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pixelpax committed Feb 26, 2012
0 parents commit eaf386b
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Showing 16 changed files with 640 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions CutNet.txt
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Ok, here's my idea for a project:
It's a method of p2p webhosting which allows people with good ideas for websites to run quality, high traffic sites for free
Basically it's html over a new p2p protocol which I'd have to optimize for very small files
So in order to use the protocol, your browser has to adhere to certain demands.
Every time you visit a site using the protocol, your browser may need to agree to host the site for a limited amount of time.
How does the client know where to request the resource?
Maybe you could store a rather large file mapping resources to peers
How do clients obtain this file?
There could be a central server (or many) which distributes the map file
Maybe the ISP could store the file
In this case you might not even need to download the whole thing
To speed things up you could download just the mapping you need to access the page you're requesting and pages close by (linked in few degrees)
This could be done on the client side by just requesting all linked page mappings in advance
Or done by the server by storing a mapping of sites linked together
Maybe the ISP could even facilitate peer hosting as close as possible

How is this file updated?
Ok, maybe you send the map server like ten fast UDP messages just letting it know that you're online
Actually, this would just be part of the request for the map file
If we decide that the map file will hold information about which peers are online, it will be updated in this way
This is a security risk, it's important that folks are recieving the correct files.

Maybe distribute some open source router firmware which automatically handles map storage along with routing tables
Thats a ways down the road though
Maybe space could be saved by assigning peers a shorter index than their IP address and then mapping this to their IP elsewhere
This might be ultimately advantageous if the peer will be mentioned many times within the map file
There are significantly less peers on this network than computers with IP addresses
With millions on millions of extraneous references to IP addresses reducing a 32 bit address to 16 bits would be a significant help
How would sites begin?
Ultimately the goal would be to have a number of seeds which is reasonable and proporionate with respect to the amount of web traffic the site is recieving
So perhaps, every time you visit a site, you're agreeing to host a small peice of it
Sites which are just starting up can't be served by a single machine, we are trying to create a stable and reliable system
So new sites would have to have a handful of peers dedicated to serving their pages
Maybe give them somewhere between 3-5 peers in eery timezone
Doesn't really matter if people are establishing an unweildly amount of websites o abusing this nursery program. If they're recieving a lot of traffic, they will soon have more peers to

Would it use TCP?
That's what I've been assuming up to this point. I'm not sure if p2p file transfers use TCP, it makes sense for them to, as you need duplex transfers to simultaneously indicate the names of the files you need and recieving relevant data.
For p2p exchange of tiny files, it makes more sense to just iterate through the list shooting out requests until it recieves a response
Maybe UDP would be more appropriate
or maybe something else
What about server side proccessing?
Shit nig, I dunno!

What about data bases? Commerce?
Commerce requires client side processing I guess, which is hard to demand from a peer.

Implementation over TLS?
Seems pointless since there's no way to verify the intent of a peer.

In order to reduce the amount of storage required for the mapfile, resources can be grouped into pseudo-domains in which many related resources are clustered together and located via an index page
So the map file directs you to peers who have this index page for the site, then the index file (which is updated constantly) directs the client to peers who have the resource in question
how would this be updated?
Perhaps this is downloaded in a cluster to increase browsing speed
This might be best left to a browser
Although, it would simplify things for client peers if the server peers contained all resources in their pseudo-domain
So maybe you SHOULD have to download and upate all resources within a pseudo-domain

When pseudo domains get updated by their ownder
A flag is set on the mapfile and peers initializing their browsers will update the resources on their drive
This would have to have recursive behavior within the index files on pseudo-domains
once a client peer downloads the latest index file, it shows them the last-modified dates of the files they point to

Security concerns
Obsviously there's a concern about authentication, how do you know the files you're downloading are the ones you've requested? How do you know the mapfile hasn't been maliciously altered?
Hash authentication

Mapfile should probably keep track of the dates which clients last accessed a site, then release them from seed duties after a certain amount of time (assuming the number of peers is above a certain minimum to serve a negligabley small amount of traffic).

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions csjournals.txt
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions datnovel.txt
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Character who is accutely allergic to cats, can sense when one is in the area

the protagonist always approaches problems completely objectively, providing a platform to make an argument for moral objectivism

Disease is rampant, but curable. Worsening climate, polluted air and water make a haven for otherwise fightable bacterium and viruses.

