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Star Resource Distribution

Iain C Docherty edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 9 revisions

Star and Resource Distribution

There have been a few attempts to change the distribution of ores in the expanse. The Reboot will offer some better possibilities.

Also the distribution of stars in the current game is not very natural looking. Once change we can easily make is to create clusters and voids as this sample layout demonstrates.

The clusters and voids will make attack and defence strategy a little more interesting. e.g. will you be able to BHG move your planet directly across the void or will you have to go around.

Also, the planet types will be selected so that they have ore distributions that give areas which are rich in a particular ore, or sparce. The following two maps show the distribution of two ores, gold and trona, but all ores will be randomly distributed in a similar manner.

Very few, if any, regions will be right in all ore types. Again this will encourage trade between different areas of the expanse.