GANs for simulation of electromagnetic showers in the ATLAS calorimeter. Details of my project are in the file Report.pdf
First implementation of Improved Wasserstein GAN (WGAN-gp), on the MNIST dataset. See the article :
- WGAN for electromagnetic showers in the ATLAS calorimeter A first script - - applies transformations to the former dataset (noise cuts, remove events>300 GeV), as describe in the file report.pdf.
Three Python files that work together :
- (contains training parameters, path to files, ...)
- (where all plot functions are defined)
- (main file to train the WGAN)
To launch a training, you should write in the terminal : python Name (Name = name of your folder in which all plots and weights will be saved. Will create the folder if it doens't already exist)
Plots are generated automatically each 250 epochs, a folder is created each time.
- A Jupyter notebook called Physics_variates.ipynb
Interactive plots