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0UmfHxcvx5J7JoaOhFSs5mncnisTJJ6q committed Oct 25, 2019
1 parent c46b013 commit 3f24daa
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Showing 5 changed files with 200 additions and 198 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
* text=auto

174 changes: 87 additions & 87 deletions R/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
#' Converts a report from one model to another
#' This function converts the content of a reporting file from one model to
#' another
#' The function converts data based on a region mapping and transformation
#' rules which are stored in the variable magclassdata which comes with this
#' library.
#' @param rep Report. Either the file name of a mif file or a report already
#' read in in R.
#' @param inmodel Model the input comes from. If NULL the script tries to
#' detect the inmodel automatically.
#' @param outmodel Model format the data should be converted to. Currently,
#' "MAgPIE" and "REMIND" are available
#' @param full Boolean deciding whether only the converted output should be
#' returned (FALSE) or the new output together with the input (TRUE)
#' @param as.list if TRUE a list is returned (default), if FALSE it is tried to
#' merge all information in one MAgPIE object (still under development and
#' works currently only if the entries for the different models and scenarios
#' have exactly the same regions and years).
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{}},\code{\link{}},\code{\link{magclassdata}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{"report.mif")}
#' @export <- function(rep,inmodel=NULL,outmodel="MAgPIE",full=FALSE,as.list=TRUE) {
# Commets would improve the code
.convert <- function(input,inmodel=NULL,outmodel="MAgPIE",full=FALSE) {
# load all region mappings available and check wether inmodel and outmodel are available
map <- magclassdata$map
if(!(outmodel %in% names(map))) stop("No existing transformation rules for output model \"",outmodel,"\"!",call.=FALSE)
if(!(inmodel %in% names(map[[outmodel]]))) stop("No existing transformation rules for input model \"",inmodel,"\" in combination with output model \"",outmodel,"\"!",call.=FALSE)
if(outmodel %in% names(input)) stop("Input already contains data for model \"",outmodel,"\"",call.=FALSE)
# read regional mapping from inmodel regions to outmodel regions
map <- map[[outmodel]][[inmodel]]
if(!inmodel %in% names(input)) stop(paste0("The inmodel ",inmodel," is not available in the names of input: ",names(input)))
mag <- input[[inmodel]]
# add "GLO" if present in data
if("GLO" %in% getRegions(mag)) map$GLO <- "GLO"
# construct empty outmag object without region names and with variable names that are defined in trans and present in the input data
outmag <- mag[rep(1,length(map)),,unlist(magclassdata$trans)[unlist(magclassdata$trans) %in% getNames(mag)]]
outmag[,,] <- NA
# set regions names to outmodel regions
dimnames(outmag)[[1]] <- names(map)
# transfer data
# map[[reg]] refers to the inmodel region
# reg refers to the outmodel region
for(reg in names(map)) {
elem <- getNames(mag)[getNames(mag) %in% magclassdata$trans$sum]
if(length(elem)>0) if(![[reg]])) suppressWarnings(outmag[reg,,elem] <- colSums(mag[map[[reg]],,elem]))
elem <- getNames(mag)[getNames(mag) %in% magclassdata$trans$mean]
if(length(elem)>0) if(![[reg]])) suppressWarnings(outmag[reg,,elem] <- colMeans(mag[map[[reg]],,elem]))
out <- list();
if(full) out[[inmodel]]=mag;

if(is.character(rep)) rep <-
if(is.null(inmodel)) {
if(length(names(rep[[1]]))==1) inmodel <- names(rep[[1]])
else stop("Not clear which model should be used as input!")