Character is in a legally compromising situation when he sees an act of terrorism in the making, explosive is planted in some kind of public transportation and he understands that many people will die. Because of his gui
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions deadkidinthesink.txt
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bouncy, jubilant

dead kid in the sink
and I think it's a
world of too- tomb- tumeric

boo boo bouncing on someone elses back
rub my knuckle nerves
give me a switch blade

Gabriel's pretending he's the sargeant
at compound doubleyou take away the sunburns

she's got the wax flit calm with it
taking a wheel to the sky
if you want to get high

She looks dead when she's sunbathing
I hope the sand sticks to her skin

dumb diddos get the corn out your tum-mee
and run me

<sample from 'The Step Mother 1972'>
//whatever his name was// appears to have been on drugs at the time he was stran
gled <--> therefore it must have been at around 2 in the morning/
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions dexterlyrics.txt
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I'm just crude enough to be clever

Lick-lined lips for colored chips

smaller shallots have more intense flavor than the large ones

Our children don't know nothing we don't teach 'em

Just loose enough to get my mind clean

She's saying something that's going to affect me, but I can't take my eyes off the glass and the lights

Calloused mouth from sipping boiling water

Washed down by booze men made from flesh

Cops, cats, coccoons coccaine and death

Wash my view out with the sky

Ain't nothing but carbon in my lungs

Dunno what I've become 'till I've became

We distribute a hunred thousand feelings a week

Kush, kicks, kanoos, king kong, and chess

Lead paint and gasoline, put it in your pipe and toke

One time you told me that I was nothing but a fat-ass and a joke

It's sad but it's true 'cuz your not the only shrew I poke

clinically cynical miracle master murdermind

redevue with those grey demons fast on a track to philosophy

hard to find anybody as soft rock as me

if thats slanderous than pimpery is panderous

scrape screeens in skinny jeans;

My parents don't know that I can hear them through the walls

If the bed is too small we can sleep in the tub

I know that it's fine 'cuz there's blood on the sun

there's a scratch on her lips where a hand used to be

There's a star on her hat, stats in cahoots with a kissing booth

fish scales, dragon tales, tax the television sales

I can't recieve what I already have

I can't bathe in the body I am

I can't believe in the liquid I cling to

I cannot raise myself to be a man

185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions film/allnight.txt
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scramble the frames at a medium low framerate while maintaining a more or less linear flow of the images

show a series of medium close ups of people doing random things, concealing their eyes every time. Show a series of close ups of people doing the same things in a scrambled order while breaking the fourth wall and revealing just their eyes. perhaps this whole thing would be interlaced with character movemets.

MCU of couple lying under a tree at night. Frame is altered to appear convex. fish eye or whatever. With the center of the frame dividing them.

take a panorama image and shape it into a bow, then have a character walk around it

cover up one vertical half of the screen with a character's profile, the other half a haphazardly tilting

for the fourth all night when the drums drop out, close up on the male's eyes, looking very tired, then glancing slightly off screen, then (maybe looking at the camera) curl subtley into a smile

show interlacing shots of flashbacks of the couple getting ready in their respective households (graphically matched, possibly with parallel placement in its positioning along side the song)
probably the dirtier side of getting ready, putting paste in the guys hair, wiping three timesor washing genitals.
extra attention to normal hygienic activities
both are visibly filled with giddy nervous energy about the meeting
show the guys hair being jelled as a cut from the girl ruffling it and similar things to provide graphical relevance

reverse the track for one long shot of a character walking backwards

observations about the song itself:
sloppy low fidelity bass intro
guitar apreggio plays 4 times before drums come in

drums and guitar play together 4 times then vocals

vocal verse 1
phrases devided into four measure loops, then four measures of major 7th variation and repeated
phrase 1

slight drop in the temperature
callous something but you'll never something in time
is captured, white out
phrase 2
see the city something something something somethig
watch the rain drops cover the place
do you mind?
do you mind?
phrase 3 - different
no, no, no, no, no I don't
no, no, no, no, no I don't
no, no no, no no I don't
no, no, no, no, no I don't
phrase 4
roller coaster on whooooo
rollar coaster on whoooooooo
rollar coaster on whoooooooooooooo
all night * 4
third is aggressive final attempt, fourth is futility and submission
four repeats of a militant reload
verse 2
phrase 1
starts like phrase 1 but more aggressive
the seventh chords get the beginning of a scream
phrase 2
gets quieter and more submissive the second time
vocals drop out where the 'no i don't's used to be
phrase 4
identical, pretty much
the march at the end is sort of a dying spider arpeggiation which continues
the drums starts concluding, then let it ring once more, then starts hitting the crash every measure until it drops out
lets the guitar get in the last lick
drops out to laughing children

