Find files with particular word in its name:
find <location> -iname <word>
Usage : find /etc -iname "*apache*"
Find files with size more than certain size:
find <location> -type f -size +<size_integer>M
Usage : find / -type f -size +100M
Find files which are not modified in last x number of days:
find <location> -mtime +<integer>
Usage : find . -mtime +2 #Find files in current dir which are not modified last 2 days
Find files which are modified in last x number of days:
find <location> -mtime -<integer>
Usage : find . -mtime -2 #Find files in current dir which are modified last 2 days
Finding image files in current directory on the basis of mime-type:
find . -type f -exec file {} \+ | grep -c -i 'image'
is faster than:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file -i | grep -i image | wc -l
Finding files which are newer than a particular file:
find -newer vila_Fri_Mar_1_15:20:49_IST_2013.log -type f