# convert data from inmodel to outmodel
if(inmodel!=outmodel) {
rep <- lapply(rep,.convert,inmodel,outmodel,full)

if(!as.list) {
for(scenario in names(rep)) {
for(model in names(rep[[scenario]])) {
getNames(rep[[scenario]][[model]]) <- paste(scenario,model,getNames(rep[[scenario]][[model]]),sep=".")
rep <- mbind(unlist(rep,recursive=FALSE))
names(dimnames(rep))[3] <- "scenario.model.value"
#' Converts a report from one model to another
#' This function converts the content of a reporting file from one model to
#' another
#' The function converts data based on a region mapping and transformation
#' rules which are stored in the variable magclassdata which comes with this
#' library.
#' @param rep Report. Either the file name of a mif file or a report already
#' read in in R.
#' @param inmodel Model the input comes from. If NULL the script tries to
#' detect the inmodel automatically.
#' @param outmodel Model format the data should be converted to. Currently,
#' "MAgPIE" and "REMIND" are available
#' @param full Boolean deciding whether only the converted output should be
#' returned (FALSE) or the new output together with the input (TRUE)
#' @param as.list if TRUE a list is returned (default), if FALSE it is tried to
#' merge all information in one MAgPIE object (still under development and
#' works currently only if the entries for the different models and scenarios
#' have exactly the same regions and years).
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{}},\code{\link{}},\code{\link{magclassdata}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{"report.mif")}
#' @export <- function(rep,inmodel=NULL,outmodel="MAgPIE",full=FALSE,as.list=TRUE) {
# Commets would improve the code
.convert <- function(input,inmodel=NULL,outmodel="MAgPIE",full=FALSE) {
# load all region mappings available and check wether inmodel and outmodel are available
map <- magclassdata$map
if(!(outmodel %in% names(map))) stop("No existing transformation rules for output model \"",outmodel,"\"!",call.=FALSE)
if(!(inmodel %in% names(map[[outmodel]]))) stop("No existing transformation rules for input model \"",inmodel,"\" in combination with output model \"",outmodel,"\"!",call.=FALSE)
if(outmodel %in% names(input)) stop("Input already contains data for model \"",outmodel,"\"",call.=FALSE)
# read regional mapping from inmodel regions to outmodel regions
map <- map[[outmodel]][[inmodel]]
if(!inmodel %in% names(input)) stop(paste0("The inmodel ",inmodel," is not available in the names of input: ",names(input)))
mag <- input[[inmodel]]
# add "GLO" if present in data
if("GLO" %in% getRegions(mag)) map$GLO <- "GLO"
# construct empty outmag object without region names and with variable names that are defined in trans and present in the input data
outmag <- mag[rep(1,length(map)),,unlist(magclassdata$trans)[unlist(magclassdata$trans) %in% getNames(mag)]]
outmag[,,] <- NA
# set regions names to outmodel regions
dimnames(outmag)[[1]] <- names(map)
# transfer data
# map[[reg]] refers to the inmodel region
# reg refers to the outmodel region
for(reg in names(map)) {
elem <- getNames(mag)[getNames(mag) %in% magclassdata$trans$sum]
if(length(elem)>0) if(![[reg]])) suppressWarnings(outmag[reg,,elem] <- colSums(mag[map[[reg]],,elem]))
elem <- getNames(mag)[getNames(mag) %in% magclassdata$trans$mean]
if(length(elem)>0) if(![[reg]])) suppressWarnings(outmag[reg,,elem] <- colMeans(mag[map[[reg]],,elem]))
out <- list();
if(full) out[[inmodel]]=mag;

if(is.character(rep)) rep <-
if(is.null(inmodel)) {
if(length(names(rep[[1]]))==1) inmodel <- names(rep[[1]])
else stop("Not clear which model should be used as input!")

# convert data from inmodel to outmodel
if(inmodel!=outmodel) {
rep <- lapply(rep,.convert,inmodel,outmodel,full)

if(!as.list) {
for(scenario in names(rep)) {
for(model in names(rep[[scenario]])) {
getNames(rep[[scenario]][[model]]) <- paste(scenario,model,getNames(rep[[scenario]][[model]]),sep=".")
rep <- mbind(unlist(rep,recursive=FALSE))
names(dimnames(rep))[3] <- "scenario.model.value"
134 changes: 67 additions & 67 deletions R/dimCode.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
#' dimCode
#' Function converts a dimension name or number to a dimension Code used for
#' MAgPIE objects
#' @param dim A vector of dimension numbers or dimension names which should be
#' translated
#' @param x MAgPIE object in which the dimensions should be searched for.
#' @param missing Either a value to which a dimension should be set in case
#' that it is not found (default is 0), or "stop" indicating that the function
#' should throw an error in these cases.
#' @param sep A character separating joined dimension names
#' @return A dimension code identifying the dimension. Either a integer which
#' represents the main dimensions (1=spatial, 2=temporal, 3=data) or a numeric,
#' representing the subdimensions of a dimension (e.g. 3.2 for the second data
#' dimension).
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Kristine Karstens
#' @seealso \code{\link{mselect}}, \code{\link{getDim}}
#' @examples
#' data(population_magpie)
#' dimCode(c("t","scenario","blablub"),population_magpie)
#' @export dimCode
dimCode <- function(dim, x, missing=0, sep="."){

#function to translate dim to dim code
if(is.character(dim)) {

# get super dims and initialize dim number array
set <- getSets(x, fulldim=FALSE, sep=sep)
dnames <- dim
dim <- numeric()

# loop over all entries for dim
for(i in (1:length(dnames))){

# get superdim and check for appearance and uniqueness
superdim <- grep(paste0("(\\.|^)",dnames[i],"(\\.|$)"), set)

if(length(superdim) > 1) {stop('One or more elements were found more than once in x!')
} else if(length(superdim) == 0) {dim[i] <- 0
} else {

