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L27LBOOM:upd8d Simp with workaround for JimGuion to be able to print …
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…on StdOut after running his ConwayGameOfLife simul8ion with just a Curses EndWin call, tried just putting an EndW in ckm8 but still needs maybe a noraw or reset to print out from -c correctly, added some l8st kernel entries to .lrc && .lsrc, && appended a few new entries to the ends of, 2.8., dic.log, && U2b4.log;
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pip committed Feb 7, 2021
1 parent 8c07b29 commit e7c76b1
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Showing 8 changed files with 56 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .log/U2b4.log
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Expand Up @@ -1147,3 +1147,5 @@ L1BL7GGN: What_is_the_most_dangerous_drug_Matthew_Johnson_and_Lex_Fridman-tItL-L
: What_is_the_most_dangerous_drug_Matthew_Johnson_and_Lex_Fridman___________________-Lex_Clips__________-IN5iJ5TIn8g-1V_4.U-KCF.mp4
L1BLBPV2: New_Year_Resolution_Help-tItL-Jordan_B_Peterson-uldr-youtube-Xtrc-1uicRKhgzAQ-IdNt-1610385906-epch-20201231-uldt-00001-otnm.mp4
: New_Year_Resolution_Help__________________________________________________________-Jordan_B_Peterson__-1uicRKhgzAQ-1V_8do-KCV.mp4
L1VLFt4L: The_Bass_The_Melody_-_S3RL-tItL-S3RL-uldr-youtube-Xtrc-OF-thWTJcu0-IdNt-1612126892-epch-20200805-uldt-00001-otnm.mp4
: The_Bass_The_Melody_______-S3RL___________________________________________________-S3RL_______________-OF-thWTJcu0-1W5ngi-K85.mp4
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .log/dic.log
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1743,3 +1743,20 @@ L1QL3cFh:immiserated
L1ULB5xG:celestial hierarchy
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions .lrc
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Expand Up @@ -1899,10 +1899,11 @@ CHR Yk #cd= 01;33;40 01;33;40 CHaRac
*-5.3.0-26-generic Mr
*-5.3.0-24-generic or
*-5.3.0-23-generic Yr # BlO back to just manual d8bo 8bow for 5.4.0 onward again with Ubu 20.04 for now, but should upd8 SSD 4 20.10
*-5.4.0-64-generic R
*-5.4.0-62-generic o
*-5.4.0-60-generic Y
*-5.4.0-58-generic G
*-5.4.0-65-generic R
*-5.4.0-64-generic o
*-5.4.0-62-generic GbL
*-5.4.0-60-generic BrL
*-5.4.0-58-generic Y
# # zsh wraps '%{' ANSI '%}' && vim User[1-9] colrz specify BlO ForeGroundz all on darkblue BakGrnd4statuslIn
# 4NT etfp vim c8 color ANSI HTML Octology::d8::fldz (`d8`)
# 0f Fsy_ %* W WhiteBright \e[1;37m FEFDFF # vim %* resets statuslIn colr 2 Dfalt White on darkblue so has max 10 colrz
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions .lsrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# $VERSION='0.0';$d8VS='L1QLBeat'; 2du:lrc optn2gNr8 altrn8 versN th@purposfuly varEz colrzof comon typz,add *[-_?]* NtrEz frm .zshrc hEr,audit oldz,ck /etc/*,
# add interaction2 lsd8 wN it Dtectz unrecognIzd XtNshNz offerng c@egOrEz with comon colr2autOm@ically insrt chOsN NtrEz,mk lrc gNr8 Xportd LS_COLORS 4 Eval,
# confirm all accept f0nt cOdez wi dash accepting Dfalt 4grnd thN redo NORMAL FILE LINK as no fi ln,Dtect cOlIdz OvrIdz&&warn,mAB 8trm aded2 TERM ls sumdA?;
# This file was gNR8d by `lrc` Vers:0.0 d8VS:L1PLAJJ8 on d8:L1QLFmsf. Please edit ~/.lrc and run `lrc` then `src` to see changes;
# This file was gNR8d by `lrc` Vers:0.0 d8VS:L1PLAJJ8 on d8:L1QLJssj. Please edit ~/.lrc and run `lrc` then `src` to see changes;
# nOt:I'm