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File metadata and controls

184 lines (142 loc) · 5.16 KB

How to configure the application

General configuration

The application allows the configuration of:

  1. Verifier API
  2. Issuing API

Via the WalletCoreConfig interface inside the business-logic module.

interface WalletCoreConfig {
    val config: EudiWalletConfig

You can configure the EudiWalletConfig per flavor. You can find both implementations inside the core-logic module at src/demo/config/WalletCoreConfigImpl and src/dev/config/WalletCoreConfigImpl

    private companion object {
        const val OPENID4VP_VERIFIER_API_URI = ""
        const val OPENID4VP_VERIFIER_CLIENT_ID = "Verifier"
        const val VCI_ISSUER_URL = ""
        const val VCI_CLIENT_ID = "wallet-demo"
        const val AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = false
  1. Trusted certificates

Via the WalletCoreConfig interface.

interface WalletCoreConfig {
    val config: EudiWalletConfig

Same as the Verifier and Issuing APIs you can configure the Trusted certificates for the EudiWalletConfig per flavor inside the core-logic module at src/demo/config/WalletCoreConfigImpl and src/dev/config/WalletCoreConfigImpl

_config = EudiWalletConfig.Builder(context)

The application's certificates are located here:

You will also find the IACA certificate here. (trusted iaca root certificates).

Theme configuration

The application allows the configuration of:

  1. Colors
  2. Images
  3. Shape
  4. Fonts
  5. Dimension

Via ThemeManager.Builder().

Pin Storage configuration

The application allows the configuration of the PIN storage. You can configure the following:

  1. Where the pin will be stored
  2. From where the pin will be retrieved
  3. Pin matching and validity

Via the StorageConfig inside the authentication-logic module.

interface StorageConfig {
    val pinStorageProvider: PinStorageProvider
    val biometryStorageProvider: BiometryStorageProvider

You can provide your storage implementation by implementing the PinStorageProvider interface and then setting it as default to the StorageConfigImpl pinStorageProvider variable. The project utilizes Koin for Dependency Injection (DI), thus requiring adjustment of the LogicAuthenticationModule graph to provide the configuration.

Implementation Example:

class PrefsPinStorageProvider(
    private val prefsController: PrefsController
) : PinStorageProvider {

    override fun retrievePin(): String {
        return prefsController.getString("DevicePin", "")

    override fun setPin(pin: String) {
        prefsController.setString("DevicePin", pin)

    override fun isPinValid(pin: String): Boolean = retrievePin() == pin

Config Example:

class StorageConfigImpl(
    private val pinImpl: PinStorageProvider,
    private val biometryImpl: BiometryStorageProvider
) : StorageConfig {
    override val pinStorageProvider: PinStorageProvider
        get() = pinImpl
    override val biometryStorageProvider: BiometryStorageProvider
        get() = biometryImpl

Config Construction via Koin DI Example:

fun provideStorageConfig(
    prefsController: PrefsController
): StorageConfig = StorageConfigImpl(
    pinImpl = PrefsPinStorageProvider(prefsController),
    biometryImpl = PrefsBiometryStorageProvider(prefsController)

Analytics configuration

The application allows the configuration of multiple analytics providers. You can configure the following:

  1. Initializing the provider (e.g. Firebase, Appcenter, etc...)
  2. Screen logging
  3. Event logging

Via the AnalyticsConfig inside the analytics-logic module.

interface AnalyticsConfig {
    val analyticsProviders: Map<String, AnalyticsProvider>
        get() = emptyMap()

You can provide your implementation by implementing the AnalyticsProvider interface and then adding it to your AnalyticsConfigImpl analyticsProviders variable. You will also need the provider's token/key, thus requiring a Map<String, AnalyticsProvider> configuration. The project utilizes Koin for Dependency Injection (DI), thus requiring adjustment of the LogicAnalyticsModule graph to provide the configuration.

Implementation Example:

object AppCenterAnalyticsProvider : AnalyticsProvider {
    override fun initialize(context: Application, key: String) {

    override fun logScreen(name: String, arguments: Map<String, String>) {
        logEvent(name, arguments)

    override fun logEvent(event: String, arguments: Map<String, String>) {
        if (Analytics.isEnabled().get()) {
            Analytics.trackEvent(event, arguments)

Config Example:

class AnalyticsConfigImpl : AnalyticsConfig {
    override val analyticsProviders: Map<String, AnalyticsProvider>
        get() = mapOf("YOUR_OWN_KEY" to AppCenterAnalyticsProvider)

Config Construction via Koin DI Example:

fun provideAnalyticsConfig(): AnalyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfigImpl()