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Build fix - Pinning package versions and Custom browser endpoints sho… #1

Build fix - Pinning package versions and Custom browser endpoints sho…

Build fix - Pinning package versions and Custom browser endpoints sho… #1

Workflow file for this run

name: App Test
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Mainly just for link/flake8
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
pip3 install flake8
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- name: Spin up ancillary testable services
run: |
docker network create changedet-network
# Selenium
docker run --network changedet-network -d --hostname selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4
# SocketPuppetBrowser + Extra for custom browser test
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser --hostname sockpuppetbrowser --rm -p 3000:3000 dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url --hostname sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url -p 3001:3000 --rm dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
- name: Build container for testing
run: |
# Build a container and start testing inside
docker build --build-arg LOGGER_LEVEL=TRACE -t test-changedetectionio .
# Debug info
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip list'
- name: Spin up ancillary SMTP+Echo message test server
run: |
# Debug SMTP server/echo message back server
docker run --network changedet-network -d -p 11025:11025 -p 11080:11080 --hostname mailserver test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python changedetectionio/tests/smtp/'
- name: Show docker container state and other debug info
run: |
set -x
echo "Running processes in docker..."
docker ps
- name: Test built container with Pytest (generally as requests/plaintext fetching)
run: |
# Unit tests
echo "run test with unittest"
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_notification_diff'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_watch_model'
# All tests
echo "run test with pytest"
# The default pytest logger_level is TRACE
# To change logger_level for pytest(test/,
# append the docker option. e.g. '-e LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG'
docker run --name test-cdio-basic-tests --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio && ./'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
# tests/visualselector/ will do browser steps
docker run --rm -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/ && pytest tests/visualselector/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
docker run --rm -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/ && pytest tests/visualselector/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests checks
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for Selenium
run: |
# Selenium fetch
docker run --rm -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for headers and requests checks with Selenium
run: |
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Test SMTP notification mime types
run: |
# SMTP content types - needs the 'Debug SMTP server/echo message back server' container from above
docker run --rm --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/smtp/'
# @todo Add a test via playwright/puppeteer
# squid with auth is tested in -> tests/proxy_list/
- name: Test proxy squid style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test proxy SOCKS5 style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test custom browser URL
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test container starts+runs basically without error
run: |
docker run --name test-changedetectionio -p 5556:5000 -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
# Should return 0 (no error) when grep finds it
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s http://localhost:5556 |grep -q checkbox-uuid
# and IPv6
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s -g -6 "http://[::1]:5556"|grep -q checkbox-uuid
# Check whether TRACE log is enabled.
# Also, check whether TRACE is came from STDERR
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep 'TRACE log is enabled' || exit 1
# Check whether DEBUG is came from STDOUT
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>/dev/null | grep 'DEBUG' || exit 1
docker kill test-changedetectionio
- name: Test SIGTERM and SIGINT signal shutdown
run: |
echo SIGINT Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGINT to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGINT sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGINT' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
echo SIGTERM Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGTERM to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGTERM sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGTERM' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
- name: Dump container log
if: always()
run: |
mkdir output-logs
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests > output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stdout.txt
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests 2> output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stderr.txt
- name: Store container log
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: test-cdio-basic-tests-output
path: output-logs