pretty sure itz Chunz(!Takiz)`ls`&&`dircolors`th@cud!hndl (MULTI)?HARDLINK sO rEmMbr2kEp th@ lIn cmNtd out4her(&&kEptstng2cnfirm);
# Keywords COLOR,OPTIONS,&& EIGHTBIT (honored by Slackware dircolors) are recognized but ignored; TERMz && XtNsionz syncd2 2016;
# Copyright(C) 1996-2018 FreeSoftwareFound8ion,Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modific8ion, are permitted provided the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1899,10 +1899,11 @@ CHR 01;38;5;011;48;5;000 #cd= 01;33;40 01;33;40 CHaRac
*-5.3.0-26-generic 01;38;5;013;48;5;001
*-5.3.0-24-generic 01;38;5;172;48;5;001
*-5.3.0-23-generic 01;38;5;011;48;5;001 # BlO back to just manual d8bo 8bow for 5.4.0 onward again with Ubu 20.04 for now, but should upd8 SSD 4 20.10
*-5.4.0-64-generic 01;38;5;009
*-5.4.0-62-generic 01;38;5;172
*-5.4.0-60-generic 01;38;5;011
*-5.4.0-58-generic 01;38;5;010
*-5.4.0-65-generic 01;38;5;009
*-5.4.0-64-generic 01;38;5;172
*-5.4.0-62-generic 01;38;5;010;48;5;004;5
*-5.4.0-60-generic 01;38;5;012;48;5;001;5
*-5.4.0-58-generic 01;38;5;011
# # zsh wraps '%{' ANSI '%}' && vim User[1-9] colrz specify BlO ForeGroundz all on darkblue BakGrnd4statuslIn
# 4NT etfp vim c8 color ANSI HTML Octology::d8::fldz (`d8`)
# 0f Fsy_ %* W WhiteBright \e[1;37m FEFDFF # vim %* resets statuslIn colr 2 Dfalt White on darkblue so has max 10 colrz
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions bin/ckm8
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
# Octo is 8base d8a applic8ions:V8 abbreV8ions,b8 nums,d8 stamps,f8 RU(Red)E4||2lern8bow?pal8NtrE RGB && f0nt -##-,c8 col8 scrn,r8 valU8,m8 rel8,l8 skedul8r?
use strict;use warnings;use utf8;use v5.10;use Encode;
use Octology::a8;#se Octology::c8;
use Octology::b8;use Octology::d8;my $VERSION='0.0';my $d8VS='K7BM4SnG';my $name=$0;$name =~ s/^.*\///;my $Dbug=0; # version,program name
use Octology::b8;use Octology::d8;my $VERSION='0.0';my $d8VS='L26LATEN';my $name=$0;$name =~ s/^.*\///;my $Dbug=0; # version,program name
open my $out8,'>&',STDOUT or die "Can't open duplic8 STDOUT handle: $!";binmode $out8,':encoding(UTF-8)';select($out8);$|=1; # crE8 locl autoflush dup of glbl
if( @ARGV && $ARGV[0]=~ /^-*h/i){say $out8 " ckm8 - experimental Curses and SDL Chess program Vers:$VERSION d8VS:$d8VS by Auth:$Auth
<pW>v<pK> sets roster tags for Players White and BlacK and for output filename where pW and pK are single-letter keys in the player registry hash (v optnal)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1287,8 +1287,8 @@ while(!defined($keey) || ($keey !~ /^[xq]$/i && ord($keey) != 27)){$keey = '-1';
else{my $opwn;for my $b64n (keys(%pkpz)){ if(substr($bord,$pkpz{$b64n},1) =~ /^[PAWNCDEF]$/i){if(defined($opwn)){$opwn=undef; last;}
else {$opwn=$pkpz{$b64n};}}}
if(defined($opwn)){ $pikd= $opwn ;Pr4mPcMv();DrawBord();$pikd=undef;PrntMove();}}}}}
} if($ucsf){$simp->CScr();}else{say $out8 '';} # CloseScrn(retn2console)&&prnt && mAB shud alsO termin8 SDL window @this pt2? unlS stilshud prOvId fInal progrS
for(0..$#text){$text[$_]=~ s/\s+$/ /;if($nocf){say $out8 $text[$_];}else{
} if($ucsf){$simp->EndW();}else{say $out8 '';} # CloseScrn(retn2console)&&prnt && mAB shud alsO termin8 SDL window @this pt2? unlS stilshud prOvId fInal progrS
for(0..$#text){$text[$_]=~ s/\s+$/ /;if($nocf){say $out8 $text[$_];}else{ # L26LATEN:switched abov $simp->CScr() wich is broken to EndW() wich shud work betr;
my @splt=split(//,$text[$_]);
