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The ontology of 8. Ocho dude. Hachi-desu. Wheet. Aucht! $VERSION='0.0';$d8VS='LCALI4NI';

dic ontology: # query the dictd (Dictionary-Daemon) for salient definitions that project visitors might find inform8ive;

  1. n. `(Computer Science)` a rigorous and exhaustive organiz8ion of some knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical and contains all the relevant entities and their rel8ions... or lack there-of!WutUsA?
  2. n. `(Philosophy )` the metaphysical study of the n8ure of being and existence.
  3. n. `(Logic )` the set of entities presupposed by a theory... or any law?!

I expect after some point (probably passed) anyone who studies Octology thoroughly would be able to develop new video-games and problem-solve well.

"Perl 5 was a machine-shop for making other tools." -LarryWall d8=J6K TPCiP interview. I'd like Octology to be regarded similarly for game-tools.

Please watch my 6-minute Lightning-Talk which I presented for the-Perl-Conference-in-the-Cloud on June 24th, 2020 (d8=K6O) then my 21-minute Black-Jack Tech-Talk more recently at:the-Perl/Raku-Conference-in-the-Cloud on June 9th, 2021 (d8=L69);

Current Top Screen Shots

(examples match those below)

Octology-ftst-shot_1454x927-J5AMD1gZ Octology-tsgr-shot_1454x927-J5AMD3o8

Octology-whag-shot_1454x927-J5AMD7WW Octology-pal8-shot_1454x927-J5AMD9vd

This repository was started in 2017 (d8=HAD) to be the locus for future collabor8ive efforts, and as a site to show top noteworthy screen-shots.

If your paths and Perl environment are setup similarly, to gain a bearing on fundamental Octology utilities and organiz8ion, please try executing:

  • ftst - run the gamut of Perl File TeSTs on the default .Hrc file
  • tsgr - Test Select Graphic Rendition additional text attributes
  • sumb - SUMmarize most ~/bin/ executaBle files rather colorfully
  • pal8 - set first 16-color PALette ("8") for terminal or console

Probably the best way to evalU8 Octology is to build and run a Docker container specified by the following commands, which facilit8 testing:

docker build . -t oct # to be run in the root directory of a git cloned local repository from this project's main oper8ional hyperlink;

docker run -e DISPLAY --mount type=bind,source=/home/pip/.log,target=/home/tst/.log -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it oct #muchworks

To build something close to a similar setup to mine, you'll probably want to execute the following sequences of commands to get going first:

git clone https://GitHub.Com/Pip/Octology # which should crE8 the Octology/ sub-directory in your Current-Working-Directory (or:pwd),

cd Octology; cp -a lib bin dox dvl gfx gmz muz mvz .Hrc .Xrc .bashrc .lrc .lsrc .vimrc .zshrc ~; chsh $(which zsh); cd ~; zsh

and you'll want to: cpanm ... or pmei Time::DaysInMonth since I (through Octology) depend on that module, but am not maintainer of it;

Also the Color::Similarity::RGB module is employed in pm2x to gener8 an expanded pal8 map from the rel8ive proximity of nearby colors;

Great Thanks, AppreC8ion, and Gratitude

I'd first like to thank the p8ient Chess players who endured me logging personal matches in ckm8, then thanks to the many contributors of:

More thanks go out to all of the competitive, cooper8ive, casual, etc. game players who have ever particip8d in versions of Go, Chess, Screeps, or Rubik's Cube descriptions, demonstr8ions, discussions, groups, or gatherings.

Also all cards, dominoes, and dice game players have contributed (at least indirectly) to some of my gr8st sources for communal educ8ion and inspir8ion. Good-Games! Go-Gamers! Grow-Gratitude! Gain-Gr8fulness!

If I have failed to acknowledge, or in any way improperly identified, any other entity who is deserving of better credit and recognition, please appreC8 that such an omission was entirely unintentional... and please let me know the best way I could remedy it.

Octology is NOT Ready for Production!

I must emphasize this software system is NOT ready yet for prime-time. Do NOT use it in a production environment, without careful testing beforehand!

Octology has not been stress-tested for any security purposes. Please use at your own risk and know there are many bugs, document8ion remains troublingly incomplete in many areas, it is sorely missing some needed fE8ures, and it contains probably several possible security issues.

Most of the included code works primarily as designed and performs what it was originally intended to, but it badly needs to undergo more serious testing!

To reiter8: Do NOT use Octology in any Mission-Critical situ8ions! It has many experimental and untested parts. It has essentially been merely an overly ambitious hobby-project, implemented by just a single coder (with effectively no budget, and has had no real concrete goals or milestone schedules yet).

Forgive Some Self-Promotion

If you are willing to fund this development effort, please visit my SubscribeStar or Patreon and feel free to send me the Top8 new fixes and fE8ures you would want most.

Please also contact me if you are an open-minded thinker interested in any convers8ion or friendship (especially near OshKOsh, WisConSin).

To learn about the long-term goals, plans, thinking, and research behind this expansive project, please consult l8St development notes at: 8.utf

Thank you for your consider8ion as well as any constructive criticism, recommend8ions, or whatever other feedback you may be able to offer.

  -PipStuart  8pI  Ate-Pie  =)  Eight-Π

Public Purpose

If I ever become unable to continue developing this project further, my hope is that at least this repository provides others the ability to utilize any of my beneficial work and ideas (hopefully to further FreeLibreSoftware with deriv8ives also seeing release under the GPLv3+).

Secondary Old Screen Shots

(several decently upd8d examples)

Octology-sumb-shot_1614x952-IA3MGSUM Octology-ftst-shot_1614x952-IA3MGato

Octology-ckm8-shot_1918x1027-K7PM2New Octology-tstc-shot_1614x952-IA3MGr8C

(here's my 3 crosses, making 4K HD together)


P.S. I also hope someday aspects of above shots could be seen as logical utility UTF-8 && ASCII-art, or at least inspire bits of crE8ivity && gr8 elabor8ions!;