This repo uses ArgoCD's Auto Pilot to boot strap a Kubernetes cluster.
To boot strap a Kubernetes cluster run this command:
export GIT_TOKEN=xxxx
export GIT_REPO=
argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --recover
The applications in this ArgoCD application set will be installed automatically.
- cluster-addons (This will use the values-dev.yaml durning the installation.)
- hello-github-webhook
If you want to roll back the cluster-addons to a previous commit you need to change the ref in the kustomization.yaml. This is an example.
kind: Kustomization
To roll back the hello-github-webhook to a previous release you need to change the config_dir.json. This is an example:
"appName": "hello-github-webhook",
"userGivenName": "hello-github-webhook",
"destNamespace": "default",
"destServer": "https://kubernetes.default.svc",
"srcPath": "hello-github-webhook",
"srcRepoURL": "",
"srcTargetRevision": "previous-hash-tag-or-branch-goes-here",
"labels": null,
"annotations": null,
"exclude": "",
"include": ""