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bug 🐞
bug 🐞
Something isn't working
Build Pipeline πŸ€–
Build Pipeline πŸ€–
Compilation and build configurations
Continuous integration 🌊
Continuous integration 🌊
Build pipeline testing
do not close 🚦
do not close 🚦
Leave this open!
documentation πŸ“œ
documentation πŸ“œ
Improvements or additions to documentation
feature ✨
feature ✨
New feature or request
good first issue πŸ‘‹
good first issue πŸ‘‹
Good for newcomers
Needs More Information
Needs More Information
Issue description is lacking or incomplete
performance ⚑️
performance ⚑️
benchmarks or performance
Priority High πŸ”₯
Priority High πŸ”₯
priority low ☘️
priority low ☘️
Nice to have but not pressing
priority medium 🐲
priority medium 🐲
Should probably get done
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
research πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
research πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬
Research to see if we want to do something
structure πŸ“¦
structure πŸ“¦
structure refactors or changes
TEE πŸ«–
TEE πŸ«–
TEE features
testing πŸ§ͺ
testing πŸ§ͺ