Releases: plaidpants/ANKH-VR
Allow switching off character voices using volume command
Remove unused microphone permissions automatically added from
better keyword matching
Change up the Your Interest responses with some different ones
Add a voice disable flag to the sound disable flag and cycle through all 4 options with the volume command
Fix issue with settlement saves
Should resolve the issue with lost ships and duplicate horse.
DAEMON TRIGGER FIX and other fixes from Fenyx
Fix more pronunciations
Fix bridge trolls
Add map edge fix and IsBetween() from Fenyx
Add vision label to input screen
Fix visions in shrines and when dead (all is dark...) and vision label
Update music loading to use new interface
Add addition protection around Combat_MAP to only check for tile effects on fighters if it is inside the map
Add memory protection around Combat_MAP access since there seem to be other instances where the original code misbehaves
Fix strings for zstats items
More cleanup
More Fixes and improvements
Lot's of things in this release, I think it's getting closer to being complete, I'll probably need to do a full play-though to be sure though.
I believe the crash during combat is fixed, out of bounds access to the combat map in the original code, fixed it by reordering the code.
Restrict tilemap changes to settlements and outdoors, during combat causes odd behavior, need to make dungeons change tiles dynamically also.
The water creature in LBC1 is now hidden in the water.
More pronunciation fixes.
Some more voice sentence structure fixes.
Fixed issue with TLK files not parsing strings longer than 100 characters, there are a few chatty citizens.
Fixes some tiles not billboarding as they should, e.g. campfire, ruins, etc.
Fixes the pub table being off by one resulting in the wrong pubs in the wrong settlements
Reagent mixing should now work
Special case some keywords
Better keyboard button handling
The word list is now persistence across games saves, a text file is saved WORDS.SAV containing all the know words you have experienced in the game.
Add a keyboard to the citizen talk input panel so you can enter some words the need to be guessed.
Added backspace support for the keyboard when talking to citizens.
Made Nate the snake talk using the Vampire voice.
Fix issue with combat
Fix issue with combat
CGA, EGA, Apple2 and PNG Tiles
Now supports different tile sets (CGA, EGA, Apple2 and PNG) at runtime, switch between them by pressing the primary button the right controller.
Voice and Text fixes for the Guild, Weapons, Reagents and Food Shops.
Upgrade to Unity 2022.3.20f1 and related packages
Added custom pronunciations
Some voice fixes and improvements
Fix Weapons shop voice being cut, fix guild shop voice, fix voice numbers, fix some pronunciations.
More voices and fixes and enhancements
More voices and fixes and enhancements
Add TTS to Title screen
Added assigned voices to some characters and situations, add TTS to Title screen
Added TTS to all characters
Add Text to Speech using, character voices are randomly applied currently, will probably need to assign them in the future, many fixes to the conversation interfaces.