rough sb:
sloppy low fidelity bass intro
--close ups of pictures of a young woman, sometimes as a baby, mounted on a wall
--sort of teases a zoom out
--reveals a sleeping middleaged couple in bed
--shows aperture of the doorway young woman will walk past
guitar apreggio plays 4 times before drums come in
--she walks with the rhythm of the picking
--illuminated in the doorway, and looks in
--maybe do something weird where you fade out the rest of the picture except the doorway
--might be too early, can decide later

drums and guitar play together 4 times then vocals
--camera follows close behind her head as she walks out of the house, under some trees, a shitty car comes into view with its lights off

vocal verse 1
phrases devided into four measure loops, then four measures of major 7th variation and repeated
phrase 1

slight drop in the temperature
--breif shots in the interior of the moving car, [a hand on a thigh](not yet), key spins in the ignition, maybe a shitty aux plugged ipod playing the say woos
callous fingers but you'll have it first in time
is captured, white out
--quick, swirling wash out
phrase 2
see the city something something something somethig
--an overexposed shot of a street light calms down and adjusts, then tilts down to the couple holding hands, joint in hand, getting rained on, lying down on the windsheild and looking at the sky
watch the rain drops cover the place
--shot from inside the car of them lying close and passing joint, synchronize the rain drops with the guitar's arpegiation by using hidden matte's pasting over all areas of the car without drops all over areas with drops, allowing them to drop one at a time in rhythm
do you mind?
--shot reverse shot of an exchange of smiles
do you mind?
phrase 3 - different
--cuts double in pace, two shots per line, both are laughing and giddy, and soaked in a hella sexy way
no, no, no, no, no I don't
--chasing her with a water gun, (or mud balls) she slips, he has to jump over him
--maybe just throwing mud actually
no, no, no, no, no I don't
--exchange of front shots of the couple on the merry go round, or whatever that wheel contraption is called
no, no no, no no I don't
no, no, no, no, no I don't
--sprinting and taking clothes off
--censored ass shot of jumping into the lake nude
phrase 4
roller coaster on whooooo
--jerk cut to smiling and contented looking couple in the car. Girl in the foreground with the window down, feeling the breeze
--fella turns head to look on affectionatley
rollar coaster on whoooooooo
--maybe a hand on a thigh here
--then a hand on that hand
rollar coaster on whoooooooooooooo
--the same hands in an indoor setting, zoom out to reveal an apartment staircase, girl is being led up
all night
--the instant as they walk into the door, the young man's face changes expression and becomes sinister, pulls her by her hair and throws her against
--Girl opens her mouth to scream as the droning background scream comes on in the song
--On the crash symbol, he throws down some ceramic or glass object on the girl who is concealed by some furniture
all night
--Viscous running blood against fragments of whatever was thrown
--Walls shown with just a couple dots of blood appearing on them, maybe next to a relevant painting or something
all night
--Non-diegetic shots of meat being processed and butchered, maybe interlaced with something diegetic, maybe not
--Young man's hands pulling out paper plate next to that picture of sersei isowa's plates or whatever that japanese cannibal's name was
all night
--Young man is at the kitchen counter leaning in to take a bite of some meat
--As he turns his head to the side, the girl appears in his arms and they mack hard and breif
--------------------This is where I had to stop due to batteries, but I was thinking the babe would kill him in the next chorus and maybe put him in a blender and bathe in him
--at the end, they're both looking into each others eyes and then break the fourth wall and smile wildly as their mouths overflow with blood and it fades out
--maybe parked in front of a playground or something
four repeats of a militant reload
verse 2
phrase 1
starts like phrase 1 but more aggressive
the seventh chords get the beginning of a scream
phrase 2
gets quieter and more submissive the second time
vocals drop out where the 'no i don't's used to be
phrase 4
identical, pretty much
the march at the end is sort of a dying spider arpeggiation which continues
the drums starts concluding, then let it ring once more, then starts hitting the crash every measure until it drops out
lets the guitar get in the last lick
drops out to laughing children

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions film/ishouldbuildawebbot.txt
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That scours IMDB looking for b-list acters, gathering their contact information and a couple movies they've been in
actually I'd probably have to just find their names, then locate and extract information from facebook/linkedin whatever
then it will automatically email all of them with a personalized message saying
'yo I'm an independant film maker
I saw you in blah blah blah and blah blah blah
I have a role I think you would be just perfect for
Can't pay you upfront,
you're guarenteed so and so amount if this film is ever sold
likely just to be shown at independant film festivals
let me know if you're even remotely interested in working with me or doing independant films at this point in your career
and we can talk about the substance of this project in more depth'


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