This project creates full-stack platform-specific packages for
! ohai-solo
is a sandboxed distribution of Chef's
Ohai system profiler with extra plugins from
our ohai-plugins repo.
We'll assume you have Ruby 1.9+ and Bundler installed. First ensure all required gems are installed and ready to use:
$ bundle install --binstubs
You create a platform-specific package using the build project
$ bin/omnibus build project ohai-solo
The platform/architecture type of the package created will match the platform
where the build project
command is invoked. So running this command on say a
MacBook Pro will generate a Mac OS X specific package. After the build
completes packages will be available in pkg/
You can clean up all temporary files generated during the build process with
the clean
$ bin/omnibus clean
Adding the --purge
purge option removes ALL files generated during the
build including the project install directory (/opt/ohai-solo
) and
the package cache directory (/var/cache/omnibus/pkg
$ bin/omnibus clean --purge
Full help for the Omnibus command line interface can be accessed with the
$ bin/omnibus help
Every Omnibus project ships will a project-specific Berksfile and Vagrantfile that will allow you to build your projects on the following platforms:
- CentOS 5 64-bit
- CentOS 6 64-bit
- Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
- Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit
- Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit
- Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
- Debian 6 64-bit
- Debian 7 64-bit
The vagrant-berkshelf and vagrant-omnibus Vagrant plugins are also required and can be installed easily with the following commands:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
Once the pre-requisites are installed you can build your package across all platforms with the following command:
$ vagrant up
If you would like to build a package for a single platform the command looks like this:
$ vagrant up PLATFORM
The complete list of valid platform names can be viewed with the
vagrant status