This project have been archived and is no longer actively maintained. Consider AliceMQ as an alternative for visualizing your RabbitMQ instances.
Rabbit Viz is a tool for visualizing RabbitMQ broker defintions. RabbitMQ broker configuration is presented in the form of a json object, which defines virtual hosts, exchanges, queues, policies, and bindings. Rabbit Viz will take this definition json object and generate a visual graph based on the configuration.
Currently supported definition attributes:
- vhosts
- policies
- parameters
- queues
- exchanges
- bindings
Running the project is as simple as running
npm run start
This runs the start script specified in our package.json
, and will spawn off a server which reloads the page as we save our files. The server runs at http://localhost:3000, but should be automatically opened for you.
To run a production build, just run
npm run build
This will create an optimized JS and CSS build in ./build/static/js and ./build/static/css respectively.
To run the test suite for this project, just run
npm test