r2d2 (ros2dorna2) - set of ROS2 packages which provide support for Dorna2 robotic arm.
NOTE: This is unofficial Dorna ROS2 package. For official Dorna software follow https://dorna.ai/
List of packages:
Testing was done with ROS2 Humble.
git clone \
https://github.com/pinorobotics/r2d2 \
https://github.com/pinorobotics/r2d2_urdf \
https://github.com/pinorobotics/r2d2_moveit_config \
https://github.com/pinorobotics/r2d2_servo \
Build Dorna2 controller:
cd r2d2_control
gradle clean build
Build ROS packages:
colcon build
source install/setup.zsh
Following command starts r2d2_control, MoveIt and RViz:
ros2 launch r2d2 r2d2_launch.py
It expects Dorna2 arm "Command Server" to be reachable on default URL (see r2d2_control
package instructions how to redefine it).
After all nodes are started it is possible to Plan and Execute trajectories from MotionPlanning panel.
Other usage commands for r2d2 packages can be found inside README files of the respective packages (r2d2_servo, r2d2_urdf, ...).
Plan command inside RViz (MotionPlanning panel) could fail with the following error:
[move_group-3] Invalid Trajectory: start point deviates from current robot state more than 0.01 [move_group-3] joint 'Joint_0': expected: 3.01878, current: -0.0814851
This happens because RViz seems to cache last "" state and does not update it after Execute command. To fix this, select "" state again inside "Start State" drop down.
aeon_flux aeon_flux@eclipso.ch