Please note that this repository has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained by Polyverse Corporation. It may be removed in the future, but for now remains public for the benefit of any users.
Importantly, as the repository has not been maintained, it may contain unpatched security issues and other critical issues. Use at your own risk.
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This is the client side JS of PWD that allows to run terminals and attach them to your site
Here's a minimal example of the SDK usage:
<title>PWD SDK Demo</title>
<div id="myTerm" style="width 500px; height: 500px;"></div>
<script src="./dist/pwd.js"></script>
pwd.newSession([{selector: '#myTerm'}]);
If you are running Play with Docker locally (which saves resources on our production machines) create the new session with an additional option:
pwd.newSession([{selector: '#myTerm'}], {baseUrl: 'http://localhost'});
You can easily test your page with the SDK by running the following from the root directory of this project on Linux or Mac:
docker run --name sdktest -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -it -p 8080:80 nginx
and then browse to localhost:8080.
Clone this repo and run npm install && npm run build