my @splF=split(//,$Fclr[$_]);for my $cndx (0..$#splt){print $out8 S($splF[$cndx]),$splt[$cndx];} # try2just escape Foreground colorz ahead of each txt char
say $out8 ''; #$W,$text[$_]; # c2($text[$_],$Fclr[$_],$bclr[$_],'t' x length($text[$_])); # figure out why c2 is just returning single colored zeroez
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions dox/2du/2.8.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ K8AM8CMD: 15 N8 b8 c8 d8 f8 g8 h8 k8 l8 m8 p8 r8 s8 w8 y8 # prep 2 Dtermine pr
port8 pot8o pred8 prel8 prim8 priv8 prob8 prol8 pron8 pror8 puls8 quin8 ruin8 sens8 sepR8 serr8 silv8 situ8 speC8 sper8 st8us strI8 sulf8
tern8 test8 thE8r titr8 tom8o tr8or ulul8 umbr8 urin8 valU8 valv8 varE8 vibr8 vicR8 viol8 virg8 vitE8 vulg8 23x5+17 # so 266 total here 2 pik from;
K8RM8du2: fix Fctz b256 conversion precision probably, think of primes being potentially predictive or formulaic in maybe irrational or other number-bases;
K8RM8num: fix q to have better default trunc8 && round not needing c8 to cut just stRt; # Ubu SSD:/boot / (ext4:noatime) HDD:/home/.cache|m[uv]z /swap /var?;
K8RM8num: fix q to have better default trunc8 && round not needing c8 to cut just stRt; # Ubu SSD:/boot /var+/ (ext4:noatime) HDD:/home/.cache|m[uv]z /swap?;
K8SMJOBS: + e-mail Michelle again on Monday asking for a copy of all my diagnoses please, research Atari2600 titles && NES && SMS games to start coding anew;
K8SMKEEP: + e-mail Marie with Mom's message about EIP not requiring payee accounting for, - look into PlaySt8ionPlus renewal expense && scheduled auto-payment;
K8UM8GMZ: pick best 4 vidgmz from 72-80 2 start on 4 Sep&&Oct && 6 in 80-88 4 Nov&&Dec, plan top10 Atari2600 gmz 4 Jan&&Feb 2021 && 12 from NES 4 Mar&&Apr;
Expand All @@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ KBKL7unc: + prep BavL LMS,adrS envelopes,callLionsClubOsh,setup2,8,64&&512P8reon
KBPL8888: - registerPPchan,setupPomegran8scene,practiceZoom,recordJBPvid on d8:KBP,upld?; - KBSLAPop:fix dif in oupd,gacgpom,mAB setup PP GG CCC prOfIl gNr8rz;
KC8L8888: + rsrchDlrSocket,Strattera,BenFranklin13Virtues,fsrecord,&&vid,bkEpng,PerlJobz; + KCELEBR8:OnLine MemorialService 4 SandyYaras Spencer'sDad @1PM PST;
KCMLGDed: + allEternal"Life"Dead? Dude! ;) BatlRoyalePipWolfJesusS8n(1ofMany)AnubisApoc?; - KCMLNumb:mk gtM ZshLfunc 4 spawn mvz muz wi prof key of wich GnomT;
KCPL2ppL: thot ofEch word 4 txt8 cud stRt wi float avg of charz thN roundoffsetz from?; KCOLNIMI:thot of OniOctology asEvN2ly MSI(ManMAdSuperSmRtIntLigNc);
KCPL33TI: shudBnEt2mkSimpProg that tkz any inputXt && duz many math formulaz XplOding?; L1PLLRED:cRegistr8n,fil4mz4lOwrmedic8n&&noDrZ,ordrCgRz,GMl4jobsrch;
L1PLLind: fIndAARPcRd&&mkIz&&dNtal appointmNtz,GMlJJ8 debut vid2AEPi brOzIhave adrSz 4;
KCPL2ppL: thot ofEch word 4 txt8 cud stRt wi float avg of charz thN roundoffsetz from?; - KCOLNIMI:thot of OniOctology asEvN2ly MSI(ManMAdSuperSmRtIntLigNc);
KCPL33TI: shudBnEt2mkSimpProg that tkz any inputXt && duz many math formulaz XplOding?; - L1PLLRED:cRegistr8n,fil4mz4lOwrmedic8n&&noDrZ,ordrCgRz,GMl4jobsrch;
L1PLLind: - fIndAARPcRd&&mkIz&&dNtal appointmNtz,GMlJJ8 debut vid2AEPi brOzIhave adrSz 4; L1SL6664:CyborgCntaurAngelAndroidRoboRplicntXiao8Youshura?CGAPSIMU;
L1SL6sex: CentralGraphicsAudioPhysics(ProcessingUnits)SolarImprovis8ionManmadeUniverse; L1SL8IM8:gr82tIny:USMInfiniteSIMUl,bakout:IMSUperhUManIntelligenSe;
L1VLGods: lookup && watch movie EgyptianGods which is strongly recommended by WolfGang; - L1VLMOLF:"OtherLivesMatter,Fool!" Just/Kidding. ;) "1st!" Maslow's;
