r2d2 (ros2dorna2) - set of ROS2 packages which provide support for Dorna2 robotic arm.
r2d2_control package contains ROS2 Joint Trajectory Controller node for Dorna2 robotic arm.
NOTE: This is unofficial Dorna ROS2 package. For official Dorna software follow https://dorna.ai/
- Java 22
First build Java part:
gradle clean build
Then build ROS part:
colcon build
source install/setup.zsh
ros2 launch sainsmart-simulator simulate_launch.py
r2d2_control [ <OPTIONS> ]
- URL to Dorna2 robotic arm Command Server. Default: "ws://"
- name of the Dorna2 controller as it will appear to ROS nodes. Default: "dorna2_arm_controller"
- path to r2d2_moveit_config ROS package with MoveIt configuration of Dorna2 arm. Default: "../r2d2_moveit_config"
- how often to publish states of Dorna2 joints. Default: 100
- Elasticsearch URL where metrics will be emitted. Credentials can be part of the URL. Example "http://user:password@localhost:9200" (this option is ignored if "METRICS_ELASTIC_URL" environment variable is present)
- print debug information and log it to r2d2-control-debug.log inside system temporary folder. Default is "false".
aeon_flux aeon_flux@eclipso.ch