\" +"

Port agent installation for Windmill example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json

Run action

Run this action with some input

    "workspace": "demo",
    "file_path": "f/examples/ban_user_example",
    "job_data": {
        "value": "batman",
        "reason": "Gotham city in need of superhero",
        "database": "$res:f/examples/demo_windmillshowcases",
        "username": "Jack",
        "slack_channel": "bans"

Opsgenie Example

This example helps internal developer teams to trigger Opsgenie incidents using Port's self service actions. In particular, you will create a blueprint for opsgenieIncident that will be connected to a backend action. You will then add some configuration files (invocations.json) to control the payload and trigger your Opsgenie incident directly from Port using the sync execution method.

Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a Opsgenie incident.

  "identifier": "opsgenieIncident",
  "description": "This blueprint represent an incident in opsgenie",
  "title": "OpsGenie Incident",
  "icon": "OpsGenie",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "message": {
        "title": "Message",
        "type": "string"
      "description": {
        "title": "Description",
        "type": "string"
        "title": "Details",
        "type": "object"
        "title": "Priority",
        "type" : "string"
    "required": []
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "aggregationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}
  "identifier": "create_opsgenie_incident",
  "title": "Create Opsgenie Incident",
  "icon": "OpsGenie",
  "userInputs": {
    "properties": {
      "message": {
        "title": "message",
        "description": "Message of the incident",
        "icon": "OpsGenie",
        "type": "string",
        "maxLength": 130
      "description": {
        "icon": "OpsGenie",
        "title": "description",
        "type": "string",
        "maxLength": 15000,
        "description": "Description field of the incident that is generally used to provide a detailed information about the incident"
      "details": {
        "title": "details",
        "description": "Map of key-value pairs to use as custom properties of the incident",
        "icon": "OpsGenie",
        "type": "object"
      "priority": {
        "title": "Priority",
        "description": "Priority level of the incident. Possible values are P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. Default value is P3.",
        "icon": "OpsGenie",
        "type": "string",
        "default": "P3",
        "enum": [
        "enumColors": {
          "P1": "red",
          "P2": "orange",
          "P3": "yellow",
          "P4": "green",
          "P5": "green"
    "required": [
    "order": [
  "invocationMethod": {
    "type": "WEBHOOK",
    "url": "",
    "agent": true,
    "synchronized": true,
    "method": "POST"
  "trigger": "CREATE",
  "description": "Create Opsgenie incident",
  "requiredApproval": false
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
	  "enabled": ".action == \"create_opsgenie_incident\"",
	  "url": ".payload.action.url",
	  "headers": {
		"Authorization": "\"GenieKey \" + env.OPSGENIE_API_KEY",
		"Content-Type": "\"application/json\""
	  "body": {
		"message": "",
		"description": "",
		"details": "",
		"priority": ""
	  "report": {
		"status": "if .response.statusCode == 202 then \"SUCCESS\" else \"FAILURE\" end"

Port agent installation for Opsgenie example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.PORT_CLIENT_ID=YOUR_CLIENT \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json

ArgoWorkflow Example

This example helps internal developer teams to trigger an Argo Workflow using Port's self service actions. In particular, you will create a blueprint for argoWorkflow that will be connected to a backend action. You will then add some configuration files (invocations.json) to control the payload and trigger your Argo Workflow directly from Port using the sync execution method.

Create the following blueprint, action and mapping to trigger a workflow.

  "identifier": "argoWorkflow",
  "description": "This blueprint represents an Argo Workflow.",
  "title": "Argo Workflow",
  "icon": "Argo",
  "schema": {
    "properties": {
      "metadata": {
        "icon": "Argo",
        "title": "Metadata",
        "description": "Metadata information for the Argo Workflow.",
        "type": "object"
      "spec": {
        "icon": "Argo",
        "title": "Specification",
        "description": "Specification details of the Argo Workflow.",
        "type": "object"
      "status": {
        "type": "object",
        "title": "Status",
        "description": "Status information for the Argo Workflow.",
        "icon": "Argo"
    "required": []
  "mirrorProperties": {},
  "calculationProperties": {},
  "aggregationProperties": {},
  "relations": {}

