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-# CommuTrace_Monitor_TaskList
+# 监听“算了么”平台任务列表
+遵循GPL 3.0协议
+### 对于不便的用户
+### 使用说明
+python index.py
+##### 首次运行时你需要准备:
+1. 平台账号、密码 [注册帐号](https://suanleme.cn/)
+2. [PushPlus](http://www.pushplus.plus/)的`token`用于消息推送
+ ![image-20230316161929749](https://s2.loli.net/2023/03/16/m28Pc7BJQinXMZh.png)
+ - (选填)群组编码:用于PushPlus发送一对多消息(群发消息)。详见[一对多消息|pushplus(推送加)](http://www.pushplus.plus/push2.html),留空时发送一对一消息。
+### 更新日志
+1.2 (2024.01.24) 更新:现有任务增加任务点时,将会收到提醒
+1.1 (2024.01.20) 更新:优化了推送消息中表格的显示。
+1.0 (2024.01.20) 更新:CommuTrace共迹算力平台已升级为“算了么”平台,现已对新平台进行适配。
+0.2.1 (2023.03.31) 修复:某些情况下“远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接”时,报错退出的问题。
+0.2 (2023.03.25) 更新:
+ 1、登录时将Cookies保存到文件,并优先从文件载入Cookies;
+ 2、新增检查更新。
+ 修复:
+ 1、修复了某些情况下订单解析失败的问题;
+ 2、修复了Cookies失效后,重新登录失败的问题。
+0.1.4 (2023.03.22) 修复:
+ 1、当订单数=0时,重复登录的问题;
+ 2、调整了输出的消息的格式,并做了精简,避免过多无意义内容。
+0.1.3 (2023.03.20) 修复:当订单数>1时,只显示首个订单的问题。
+0.1.2 (2023.03.19) 修复:
+ 1、当无订单时崩溃的问题;
+ 2、当订单数>1时,订单创建时间解析错误的问题;
+ 3、修复其它错误。
+0.1.1 (2023.03.16) 若干更新:
+ 1、令当连接出错时自动重试;
+ 2、令当验证码识别出错时自动重试;
+ 3、处理其他报错。
+0.1 (2023.03.16) 初版。
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+Author : Pooneyy
+Date : 2023-03-14 20:08:52
+LastEditors : Pooneyy 85266337+pooneyy@users.noreply.github.com
+LastEditTime : 2023-03-31 21:48:32
+FilePath : /suanleme/index.py
+Description : “算了么”平台 监听任务列表
+Copyright (c) 2023-2024 by Pooneyy, All Rights Reserved.
+import json
+import os
+import datetime, pytz, time
+import sys
+import requests
+VERSION = '1.2' # 2024.01.24
+HOST = "https://api.suanleme.cn/api/v1"
+def timeStamp_To_dateTime(timeStamp):return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timeStamp), pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai')).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+def isoDateTime_To_dateTime(iso_date_time):return datetime.datetime.strptime(iso_date_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z").strftime('%Y-%m-%d
+def saveConfig(config):
+ with open("config.json", "w", encoding='utf8') as file:
+ json.dump(config, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent = 4)
+def loadConfig():
+ with open("config.json", "r+", encoding='utf8') as file:
+ config = json.load(file)
+ return config
+def checkUpdate():
+ url = "https://api.github.com/repos/pooneyy/suanleme/releases/latest"
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(url)
+ latest = json.loads(response.text)["tag_name"]
+ return VERSION != latest
+ except:return False
+def init():
+ print('首次运行初始化')
+ config = {}
+ config['config_version'] = CONFIG_VERSION
+ config['latest_id'] = 0
+ config['suanleme_username'] = input('请输入算了么账号:')
+ config['suanleme_password'] = input('请输入算了么密码:')
+ config['truecaptcha_userid'] = ''
+ config['truecaptcha_apikey'] = ''
+ config['pushplus_token'] = input('请输入pushplus推送加的token:')
+ config['pushplus_topic'] = input('(选填)输入pushplus推送加的群组编码:')
+ config['tasks_record'] = {}
+ saveConfig(config)
+ print('初始化完成,请重新运行')
+def sendMsg(config, msg):
+ data = {}
+ url = "http://www.pushplus.plus/send"
+ data['token'] = config['pushplus_token']
+ data['title'] = '算了么来新单啦!'
+ data['template'] = 'markdown'
+ data['topic'] = config['pushplus_topic'] # 群组编码,发送群组消息。
+ data['content'] = msg
+ response = requests.post(url,data=data)
+ return response.text
+def login(config):
+ url = f"{HOST}/user/token"
+ payload={
+ 'username': config['suanleme_username'],
+ 'password': config['suanleme_password'],
+ }
+ response = requests.post(url, data=payload)
+ print(f"{timeStamp_To_dateTime(time.time())}\t登录成功")
+ refresh_token = response.json()['refresh']
+ return refresh_token
+def refresh(refresh_token):
+ url = f"{HOST}/user/token/refresh"
+ payload={'refresh': refresh_token}
+ response = requests.post(url, data=payload)
+ return response.json()["access"]
+def getTasks(refresh_token):
+ '''获取全部订单'''
+ url = f"{HOST}/tasks/?page=1&data_type=all"
+ headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {refresh(refresh_token)}'}
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ response.close()
+ return response.json()
+def analyzing_tasks_info(tasks):
+ '''分析订单页面
+ 这是一个订单信息的数据结构
+ ```json
+ "id": 107, //订单id
+ "author": 23, //发布者id?
+ "status": "Running", //状态 Running / Finished / Canceled / Received
+ "finished_points": 28, //已完成任务点
+ "running_points": 2, //进行中任务点
+ "name": "cytx", //任务名
+ "desc": "cytx", //任务描述
+ "peer_income": 1, //单位收益
+ "expect_time": "1", //预期单位时长
+ "type": "Deployment", //类型 Deployment / Job
+ "points": 30, //总任务点
+ "cpu_required": 0, //硬件要求 CPU核心数
+ "memory_required": 0, //硬件要求 内存 单位GB
+ "disk_required": 0, //硬件要求 磁盘空间要求 单位GB
+ "time_required": "00:00:00", //连续时长要求
+ "created_time": "2024-01-10T11:19:36.165607+08:00", //创建时间()
+ "modify_time": "2024-01-19T17:48:05.918623+08:00", //修改时间
+ "finished_time": "2024-01-18T07:31:00+08:00", //完成时间
+ "runtime": 4,
+ "package": "eca6bf8b-d71d-4143-b259-f7ca9294d9ff",
+ "joined_user": [ //参加计算成员id?
+ 1,
+ 22,
+ 36,
+ 46,
+ 47,
+ 50
+ ],
+ "affinity": [
+ 1,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "aversion": []
+ ```
+ '''
+ taskList = []
+ for task in tasks['results']:
+ taskData = {}
+ taskData['id'] = task['id']
+ taskData['detail'] = task['desc']
+ taskData['created_time'] = task['created_time']
+ taskData['peer_income'] = task['peer_income']
+ taskData['points'] = task['points']
+ taskList.append(taskData)
+ return taskList
+def taskList_To_Msg(taskList):
+ msg = r'''
任务ID | 任务细节 | 创建时间 | 单位收益 | 总量 |
{i['id']} | {i['detail']} | {isoDateTime_To_dateTime(i['created_time'])} | {i['peer_income']} | {i['points']} |