Commit retro-b5500 release 1.05: 1. Implement new method to open pop-up windows that schedules pop-up opens through a queue, delaying between opens, and retrying with longer delays when the opens fail. This is to satisfy new restrictions on pop-ups introduced in Apple Safari 11.0, even when the browser is configured to enable pop-ups. 2. Remove the Application Cache facility. This API has been deprecated and will be removed from browsers. 3. Implement improved setCallback() asynchronous timing mechanism with a new Promise-based approach developed for the retro-220 emulator. 4. Correct Processor memory access logic to avoid causing an Invalid Address interrupt in Control State. 5. Correct Processor Exit Character Mode (XX00) by implementing it separately from Word Mode exits. 6. Implement separate jump mechanisms for Word and Character Mode to correct edge-case errors. 7. Make slight correction to clock counting in singlePrecisionAdd. 8. Fix bug in double-clicking the "stacker" of the card punch to extract its contents. 9. Disable I/O descriptor word count in IOUnit for card reader/punch operations; remove extraneous blank card between card-load programs from the COLDSTART-XIII.card and COOLSTART-XIII.card decks that was previously required to prevent "eating" the second program's boot card. 10. Remove extraneous whitespace from B5500FramePaper used for most text-only windows and frames. 11. Compute HPT disk latency based on current timestamp rather than a random number. 12. Correct top-of-form handling in B5500LinePrinter. 13. Correct annimation of tape reel in B5500MagTapeDrive. 14. Replace the emulator's custom bindMethod() utility routine with Function.bind(). 15. Replace the emulator's custom DOM className utility routines by DOM classList methods. 16. Add P1 S and F register values to the internal tape dump caption; improve the dump tape's label records. 17. Give the annunciators on the ConsolePanel a dark gray presence when they are not lit. 18. Correct the method to "focus" the ConsolePanel window after the SPO initializes and becomes ready. 19. Clean up line delimiters in source and make consistent for Windows systems.