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Emulation of folded-Clos topologies via Mininet.

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A framework to build an emulated version of a modern data center network for experimentation of network protocols. It is built as an extension of Mininet, a popular network emulator.

The topology built is a traditional folded-Clos with a 1:1 oversubscription ratio, resulting in a rearrangably nonblocking network (hence the name Closnet). Closnet is able to determine the appropriate configuration necessary for connecting nodes, which can then be used to build configuration files for network protocols that utilize the hierarchical folded-Clos system. The figure below illustrates a high-level overview of a folded-Clos data center nework:

2-tier, 4-port folded-Clos topology

Getting Started


Closnet has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and the installation script currentlly assumes that it is being run on a Debian-based system that can access the apt package manager.

Due to the libraries used and its reliance on Linux network namespaces, Closnet can only be run on Linux distributions. Future updates may allow for other Linux distributions beyond Debian and its derivatives.


All necessary software is installed using the included installation script. Installing Closnet requires the following commands:

git clone
cd closnet
sudo bash

Packages installed include:

  • Python 3.X
  • Mininet
  • Free Range Routing (FRR)
  • NetworkX
  • Mako
  • An implementation of the Meshed Tree Protocol for data center networks (MTP-DCN)


Running Closnet requires information about the folded-Clos topology to be built and what protocol should be installed on the nodes. There are two ways of starting and using Closnet: interactive mode and experiment mode.

Running in Interactive Mode

Interactive mode allows you to play with your protocol of choice in your defined folded-Clos topology. The Mininet console is provided in this mode, hence the name interactive mode. Nothing is saved by default, it is a means of observing network behaviors at your pace.

The command to start Closnet in interactive mode is as follows, where [protocol] and [options] are arguments to be added depending on the experiment to be run:

sudo python3 closnet [protocol] [options]

[protocol] is the control protocol to be installed on the folded-Clos topology. The available protocols are described in the protocol section. This is a positional argument and must be the first argument as a result, prior to the other options.


The folded-Clos topology configuration is describe in the options arguments.

Option Description
-t numOfTiers or --tiers numOfTiers The number of tiers in the folded-Clos topology, excluding the compute tier 0.
-p numOfPorts or --ports numOfPorts The number of ports each switch has in the folded-Clos topology.
-s tier numOfSouthboundPorts or --southbound tier numOfSouthboundPorts The number of links to a tier below by specficing the tier and the number of southbound ports per switch.

Running in Experiment Mode

Experiment mode is an automated framework to test network reconvergence upon the failure of a network interface. The protocol and folded-Clos topology specifications are defined like in interactive mode, but the process of running the experiment and then collecting as well as analyzing results is automated. The Mininet is torn down once the experiment is over, it does not revert to interactive mode.

Running Closnet in experiment mode is done through a JSON experiment setup file and then pointing to that file via the file CLI option.

sudo python3 closnet --file [experiment JSON file path]


The file containing topology specifications and experiment details is recongized via the file option.

Option Description
-f experimentFile or --file experimentFile The file path to the experiment JSON file

Experiment Configuration File

JSON Key Type Description
protocol string The protocol to install on the topology
tiers integer The number of tiers in the folded-Clos topology, excluding the compute tier 0.
ports integer The number of ports each switch has in the folded-Clos topology.
southbound 2D array The number of links to a tier below by specficing the tier and the number of southbound ports per switch. Each tier configuration is its own array within the array (see example)
node_to_fail string The node that will have an interface failed.
neighbor_of_failing_node string The node connected to the node to fail. This determines which interface must be failed on the node.
log_dir_path string The path to the JSON experiment file

For example, consider a link in your topology that looks like this:


where L_1 and T_1 are nodes in the topology, and [L_1-eth2] and [T_1-eth1] are the names of the interfaces connected to their respective node. If you wish to fail interface L_1-eth2, you would set node_to_fail as L_1 and neighbor_of_failing_node to T_1. Interface numbering is random, so this system allows for consistency in what interface is broken, regardless of the name of that interface.


By default, Closnet includes two data center protocols to test.

Protocol Description
mtp A custom implementation of the Meshed Tree Protocol for data center networks (MTP-DCN)
bgp The Free Range Routing (FRR) implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

Included with these protocols are appropriate Mako template files to assist in automating the creation of configuration files for each node in the folded-Clos topology.

If additional protocols are desired, you must add the necessary information to a new closnet/switches sub-directory, including a Mininet switch/node sub-class along with a Mako configuration template and the binary file if necessary. Finally, the new protocol must be recognized in the main function. Both the mtp and bgp sub-directories provide examples of how to add a protocol to Closnet.

Example Topology Configuration

Given the following Closnet command (interactive mode):

sudo python3 closnet mtp -t 3 -p 4 -s 1 1

Or, the equivalent JSON experiment file (experiment mode):

    "protocol": "mtp",
    "tiers": 3,
    "ports": 4,
    "southbound": [[1, 1]],
    "node_to_fail": "L_1",
    "neighbor_of_failing_node": "T_1",
    "log_dir_path": "/home/user/closnet/logs"
sudo python3 closnet -f /path/to/json/file

The following topology is built with each node running MTP:

3-tier, 4-port folded-Clos topology

Viewing Node Data

Once Mininet is up and running, the current state of any given node can be determined by looking into its log file or by accessing its interactive shell.


Logs are stored in the /tmp directory, with the following log files available to view for any given node (L_1 in this example):

user@system:/tmp$ ls | grep L_1
File Description
.conf The MTP configuration file for the node.
.log The MTP log file for the node describing protocol actions and updates.
.stdout Any text which is meant to be printed to standard out or standard err is sent here.
.down Created after the node is shutdown at the end of the test, the epoch time of shutdown.


Logs are stored in the /tmp directory, with the following log files available to view for any given node (L_1 in this example):

user@system:/tmp$ ls | grep L_1
File Description PID file for bgpd, do not touch. PID file for zebra, do not touch.
.conf The FRR configuration file for the node. It contains BGP configuration.
.log The FRR log file for the node describing BGP and Zebra actions and updates.

FRR has an interactive shell (vtysh) to view and set configurations. You may access this shell for any given FRR node in a Closnet topology by opening a new tab and entering the following command:

vtysh -N [node_name]

Where [node_name] is the name of a Closnet node generated.


The biggest issue with Mininet-based projects is having a topology fail and Mininet refusing to work after the fact. If this is the case, reset Mininet and your systems network namespace configuration with the command:

sudo mn --clean


Emulation of folded-Clos topologies via Mininet.






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