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion dox/2du/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# crE8d by PipStuart <Pip@CPAN.Org> to duplic8 Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's Quora.Com answer of "40 most valuable things everyone should know";
# $VERSION='0.0';$d8VS='L1CL4cat'; # While this document origin8d around (&& still mainly intends to focus on) Dr. Peterson's knowledge, many others fE8ure;
# $VERSION='0.0';$d8VS='L1SL0WER'; # While this document origin8d around (&& still mainly intends to focus on) Dr. Peterson's knowledge, many others fE8ure;
# 2du:start chronicling Dr. Peterson's many topical videos with new section for post-title subject summaries or explor8ion;
0) Tell the truth.
1) Do not do things that you h8.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,3 +1078,12 @@ L11LCloc:HTTPS:// "We Just Leveled Up Our Time-Keeping Skill
L11LDidU:HTTPS:// "How to Talk Like a Physicist" # KCU:5w0 of SabineHossenfelder correcting a bunch of very common physics misconceptions;
L1BLKNOW:HTTPS:// "Illusions of Time" # L18:V70 by Vsauce totally blasting a triple-double hat-trick grand-slam on naming time illusions!;
L1CL4cat:HTTPS:// "Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here's Why" # K36:Jx0 of Veritasium explaining quantum-theory && waves+cats collapsing;
L1SLAtom:HTTPS:// "Where Do Atoms Come From?" # L1N:08l0 of SabineH again showing off cool explan8ions of TableOfLMNtz && how most formed;
L1VLAnim:HTTPS://ChinaHighLights.Com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac #RatOxTigerRabbitDragonSnakeHorseGoatMonkeyRoosterDogPig:PigSnRatRooRabGoatOxHorsMonkTigDogDr;
L1VLBlak:HTTPS:// "How Do We Know There's a Black Hole in Every Galaxy Center?" # J1G:0Pm0 of Dr.Becky explaining history of Black Holes!;
L1VLDark:HTTPS:// "How Do We Know Dark Matter Exists? A Century's Worth of Science History" # J8S:0Tn0 of Dr.Becky wiWolf'sBDay@0Jp0 Sep5;
L1VLFast:HTTPS:// "How Did We Measure the Fastest Speed There Is? Speed of Light History,Pt.1" # JC4:0OP0 Dr.Becky J3sz m/s,17UU Kibi m/s;
L1VLFold:HTTPS:// "Has Protein Folding Been Solved?" # L1U:0C00 of SabineHossenfelder discussing DeepMind && all the protein complexities;
L21LCarl:HTTPS:// "Why I, as an Atheist, Am No Longer a Humanist" # L1V:0FY0 of Drew of GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic channel on PaleBlueDot;
L21LMorl:HTTPS:// "Does Survival Explain Morality? (feat. Scott Clifton) (Greg Koukl Response)" # L21:0G70 of gr8 Paulogia && moral guest;
L21LMoon:HTTPS:// "How Did the Moon Form? 5 Things We Learned From the Apollo Moon Landings" # J7H:0HN0 of Dr.Becky "geeking-out".Yay! =);
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions lib/Curses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use Curses;use Tie::Array;
my $curs=8; # used to set this to 0 for old 4NT rendering so now should remove all tests for it
my $ptim=0;#eval('use Time::PT ;8') || 0;
my $fram=0;#eval('use Time::Frame;8') || 0;
my $VERSION = '1.6';my $d8VS='L11L9LYR'; # remember that 1.2 is really that float and not automatically 1.002 without 'v1.2' or '1.2.0'
my $VERSION = '1.6';my $d8VS='L26L26L2'; # remember that 1.2 is really that float and not automatically 1.002 without 'v1.2' or '1.2.0'
END{CScr();} # auto-execute CloseScreen() on exit()
my %GLBL=( # GLOBAL CLASS VARIABLES # maybe used to need to declare this before END would register a test for FLAGOPEN?