Note Register an existing Argo Workflow in the catalog (this is a one time operation). The workflow should exist in your Argo workflow deployment instance

Blueprint Entity Example
  "identifier": "f7d561c3-2791-4092-b960-8f2428ef9d79",
  "title": "hello-world-x9w5h",
  "icon": "Argo",
  "team": [],
  "properties": {
    "metadata": {
      "name": "hello-world-x9w5h",
      "generateName": "hello-world-",
      "namespace": "argo",
      "uid": "f7d561c3-2791-4092-b960-8f2428ef9d79",
      "resourceVersion": "484158",
      "generation": 7,
      "creationTimestamp": "2024-01-22T20:53:35Z",
      "labels": {
        "": "false",
        "": "system-serviceaccount-argo-argo-server",
        "": "Failed"
      "annotations": {
        "": "v2"
      "managedFields": [
          "manager": "argo",
          "operation": "Update",
          "apiVersion": "",
          "time": "2024-02-28T08:52:25Z",
          "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
          "fieldsV1": {
            "f:metadata": {
              "f:generateName": {},
              "f:labels": {
                ".": {},
                "": {},
                "": {}
            "f:spec": {}
          "manager": "workflow-controller",
          "operation": "Update",
          "apiVersion": "",
          "time": "2024-02-28T08:52:35Z",
          "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
          "fieldsV1": {
            "f:metadata": {
              "f:annotations": {
                ".": {},
                "": {}
              "f:labels": {
                "": {}
            "f:status": {}
    "spec": {
      "templates": [
          "name": "whalesay",
          "inputs": {},
          "outputs": {},
          "metadata": {},
          "container": {
            "name": "",
            "image": "docker/whalesay:latest",
            "command": [
            "args": [
              "hello world"
            "resources": {}
      "entrypoint": "whalesay",
      "arguments": {},
      "shutdown": "Stop"
    "status": {},
    "relations": {}
  "identifier": "trigger_a_workflow",
  "title": "Trigger A Workflow",
  "icon": "Argo",
  "userInputs": {
    "properties": {
      "namespace": {
        "title": "Namespace",
        "description": "Name of the namespace",
        "icon": "Argo",
        "type": "string",
        "default": {
          "jqQuery": ""
      "memoized": {
        "title": "Memoized",
        "description": "Turning on memoized enables all steps to be executed again regardless of previous outputs",
        "icon": "Argo",
        "type": "boolean",
        "default": false
    "required": [],
    "order": [
  "invocationMethod": {
    "type": "WEBHOOK",
    "url": "https://{your-argo-workflow-domain}.com",
    "agent": true,
    "synchronized": true,
    "method": "PUT"
  "trigger": "DAY-2",
  "description": "Trigger the execution of an argo workflow",
  "requiredApproval": false
Mapping - (Should be saved as `invocations.json`)
		"enabled": ".action == \"trigger_a_workflow\"",
		"url": ".payload.action.invocationMethod.url as $baseUrl | as $namespace | .payload.entity.title as $workflow_name | $baseUrl + \"/api/v1/workflows/\" + $namespace + \"/\" + $workflow_name + \"/resubmit\"",
		"headers": {
			"Authorization": "\"Bearer \" + env.ARGO_WORKFLOW_TOKEN",
			"Content-Type": "\"application/json\""
		"body": {
			"memoized": ""
		"report": {
			"status": "if .response.statusCode == 200 then \"SUCCESS\" else \"FAILURE\" end",
			"link": ".body.payload.action.invocationMethod.url as $baseUrl | $baseUrl + \"/workflows/\"+ .response.json.metadata.namespace + \"/\""

Port agent installation for ArgoWorkflow example:

helm repo add port-labs

helm repo update

helm install my-port-agent port-labs/port-agent \
    --create-namespace --namespace port-agent \
    --set env.normal.PORT_ORG_ID=YOUR_ORG_ID \
    --set env.normal.PORT_CLIENT_ID=YOUR_CLIENT \
    --set env.normal.STREAMER_NAME=KAFKA \
    --set env.normal.KAFKA_CONSUMER_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=earliest \
    --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=./invocations.json