# split in subdims and calculate dimension Code
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(set[superdim], split=sep, fixed=TRUE))

subdim <- grep(paste0("^",dnames[i],"($)"), tmp)
if(length(subdim) > 1) stop('One or more elements were found more than once or not at all in x!')
} else {subdim <- 0}

dim[i] <- as.numeric(superdim + subdim/10)

names(dim) <- dnames

# check for errors and set "missing"
if(any(dim>=4) | any(dim<1)) {
if(missing=="stop") stop("illegal dimension. Use either dimension 1, 2, or 3, or if you want to address subdimensions use 3.1, 3.2, ...")
dim[dim>=4 | dim<1] <- missing

#' dimCode
#' Function converts a dimension name or number to a dimension Code used for
#' MAgPIE objects
#' @param dim A vector of dimension numbers or dimension names which should be
#' translated
#' @param x MAgPIE object in which the dimensions should be searched for.
#' @param missing Either a value to which a dimension should be set in case
#' that it is not found (default is 0), or "stop" indicating that the function
#' should throw an error in these cases.
#' @param sep A character separating joined dimension names
#' @return A dimension code identifying the dimension. Either a integer which
#' represents the main dimensions (1=spatial, 2=temporal, 3=data) or a numeric,
#' representing the subdimensions of a dimension (e.g. 3.2 for the second data
#' dimension).
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Kristine Karstens
#' @seealso \code{\link{mselect}}, \code{\link{getDim}}
#' @examples
#' data(population_magpie)
#' dimCode(c("t","scenario","blablub"),population_magpie)
#' @export dimCode
dimCode <- function(dim, x, missing=0, sep="."){

#function to translate dim to dim code
if(is.character(dim)) {

# get super dims and initialize dim number array
set <- getSets(x, fulldim=FALSE, sep=sep)
dnames <- dim
dim <- numeric()

# loop over all entries for dim
for(i in (1:length(dnames))){

# get superdim and check for appearance and uniqueness
superdim <- grep(paste0("(\\.|^)",dnames[i],"(\\.|$)"), set)

if(length(superdim) > 1) {stop('One or more elements were found more than once in x!')
} else if(length(superdim) == 0) {dim[i] <- 0
} else {

# split in subdims and calculate dimension Code
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(set[superdim], split=sep, fixed=TRUE))

subdim <- grep(paste0("^",dnames[i],"($)"), tmp)
if(length(subdim) > 1) stop('One or more elements were found more than once or not at all in x!')
} else {subdim <- 0}

dim[i] <- as.numeric(superdim + subdim/10)

names(dim) <- dnames

# check for errors and set "missing"
if(any(dim>=4) | any(dim<1)) {
if(missing=="stop") stop("illegal dimension. Use either dimension 1, 2, or 3, or if you want to address subdimensions use 3.1, 3.2, ...")
dim[dim>=4 | dim<1] <- missing

80 changes: 40 additions & 40 deletions R/magpply.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
#' @title magpply
#' @description apply command for magpieobjects. Very efficient for replacing loops.
#' @param X magpie object
#' @param FUN function that shall be applied X
#' @param MARGIN dimension over which FUN shall be applied (like a loop over that dimension). This dimension will be preserved in the output object
#' @param ... further parameters passed on to FUN
#' @param integrate if TRUE, the output will be filled into an magpie object of the same dimensionality as X
#' @return magpie object
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("population_magpie")
#' magpply(population_magpie,FUN=sum,MARGIN=2)
#' fourdim<-population_magpie*setNames(population_magpie,c("jkk","lk"))
#' magpply(fourdim,FUN=sum,MARGIN=c(1,3.1))
#' magpply(fourdim,FUN=function(x){return(x+1)},MARGIN=c(1,3.1),integrate=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export magpply

for(counter in which(MARGIN>3)){

out<-apply(X = X,FUN = FUN,MARGIN=MARGIN)
} else {
out <- updateMetadata(out,X,unit="copy",source="copy",calcHistory="copy",description="copy")
#' @title magpply
#' @description apply command for magpieobjects. Very efficient for replacing loops.
#' @param X magpie object
#' @param FUN function that shall be applied X
#' @param MARGIN dimension over which FUN shall be applied (like a loop over that dimension). This dimension will be preserved in the output object
#' @param ... further parameters passed on to FUN
#' @param integrate if TRUE, the output will be filled into an magpie object of the same dimensionality as X
#' @return magpie object
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("population_magpie")
#' magpply(population_magpie,FUN=sum,MARGIN=2)
#' fourdim<-population_magpie*setNames(population_magpie,c("jkk","lk"))
#' magpply(fourdim,FUN=sum,MARGIN=c(1,3.1))
#' magpply(fourdim,FUN=function(x){return(x+1)},MARGIN=c(1,3.1),integrate=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export magpply

for(counter in which(MARGIN>3)){

out<-apply(X = X,FUN = FUN,MARGIN=MARGIN)
} else {
out <- updateMetadata(out,X,unit="copy",source="copy",calcHistory="copy",description="copy")

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