'FLAGOPEN' => 0, # flag for if a main curses screen has been opened yet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -706,15 +706,13 @@ sub KNum{ return %knum; } # I thought I might be able to just call clear() && @{
sub CLet{ return %p622; } # now returning new Pal8 64 to 256 Color Letter map instead of original with just 16 plus the few altern8s
sub OScr{ no strict 'subs'; # Open a new Curses Screen && setup useful options
unless($GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'}){ $GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'} = 1;
# raw() allows ^C,^S,^Z 2simply pass thru,unlike cbreak(),but raw requirz`reset`from the cmdline,if the app crashes; napms($ms) 2nap millisecs;
#use_env(0); # raw() allows ^C,^S,^Z 2simply pass thru,unlike cbreak(),but raw requirz`reset`from the cmdline,if the app crashes; napms($ms) 2nap millisecs;
initscr();noecho();nonl();raw();start_color();$GLBL{'FLAGUDCL'} = eval('use_default_colors(); 1') || 0;
# H4RM7w9G:added use_env && use_tioctl above to hopefully better handle window resize events from SIGWINCH && KEY_RESIZE. Dfalt 1,0 try 1,1 0,1 or 0,0
# from HTTP://Invisible-Island.Net/ncurses/man/curs_util.3x.html ... poopy, my Curses doesn't have use_tioctl && use_env(0) pegs term at 80x24 =(
# start_color without use_default_colors was making transparent GnomeTerminal BackGround solid blacK; A7QAMqt: ... but since use_default_colors() above is
# not defined in some SunOS/Solaris Curses libraries, I've wrapped it in an eval to hopefully pass their CPAN tests; # below: nodelay()||timeout(-1)...
curs_set(0);keypad(1);meta(1);intrflush(0);notimeout(0);timeout(0);clear();move(getmaxy()-1,getmaxx()-1); # ... for non||blocking getch()
curs_set(0);keypad(1);meta(1);intrflush(0);notimeout(0);timeout(0);clear();move(getmaxy()-1,getmaxx()-1);refresh(); # ... for non||blocking getch()
@BORDSETS = ( # initscr initializes line-draw chars for my border hash
{ 'ul' => ACS_ULCORNER, 'ur' => ACS_URCORNER,
'rt' => ACS_RTEE, 'lt' => ACS_LTEE,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -950,7 +948,10 @@ sub OScr{ no strict 'subs'; # Open a new Curses Screen && setup useful options
# $abld = $kndx[$i] if($kndx[$i] =~ /^\d+$/);last; #$abld = 2097152;
} } } return; }
sub CScr{ # Close previously OpenedCursesScreen # Following are Curses funcs that might be useful to call in CloseScreen(): termname(),erasechar(),killchar()
if($curs && $GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'}){${$DISPSTAK[-1]}->DelW() while(@DISPSTAK);$GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'}=0;return(endwin());}} # delete all simp objects before end
if($curs && $GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'}){${$DISPSTAK[-1]}->DelW() while(@DISPSTAK);$GLBL{'FLAGOPEN'}=0; # delete all simp objects before end
} return(); }
sub EndW{ return(endwin()); } # just func alone can wrap things up nicely enough for l8r printz to work afterward from calling script? Not sure how or why!;
sub NumC{ return(COLORS()); } # might also need delscreen() after endwin() above before returning?
# Curses::Simp object constructor as class method or copy as object method. First param can be ref to copy. Not including optional ref from copy,
# default is no params to create a new empty Simp object. If params are supplied, they must be hash key => value pairs.
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