An MD simulation analysis was conducted to compare the cutting response and the tool wear between flawed and flawless tool surfaces based on a three-layer nanometric cutting model.
- single diamond tool, with dimensions 11[100] 11[010] 22[001] in x, y, and z directions, edge radius = 4 x diamond unit cell
- 3C-SiC workpiece, with dimensions 65[010] 15[010] 18[001] in x, y, and z directions
- Depth of cut = 5 x 3C-SiC unit cell length
- Cutting direction = [010]<-1 0 0> for ≈200 Å
- Initial temperature = 300 K
- Equilibration
- NVT ensemble, timestep = 0.001 ps (1 fs) for 24000 steps
- Cutting
- NVT+NVE ensembles, timestep = 0.0005 ps (0.5 fs) for 133000 steps
- in.cutsic_eq.lmp
- EA Scr === pair_style atomistica BrennerScr
- v cutting velocity (unit = Å/ps)
- grooveDepth Depth of V-shaped groove defect on the diamond flank face (Range: [0-9], unit = length of a diamond unit cell)
- grooveTan Angle of V-shaped groove defect on the diamond flank face in tangent (e.g. input 1 for 45 degrees, 0.5 for 26.56(5) degrees)
@Precision > mpirun -np 32 ../../lmp_mpi_20161117_atomistica046 < in.cutsic_eq.lmp -v v 1.0 -v grooveDepth 6 -v grooveTan 1.0
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