Android Studio docx4j sample app
This app is a proof of concept of docx4j 3.3.4 running on Android.
Tested working in emulator (API 23, API 26), build on Android Studio 2.3.3.
Please note currently known issue running on API 21: #3
So, TODO: test on API 22.
It is using JAXB Reference Implementation, compiled for Java 7, with so things work even though org.apache.harmony.xml.parsers.SAXParser doesn't support http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/feature/secure-processing
This demo app doesn't actually show anything in the Android UI; it just marshalls/unmarshalls to logcat (Android Monitor in Android Studio).
Sometime I'll add a docx file chooser, then open the docx with docx4j, then display the XML of the MainDocumentPart.
Note #1 ; this POC uses --core-library flag
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